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TFT Set 6 PBE, date and time of exit in test phase

TFT Set 6 PBE, date and time of exit in test phase

 TFT's Set 6 will be released on the PBE very soon. Here's the date and time of the release, as well as how to install the test client so you can try out the new set ahead of time.

TFT's Set 6 will be released on Wednesday, November 3, 2021 on live servers. He brings with him 58 new champions , the 27 new classes and backgrounds , a 2v2 fashion , the Hextech Increases ...

However, you won't have to wait until November 3 to get your hands on Set 6. It will be available very soon on the PBE! 

TFT Set 6 release date and time on the PBE

Set 6 will be available on the PBE from Tuesday, October 19, 2021. The time may obviously be an approximation, but here is the information revealed by Riot Games. 

Obviously remember that the PBE is a test area , the game will be updated regularly and will not yet be like its final version which will be released two weeks later.

How to install and play on the PBE?

If you want to try out the set before it's on the live server, you can create a PBE account for yourself. To do so, go to the official League of Legends website to create a new account . Once this is done, you can go to the PBE registration page to change your new account to a PBE account, and then install the client.

If you already have a LoL account that is at least Honor 3 , you can register on the PBE with it instead. 
