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How to resolve the Character Persist Failure bug?

How to resolve the Character Persist Failure bug?

 In New World, sometimes players will encounter the Character_Persist_Failure error message, you will be shown how to fix it.

players New World like many other online games will occasionally encounter error messages when trying to log into the game or while playing.

Among the codes present within the title, we find one which says the message " Character_Persist_Failure " and which appeared following the arrival of the world transfer for the characters. At the moment, there is no definitive solution yet and the developers are working to resolve it.

Is there a fix for the Character Persist Failure bug on New World?

If you are looking to see if there is a workaround for the above mentioned bug, there is no way to fix it yet . The developers are aware that this issue arose with the release of character transfer and affects all characters that were recently transferred. In case you run into this problem, the customer service members on the forums ( source ) ask players to message the support service with their logs . To obtain them, you will have to do the following actions: 

  • Press key Windows + R on your keyboard
  • Then type % appdata% in the window that just opened and press Enter
  • Open now the newest file in the folder / AppData / Local / AGS / LogBackups
  • Finally, copy the text contained in the file and paste it in your message to the helpdesk
 While waiting for the developers to find a solution, be careful if you want to transfer your character from one world to another or wait for a "fix" to be available to make this transfer.
