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Where to find and how to get all the houses in Forza Horizon 5


Where to find and how to get all the houses in Forza Horizon 5

The map in Forza Horizon 5 is a huge open-world playground filled to the brim with tons of icons. Some of them are not related to racing and can give you advantages and bonuses, for example, at home. In this guide, we'll show you where to find and how to get all the houses in the game.

What are Forza Horizon 5 houses

What are Forza Horizon 5 houses

Homes in Forza Horizon 5 serve several purposes. Most of them provide active bonuses that can significantly affect your gameplay. Houses are also fast travel points and places where you can change the look of your character.

How to unlock houses in Forza Horizon 5

How to unlock houses in Forza Horizon 5

With the exception of your first home, which is given for free during the campaign, homes in Forza Horizon 5 can be unlocked after completing expeditions. These story quests act as an introductory event for each adventure and require you to complete a number of tasks.

When you finish the expedition, you will notice that one of the play houses will appear on the map. Which house appears depends on the expedition you complete, but unlocking them all shouldn't take more than a few hours.

Casa Bella

Casa Bella

A relatively small villa located on the left side of the map, away from the coast. You will receive this house for free at the start of the game, and its bonus will unlock “Songs of Mastery”. From time to time, the radio station's DJ announces the start of a "song of mastery". Throughout the tune, you will be able to earn double mastery points. If you're looking to level up and earn mastery quickly, this will come in handy.

Price: Free.

La Cabana

La Cabana

La Cabana is located on the west coast of the map and is the cheapest home you can buy. Unfortunately, it does not have any bonuses, but it provides fast travel, so this is already something.

Price: 150,000 credits.

Buena Esperanza

Buena Esperanza

Renovated villa located in the southeast of the map. This building does not provide bonuses, so it is unlikely to be a good investment at the beginning of the game. The only advantage is the fast travel point.

Price: 700,000 credits.

Lugar Tranquilo

Lugar Tranquilo

Coastal hotel located on the east coast of the map. It has a reasonable price and a bonus to take photos of your car collection. The more photos of cars you take, the more rewards you can unlock.

Price: 700,000 credits.

La Casa Solariega

La Casa Solariega

A mansion located in the center of the bottom of the map. The significant cost may scare off, but if you spend a lot of time on Forzaton, this purchase is a must. The mansion bonus doubles the number of points earned in all types of Forzaton events.

Price: 1,500,000 credits.

Buenas Vistas

Modest beach house on the west coast of the map. However, these are some of the best apartments you can buy if you have enough money. Its bonus gives you the ability to instantly move to any place on the map. Of course, you still have to spend fast travel points, but that much freedom speeds up the game a lot, so it's worth it.

Price: 2,000,000 credits.

Hotel Castillo

Hotel Castillo

A huge castle located at the top of the map. This is by far the most expensive house in the game, but its bonus opens up the daily lottery for you. Once you get this opportunity, you can earn a few credits, cars or items that will help you recoup your costs in the long run.

Price: 5,000,000 credits.


After unlocking and purchasing each house on this list, you will have many new Fast Travel Points, cool new bonuses, and more. In addition, you will receive the "Tycoon" achievement.
