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Hextech Augment TFT, what is the list of Augmentations in Set 6?

 In TFT Set 6, there are over 140 Hextech Augments (or Augment) that will determine how your game goes. We explain how they work and give you the full list.

The new mechanics of TFT's Set 6 is the presence of Hextech Augments (or Hextech Augments ). These are unique bonuses given to the different players in the game and which they must choose to go the best with their game plan.

Here are all the details on how Hextech Augments work.

How does Hextech Augment work in TFT Set 6?

In Rounds 1-4, 3-3, and 4-6 , all players are offered three Hextech Augments. They can choose one of the three and unlock the bonus it gives for the rest of the game. 

How does Hextech Augment work in TFT Set 6?

Hextech Augments come in more or less powerful thirds , but all players have a choice of Augments of the same tier . For example if in round 1-4 a player is offered a Tier 1, Tier 2 and Tier 3 Boost, then all other players will have the same tiers in their proposals. They will not necessarily have the exact same Increases .

Indeed, there are over 140 different Hextech Augments . Here is the full list.

The Tier 1 Hextech Augmentation list 

Calculated Loss After losing a fight, gain 2 Gold and a free Reroll.
Dominance After winning a battle, gain 1 bonus PO for every 2 units still alive.
Hyper Roll If you have less than 10 GP at the end of the round, gain 3 GP.
Wise Spending Earn 1 XP every time you refresh your store.
Binary Airdrop Your units equipped with 2 items temporarily gain a third random item at the start of combat.
Item Grab Bag I Gain 1 full item and 1 Reforger.
Phony Frontline Earn 2 Training Dummies.
Pandora's Items Win a random component. At the start of each turn, the items on your bench are changed randomly (except Spatulas, Force of Nature and consumables).
Ascension After 15 seconds of combat, your units deal 100% more damage.
Built Different I Your units that have no active trait gain 200 health and 30% attack speed.
Celestial Blessing I Your units heal for 10% of the damage dealt by their spells and skills. If they already have all of their HP, the healing is converted to a shield up to 300 HP.
Knife's Edge I Your units that start combat on the first two lines gain 30 attack damage.
Cybernetic Implants I Your units equipped with an item gain 300 health and 20 attack damage.
Exiles I Your units that start combat without adjacent allies gain 40% of their max health shield for 8 seconds.
Featherweights I Your 1 and 2 GP units gain 40% attack and movement speed.
First Aid Kit All healing and shields received by your units are increased by 35%.
Makeshift Armor I Your units without items gain 30 armor and magic resist.
Scoped Weapons Double the range of your ranged champions, and their attacks can't miss.
Stand United I Your units gain 3 attack damage and power per active trait in your team.
Thrill of the Hunt I Your units gain 300 VP when they kill.
Underdogs Whenever your team has fewer units alive than the opponent, your units regenerate 15% of their missing HP every second.
Weakspot Your units' attacks ignore 25% of the target's armor and reduce their healing by 50% for 10 seconds.
Student's Heart Your team counts as if you have one more Student.
Heart of the Arcanist Your team counts as if you have one more Arcanist.
Runic Shield I Arcanists begin combat with a shield equal to 400% of their magical power.
Heart of the Assassin Your team counts as if you have one more Assassin.
Cuttthroat Assassins attack the mana of the first unit they attack, increasing the mana cost of their next spell by 65%.
Smoke Bomb The first time Assassins drop below 60% health, they briefly become invisible, becoming unbearable and ignoring negative effects.
Bodyguard Heart Your team counts as if you have one more Bodyguard.
Stand Behind me At the start of combat, Bodyguards give 100% of their bonus armor to non-Bodyguard allies that are directly behind them. This bonus does not add up.
Heart of the Fighter Your team counts as if you have one more Fighter.
Shrug it off Fighters regenerate by 2% of their maximum health every second.
Heart of the Challenger Your team counts as if you have one more Challenger.
On guard The first time an enemy is attacked by a Challenger, it is disarmed for 4 seconds.
Chemical Overload I Techno-Chemists explode when they die, dealing 50% of their max HP as magic damage within 2 squares around them.
Heart of the Techno-Chemist Your team counts as if you had one more Techno-Chemist.
Heart of Mechanics Your team counts as if you have one more Mechanic.
Heart of the Justice Your team counts as if you have one more Vigilante.
Imperial Heart Your team counts as if you have one more Imperial.
All For One When an ally dies, they grant 25% of their max HP to the Tyrant.
Heart of the Innovator Your team counts as if you have one more Innovator.
Self-Repair When Innovation dies, it becomes untargetable and repairs itself if an Innovator is still alive.
Heart of the Enchanter Your team counts as if you have an additional Enchanter.
Mercenary Heart Your team counts as if you have one more Mercenary.
Pirates Mercenaries have a 50% chance to gain 1 Gold when they kill an enemy.
Mutant Heart Your team counts as if you have one more Mutant.
Unstable Evolution Mutants randomly gain one of the following bonuses if they pass 2 stars: 500 HP, 35% attack speed, 35 attack damage, or 35 ability power. These bonuses add up.
Protector's Heart Your team counts as if you have one more Protector.
Heart of the Scholar Your team counts as if you have one more Scholar.
Lifelong learning Scholars who survive combat gain a permanent bonus of 3 ability power.
Heart of the Junkyard Your team counts as if you have one more Junkyard.
Tinker Each round of combat where Scrap Metal is active, gain either a Magnetic Suppressor or a Reforger.
Sniper's Heart Your team counts as if you have one more Sniper.
Sniper's Nest Snipers gain + 8% damage per round they started on the same square (maximum + 40%).
Heart of the Star Your team counts as if you have one more Star.
Duet You summon an additional Star space.
Heart of the Underworld Your team counts as if you have one more Underworld.
One For All When your Pègres die, they give the other Pègres 20 attack damage and 20 ability power.
Heart of the Repeater Your team counts as if you have one more Extender.
So Small Yordles gain 35% dodge chance. 

The Tier 2 Augment Hextech List

Rich Get Richer Earn 10 gold. Your maximum interest is increased to 7.
High Roller Win 2 loaded dice.
Ancient Archives Earn a Tome of Emblems.
Clear mind If you have no unit on your bench at the end of the round, gain 4 XP.
High End Shopping Champions appear in your store as if you were 1 level higher.
Woodland Charm At the start of the fight, your champion with the most HP creates a copy of himself with 1500 HP and no items.
March of Progress Gain 4 bonus XP per round. You can no longer buy XP.
Trade Sector Earn a free Reroll every round.
Sunfire Board At the start of combat, burn all enemies by 40% of their max HP over 16 seconds and reduce their healing by 50%.
Metabolic Accelerator Your Little Legend moves faster and gains 2 VP at the start of each round.
Salvage Bin Earn a full item. Selling a champion breaks his items into components (except Force of Nature).
Built Different II Your units that have no active trait gain 300 health and 45% attack speed.
Celestial Blessing II Your units heal for 15% of the damage dealt by their spells and skills. If they already have all of their HP, the healing is converted to a shield up to 450 HP.
Knife's Edge II Your units that start combat on the first two lines gain 45 attack damage.
Cybernetic Implants II Your units equipped with an item gain 450 health and 30 attack damage.
Exiles II Your units that start combat without adjacent allies gain a shield of 60% of their max health for 8 seconds.
Featherweights II Your 1 and 2 GP units gain 60% attack and movement speed.
Makeshift Armor II Your units without items gain 45 armor and magic resist.
Stand United II Your units gain 4 attack damage and power per active trait in your team.
Thrill of the Hunt II Your units gain 450 VP when they kill.
Student Emblem Gain 1 Student Emblem.
Arcanist Emblem Gain 1 Arcanist Emblem.
Runic Shield II Arcanists begin combat with a shield equal to 600% their magical power.
Assassin's Emblem Gain 1 Assassin Emblem.
Bodyguard emblem Gain 1 Bodyguard Emblem.
Emblem of the Fighter Gain 1 Fighter Emblem.
Challenger emblem Earn 1 Challenger Emblem.
Chemical Overload II Techno-Chemists explode when they die, dealing 75% of their max HP as magic damage within 2 squares around them.
Emblem of the Techno-Chemist Gain 1 Techno-Chemist Emblem.
Instant Injection Techno-Chemists also gain bonuses at the start of the fight.
Mechanics emblem Gain 1 Mechanical Emblem.
Armor Plating Colossi become invulnerable for 2 seconds the first time they drop below 60% and 30% HP.
Ardent Censer Allies that are healed or receive a shield from an Enchanter gain 15% attack speed until the end of combat. This effect can occur every 2 seconds or less and can stack.
Imperial emblem Gain 1 Imperial Emblem.
Dual Rule There are now 2 Tyrants.
Mercenary Emblem Gain 1 Mercenary Emblem.
Gold Reserves Mercenaries deal 1% more damage for every Gold you have (up to + 60%).
Mutant Emblem Gain 1 Mutant Emblem.
Protector's Emblem Gain 1 Protective Emblem.
Emblem of the Scholar Gain 1 Scholar Emblem.
Junkyard Emblem Gain 1 Junkyard Emblem.
Sniper emblem Gain 1 Sniper Emblem.
Share the Spotlight Allies adjacent to a Star space at the start of combat gain 50% of the bonus.
Emblem of the Underworld Gain 1 Underworld Emblem.
Sharpshooter Repeater ranged attacks and skills can bounce once, dealing 20% ​​less damage. 

The Tier 3 Hextech Augmentation list

Wind Fall Earn Gold based on the number of Augments you already have:
0 = 20 PO
1 = 25 PO
2 = 30 PO
Portable Forge Open an Armory and choose 1 of 3 Unique Artifacts Forged By Ornn.
Band of Thieves Gain 2 Thief's Gloves.
New recruit Earn 1 more place in your team.
Golden ticket Every time you refresh your store, you have a 35% chance to get a free reroll.
Item Grab Bag II Earn 2 complete items and 2 Reforgers.
Level Up! When you buy XP, get 4 more. You can now pass level 10.
Built Different III Your units that have no active trait gain 400 health and 60% attack speed.
Celestial Blessing III Your units heal for 20% of the damage dealt by their spells and skills. If they already have all of their HP, the healing is converted to a shield up to 600 HP.
Knife's Edge III Your units that start combat on the first two lines gain 60 attack damage.
Cybernetic Implants III Your units equipped with an item gain 600 health and 40 attack damage.
Exiles III Your units that start combat without adjacent allies gain a shield of 80% of their max HP for 8 seconds.
Featherweights III Your 1 and 2 GP units gain 80% attack and movement speed.
Makeshift Armor III Your units without items gain 60 armor and magic resist.
Stand United III Your units gain 6 attack damage and power per active trait in your team.
Thrill of the Hunt III Your units gain 600 VP when they kill.
Student Soul Your team counts as if you had 2 more Students.
Cram Session After casting their first spell, Students regain 80% of their mana.
Soul of the Arcanist Your team counts as if you had 2 more Arcanists.
Runic Shield III Arcanists begin combat with a shield equal to 800% of their magical power.
Soul of the Assassin Your team counts as if you have 2 more Assassins.
Soul of the Bodyguard Your team counts as if you had 2 more Bodyguards.
Soul of the Fighter Your team counts as if you had 2 more Fighters.
Soul of the Challenger Your team counts as if you have 2 more Challengers.
Chemical Overload III Techno-Chemists explode when they die, dealing 100% of their max HP as magic damage within 2 squares.
Soul of the Techno-Chemist Your team counts as if you had 2 more Techno-Chemists.
Soul of Mechanics Your team counts as if you have 2 more Mechanics.
Broken Stopwatch At 8 seconds of combat, all enemies and allies that are not Mechanical are frozen in time for 4 seconds.
Soul of the Enchanter Your team counts as if you have 2 more Enchanters.
Soul of the Justice Your team counts as if you have 2 more vigilantes.
Soul of the Imperial Your team counts as if you have 2 more Imperials.
Soul of the Innovator Your team counts as if you have 2 more Innovators.
Soul of the Mercenary Your team counts as if you have 2 more Mercenaries.
Soul of the Mutant Your team counts as if you have 2 more Mutants.
Soul of the Protector Your team counts as if you have 2 more Protectors.
Soul of the Scholar Your team counts as if you have 2 more Scholars.
Soul of the Junkyard Your team counts as if you had 2 more Junkyard.
Junkyard Every 3 combat rounds when Scrap Metal is active, gain a random component.
Soul of the Sniper Your team counts as if you have 2 more Snipers.
Soul of the Star Your team counts as if you have 2 more Stars.
Soul of the Underworld Your team counts as if you have 2 more Pègres.
Payday After winning a fight, gain 1 bonus PO for each Underworld still alive.
Soul of the Repeater Your team counts as if you have 2 more Repeaters. 

