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Age of Empires 4 Build Order: The best build orders in the Dark Ages

 In real-time strategy games like Age of Empires 4, the speed at which you expand your empire and boost the economy plays a major role. This is the only way to be well prepared to repel enemy attacks and to set up an army that is superior to the opponents. In this guide we introduce you to effective building sequences for single player and multiplayer battles.

Age of Empires 4 Build Order: The best build orders in the Dark Ages

The basics

In Age of Empires 4 there are a total of eight races to choose from, all of which have their strengths and weaknesses and, compared to Age of Empires 2, differ more in their style of play. But whichever people you choose, from the first age to the beginning of the second age, the basics of the building sequence do not differ fundamentally from each other . The available buildings have for the most part the same functions and the following applies to every people: You should leave the dark ages behind you as quickly as possible. 

The game starts under these conditions:

  • Raw materials:
    • 200 food
    • 150 wood
    • 100 Gold
    • 0 stones
  • units
    • 6 villagers
    • 1 scout

Your goal is to scrape together in no time at all 400 food and 200 gold to advance into the next age. At this point you should already have plenty of villagers available, which is why their training should never stagnate. Furthermore, the choice of buildings that you build in the first age should be very limited.

Refrain from erecting the following buildings in the Dark Ages:

  • barracks
  • Harbor
  • Outpost
  • Palisadenwall
  • Palisadentor
  • field
  • Mill (if possible)

Standard Build-Order

 Annotation: This is an example of a construction sequence that will quickly propel you into the second age. The process is not set in stone and can vary slightly depending on your prioritized goals.

 Orders four of the initial villagers to slaughter the sheep in front of the village center and assigns the other two to cut wood in the nearest forest. Do not forget about the immediate training of new villagers (50 food): The training chain should still be broken . Then explore the surrounding area with the scout to pick up new sheep and then unload them in the village center.

Tip: It happens that you don't find any sheep. In this case, there may be wild animals in the vicinity. You can build a mill near it and send your villagers to hunt.

The first villager to leave the village center should immediately a house build (50 pieces of wood). After that, it is advisable to set up a lumberjack camp (50 wood) very close to your two lumberjacks, as well as a camp miners (50 wood) right next to the nearest gold vein. Let the "builder" and another (new) villager mine gold.

Tip: Make sure that a total of at least two villagers mine gold, eight residents collect food and cut two more trees.

The next step is to advance to feudal times (400 food, 200 gold). All other villagers who leave the village center in the meantime can also have food collected. You can put excess gold into the logging camp technology "Forestry" (25 food, 50 gold), with which trees can be felled twice as quickly. Do you have the raw materials together, you can subtract two or three villagers from the food and erect the "feudal era" building.

The reason for this construction sequence is easy to explain: Through the constant training of new villagers you lose 50 food again and again, which is why you should have as many villagers as possible collect food. After all, you need the most of them to pass into the feudal era. Since the gold available to you remains untouched, you only have to mine an additional 100 gold in order to reach 200 gold for the next age.


  • Continuous training of new villagers.
  • Four villagers collect food from sheep / wild animals, two villagers cut wood.
  • The scout is rounding up sheep.
  • Build order: House> Lumberjack Camp> Miners Camp.
  • Two new villagers mine gold, all other food
  • As you progress into the feudal age, you can subtract two food collectors for the building.

Build order for two village centers 

 Annotation: This is an example of a building sequence that allows you to quickly build a second village center. The process is not set in stone and can vary slightly depending on your prioritized goals.

Two village centers are better than one: Many players want to double the training rate of new villagers in order to accelerate the acquisition of resources . In this case, the structure of the standard series may vary a little. Here you should better prepare for the construction of the new village center (400 wood, 300 stone). The disadvantage of this construction sequence is marginal, but indisputable: If your opponent tries to make a quick advance (rush), you can hardly counteract him at first.

At the start of the game, for example, you can have all six villagers collect food from sheep . Have two new villagers a house (50 wood) and a miners' camp build (50 wood) and immediately start mining gold. The next two villagers you can set up a lumberjack camp (50 wood) and then clear the forest. As a result, make sure that you keep at least eight villagers busy gathering food.

As soon as you have 200 gold together , you can the deduct gold miners from their work and have stones collected . For this purpose, build another miners' camp (50 wood) in close proximity to the stone deposit. All villagers trained from now on should assist the stone carvers until you have assigned five or six to do so.

Advance into the feudal period (400 food, 200 gold) and pull four villagers from the sheep or wild animals: away Two of them should take over the construction of the "feudal period" building, while the other two can rush to the help of the loggers. You need a lot of wood for the new village center. As soon as you have enough villagers mine stones, you should then have trained villagers cut down trees and build another house.

Once the "feudal era" building has been built and 300 stones have been collected, you can pull all the villagers off it and build the new village center. Ideally, it should be positioned near a resource (forest, stone, gold) . What you do afterwards is up to your individual goals. The focus of your resource mining should be on the cost of the units that you want to collect for an attack.


  • Continuous training of new villagers.
  • Six villagers collect food from sheep or wild animals.
  • The scout is rounding up sheep.
  • Build order: House> Miners Camp.
  • Have two new villagers mine gold.
  • Have two new villagers build a logging camp and cut trees.
  • Remove the two gold miners (at 200 gold in the camp)> set up miners camp> let stones knock.
  • As you progress into the feudal age: subtract two food collectors for the building and another two to cut wood.
  • Let all newly trained villagers mine stone and wood until you have reached the resource amount for the village center (400 wood, 300 stone). 

