In FIFA 22 Ultimate Team, the Weekend League is the toughest and most lucrative competition. Here are 7 tips to get you off to a strong start in FUT Champions.
This is the Weekend League: The FUT Champions Weekend League is the most important and toughest competition in FIFA Ultimate Team. There are the best rewards in the form of coins, packs and player picks in which you can get guaranteed TOTW players .
Unlike in previous years, the competition no longer takes place exclusively on weekends. In FIFA 22, FUT Champions is divided into play-offs and finals. The play-offs take place during the week and the finals continue to take place on the weekend.
But it doesn't matter whether you play the FUT Champions Play-offs or the finals on the weekend. We'll tell you what you have to do to get as many victories as possible.
When does the first Weekend League start? Once you've qualified for the finals, the first Weekend League will start on October 8, 2021.
Don't jump into the Weekend League right away
Before you start in the Weekend League, it is advisable to do a warm-up match in Division Rivals or Squad Battles . Because it often takes a while until your fingers are warm, the skill moves are correct and you actually arrive in competition mode.
So a warm-up game can't hurt to get you in the right FIFA mood. Especially because your opponent will probably be warmed up by previous games.
Always plays with focus
If you take the lead early in the Weekend League with several goals and already believe in a sure win, your concentration can easily go flat. You look at your cell phone, think of something else and suddenly the opponent scores one goal after the other.
To prevent this, you should always try to stay focused and give your all until the last minute. Many players also find it helpful to listen to music or turn off the commentators in order to be more focused.
G Never eBt on
Anything can happen in football and it is the same in FIFA. So do not give up the game early if you are 2 goals behind in the 80th minute. With concentration you can still manage to score the necessary goals and get the win.
However, if you lose focus, are frustrated and no longer believe in victory, then the game is over.
Play with your best players and the best formation
There is no room for experiments in the Weekend League. When you start the competition, your top team should be on the field. You should also have extensively tested your formation and tactics beforehand in Division Rivals so that you are familiar with the routes and positions of your players.
Also, make sure you have a strong bank. Being able to replace a few strong super subs at the end can often make the difference.
Don't put any pressure on yourself
Absolutely having to get a certain number of wins is not a good prerequisite for the Weekend League. Rather, you should think from game to game and not put pressure on yourself. Then it is much more relaxed to play.
Time pressure is also an important factor. Don't play another game if you don't really have time and your head is completely different.
Take enough breaks
The Weekend League was reduced by 10 games, so that only 20 games are pending. However, trying to complete these as quickly as possible is often not a good idea.
For example, if you are in a losing streak, it is tempting to want to “at least stop with a win”. But that can go really wrong: You keep playing, lose your enthusiasm for playing and your concentration - and give up game after game. It is more advisable to draw a line and continue playing later.
So take a break and try again later or the next day.
Get to grips with the FIFA 22 meta
In the Weekend League you will meet experienced players who will know the game very well. So in order not to be at a disadvantage, it is important to know which passes, shots and tricks are effective in FIFA 22. Here is a brief overview:
These are the strongest shots:
- Long-range shots in front of the penalty area: Hold R1 / RB and charge the shot button.
- Power shot from the sixteen: Hold down the shot button and aim into the far corner.
- Aimed low shot from close range: Hold down R1 / RB and L1 / LB, charge the shot button and aim at the desired corner.
The most effective tricks:
- Lifted through pass for a deadly pass: at the right moment, hold down L1 (LB) and tap the triangle (Y) twice.
- Full tension flank to change the side: Hold R1 (RB) and then square (X).
- Faked shot for a sudden change of direction: To do this, press the shot button and then press L2 + R2 (LT + RT) and the desired direction with the stick.
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