Guild Wars 2 is still one of the most popular MMORPGs here in the West in 2023. In this guide, We tell you everything you need to know about the MMORPG as a newcomer.
What kind of game is this? Guild Wars 2 is a theme park MMORPG from the American developer ArenaNet. The game is primarily aimed at casual players who would like to experience a heroic story and explore varied areas.
The game focuses on:
- Personal History Instances
- An action packed combat system with dodge
- An open world that dispenses with classic quests and instead relies on general tasks in the open world and event chains
- A leveling and gear system that has only been slightly adjusted since 2012, so you don't have to farm new gear all the time
- Fractals (5-player instances), Assault Missions (as a precursor to Raids), and 10-player Raids
- PvP arenas where gear doesn't matter
- Big Battles Server vs Server vs Server
Account creation and the different versions of Guild Wars 2
How much does Guild Wars 2 cost? The base game of Guild Wars 2 as released in 2012 is completely Free2Play. So you can simply visit the official MMORPG website and create an account there. However, this free account has some limitations, including:
- Only 2 instead of 5 character slots
- Unlocking capitals, PvP content, LFG tool and chat only after a certain level
- Whispering is only possible with players who have added you to the friends list themselves or who are standing right next to you
- No access to guild banks or raids
- No access to daily login rewards
- No access to the trading company and thus no possibility to trade with other players
If you want to bypass these restrictions, you can theoretically still buy old versions of the main game. However, the second expansion Path of Fire for 29.99 euros - which automatically also contains the first expansion Heart of Thorns - or the direct purchase of the standard collection are more lucrative. For 49.99 euros you get the base game, the two expansions that have already been released and also the upcoming expansion End of Dragons.
The two versions that are most worthwhile for beginners. |
Did I unlock everything with that? No, because between the expansions Guild Wars 2 released the so-called Living World. These are small episodes that have brought new areas, new story content, and new achievements and rewards.
There are currently 5 seasons of Living World, each with 6 to 8 episodes. An episode was free if you logged in the month it was released. However, you currently have to pay 200 gems, which is the equivalent of 2.50 euros or around 60 in-game gold, per episode.
From time to time, however, there are promotions in which the content is reduced or even made available free of charge for a short time.
Classes, races and the server systems
Choosing the right server: Anyone installing Guild Wars 2 and starting a new account must first choose a server.
However, the choice of server is not as important as you might think. Because Guild Wars 2 relies on the so-called mega servers. They ensure that players from different servers play together in PvE and simply create new versions of a map if there are too many players on it.
However, the mega servers sort before:
- If possible, you will be packed together with players in your group and guild on one map
- After that, players will be preferred by your server
- Then players of your language
- And then there might be players from other languages
This means that the cards in Guild Wars 2 are never empty and that you are usually always with German players. However, from time to time a foreign player is also mixed in.
If you have landed on a different server than the other players in the group or raid, you can simply right-click on the character portrait and join the other player's map version.
The server currently only plays a role in the large world vs. world PvP mode. Because there servers fight together against other servers. When a world is reported as "full," it means that there are many active WvW players there. For PvE, this display makes no statement at all.
What is the character creation like? In Guild Wars 2, you first choose a playable race that you want to represent. Available to you are:
- People
- Norn - Huge people from the north
- Sylvari - Plant creatures modeled after humans
- Charr - Cat-like creatures with horns that can also move on 4 paws
- Asura - Small creatures with huge ears that once lived underground
The races differ in lore, size and animations. However, in the classic hitbox that enemies can hit, they are all the same. In addition, each race has its own skills, which can only be used in PvE and are also so weak in terms of balance that nobody actually uses them.
The races from left to right: Human, Charr, Norn, Asura and Sylvari. |
What classes are there? You currently have a choice of 9 different classes, whereby you need the Heart of Thorns expansion for the revenant class. In the base game, these did not have a classic division into tank, healer and DD, since each class has its own healing ability and dodge roles, so that it can survive on its own.
With the later expansions Heart of Thorns and Path of Fire the so-called elite specializations were introduced. These brought about the druid specialization for the ranger, with which he can heal, or the chronomancer for the mesmer, which is often used as a tank in raids.
The 9 classes differ first in their armor value:
- Heavy Armor (2271 points) - Warrior, Guardian, Revenant
- Medium Armor (2,118 points) – Ranger, Thief, Engineer
- Light Armor (1,967 points) – Necromancer, Elementalist, Mesmer
There are also differences in life points:
- Many Health Points (9.212) – Warrior, Necromancer
- Medium Health (5,922) – Engineer, Ranger, Mesmer, Revenant
- Low Health (1,654) – Guardian, Thief, Elementalist
So warriors have a lot of armor and a lot of life points overall. This also makes the class very beginner-friendly. The ranger is also suitable for beginners, since he can send a tamed animal in front and does not have to take damage as often himself.
Character Creation Completion: During character creation, you will be asked various questions about your backstory and your outlook on the world. These affect the story missions you experience on your way to level 30.
Then you choose a pact, which in turn influences your story. But the personal decisions from the character creation no longer play a role from then on.
First steps in the game
How's getting started with Guild Wars 2? You start in the world of Tyria in a tutorial mission. This explains the basics of the game and already contains the first story content. Each race has a slightly different tutorial.
After completing the tutorial you will get to know the so-called little heart quests. These are a bit different from classic quests, because you don't have to accept them, you have several options for completing them, and then you get the reward automatically.
Such tasks include, for example, supporting an apple orchard. There are various options for this:
- You can collect apples and bring them to Luv NPC
- You can fight spiders
- You can crush spider egg sacs
- Bats appear at night, which you can also kill
As a rule, most hearts also offer a "pacifist" way to complete them. For the completion of such a heart there are experience points, in-game currency and karma. One player even explored almost the entire world as a pacifist.
Karma can be used to buy from a Luv you have completed. The NPCs usually offer you simple equipment, buff food or other useful items.
In addition to the hearts, there are other things that you can discover on the map and use for leveling:
- Landmarks - Special locations that you simply have to walk across to get XP
- Waypoints - You can always teleport to them for some in-game currency. They also give some XP when discovered
- Vistas - Red flags on the map that display a small cinematic upon interaction and also grant XP
- Hero Points - Challenges that give you Hero Points and XP. Hero Points are used to unlock new skills or effects in the Specialization Trees.
Guild Wars 2 also offers an interesting reward system for all this content. Completing all Hearts, Landmarks, Waypoints, Vistas, and Hero Points on a map earns bonus rewards. Completing all maps in the entire world grants a gift of exploration, which is later used for legendary weapons.
The highlight in the open world, however, are the dynamic events. These appear again and again in the world, for example when harpies suddenly attack a farmer or bandits attack a village. Some of these events even have consequences.
If a village is raided and taken by bandits, there will be no traders there. In addition, the tasks for the heart quests change. You then suddenly have to defeat bandits instead of helping with the harvest.
In some areas, these dynamic events even lead to the appearance of boss monsters or, in the event of failure, to the blocking off of large areas. There are also a number of world bosses with additional daily rewards that appear on a fixed timer. These bosses also exist in low-level areas, which are then suddenly populated by high-level players.
But don't worry - you can still take part in the boss, because in Guild Wars 2 even high-end players are scaled down to the level of the zone. So everyone has a fair chance, regardless of whether you have played 3 or 3,000 hours.
The personal story: In addition to the adventures in the open world, you also regularly unlock story missions. There is a set of new missions every 10 levels, i.e. with level 10, 20, 30 and so on.
You can complete the missions alone or together with other players. If you also have to do the exact same mission, the progress will even be credited. For the other players there is only the loot that is dropped during the mission.
You can read the whole story in your chronicle afterwards. However, Personal Story episodes can only be played once. Later episodes of Living World or expansions are repeatable, also because there are some interesting achievements there.
Everything about the combat system in Guild Wars 2
How does the combat system work? Guild Wars 2 relies on a special combat system. You can select an enemy with the "Tab" key or with a mouse click and then have this permanently in the target, but if your weapon is not within range of the enemy, then you simply hit nothing.
In addition, the MMORPG has many skills that rely on movement and dynamics. The dodge roll is also important. Because during the dodge roll you are not attackable for a 3/4 second. You can use this to avoid strong attacks from enemies.
Really dangerous abilities also have a telegraph that clearly identifies them. You should move out of such fields as quickly as possible.
Each class has access to different, but not every, weapon. You can see which weapons you can carry by pressing “H”.
How do I get skills? The skills in Guild Wars 2 are explained quite quickly. The 5 abilities to the left of the life points are determined by your weapon. The 5 skills to the right of this are “utility skills”, with the first always being a healing skill and the last always being an elite skill with a longer cooldown.
Each class also has special abilities that are on the F1 to F2 keys by default, but can be changed at any time. Rangers can use it to control their animal companions, Mesmers their clones, or elementalists their elemental.
How does the downstate work? Another special feature is the battered state, also called downstate. If your life points fall below 0, you will be knocked down and get 4 new abilities:
- The 1 deals damage and is the same for all classes
- With the 2 you can interrupt enemies
- Skill 3 is different for each class
- The 4 lets you regenerate health carefully, with one point of damage interrupting the ability and putting it on cooldown
- Ability 5 is a bonus that you unlock later through a Living World episode
If you manage to either kill an enemy in the downstate or fill your life bar completely again, then you will get back up on the spot as if nothing had happened. When filling the life bar, other players can also help by running to you and helping you get up.
By the way, it also counts as killing an enemy if another player kills a monster that you dealt damage to before the downstate. If the enemy then goes down, you get back up immediately. This is often quicker than helping the wounded man up on the ground.
This downstate exists not only in PvE, but also in PvP and World vs. World.
What are combos? Another special feature of Guild Wars 2 combat are the combo fields. These are mostly round or oblong AoE skills that respond with an ability that has combo end in the description.
For example, if an arrow that has Physical Projectile as the combo finisher in its description flies through a Wall of Flames, it will inflict the Burning condition on the opponent in addition to the normal effect. The following combos exist:
Chaos armor for allies
Attack causes confusion
Chaos Armor on itself
Attack causes confusion
haste for allies
Attack causes vulnerability
Attack causes daze
Attack penetrates armor
and inflicts vulnerability
Attack causes blindness
Attack steals life
Attack causes blindness
Attack steals life
ice cream
Frost aura for allies
Attack causes chill
Frost aura for yourself
Attack causes chill
power for allies
Attack causes burning
Fire shield for allies
Attack causes burning
Attack causes weakness
Attack causes poison
Attack causes weakness
Attack causes poison
retaliation for allies
Removes conditions from allies
near the attack
retaliation for allies
Attack removes conditions from
nearby allies
camouflage for allies
Attack causes blindness
camouflage on itself
Attack causes blindness
healing for allies
Grants regeneration
Healing for allies near the attack
Regeneration for allies
Buffs & Debuffs or Blessings & Conditions
What are blessings? Boons are positive effects that you can gain yourself or give to allies. In other games they are also called buffs. Some of these blessings stack in intensity, others in duration. However, enemies sometimes have abilities that remove boons or even corrupt them and convert them into conditions.
These blessings stack in intensity:
- Might: Each stack gives 30 power and 30 condition damage. Can contain a maximum of 25 stacks. You can get a maximum of 750 additional attributes in both values through the blessing. Power stacking is very, very important, especially in dungeons and PvP/WvW. The most effective way to gain power over firefields is with blast finishers.
- Stability: Can theoretically be stacked indefinitely. Each stack blocks the next control effect, such as knockdown or interrupt. So if you have three stacks of stability, it's not until the fourth CC that you're really affected.
These boons stack in duration:
- Rage: Duration adds up. So if you already have 10 seconds of anger and you get another 8 seconds of anger, you end up with 18 seconds. Rage increases critical hit chance by 20%.
- Protection: Also stacks in duration. The boon prevents 33% of incoming damage. However, fall damage and condition damage are not reduced.
- Resolve: The boon reduces incoming condition damage by 33%.
- Regeneration: Gives the player a healing over time. At level 80, that's 130 + 0.125x healing power per second. Increased regeneration duration also increases overall healing.
- Aegis: Blocks the next attack that should hit us. Aegis is removed with blocking. Unblockable attacks cannot be blocked.
- Retribution: Deals damage to the attacking enemy (198 + (0.075xForce)). It counts the power value of the one who distributed the vengeance.
- Haste: Increases movement speed by 33%.
- Vigor: Increases stamina regeneration (for dodge rolls) by 50%.
- Swiftness: Speeds up skills and actions by 50%.
- Resistance: Duration adds up. Gives the player immunity to conditions that do not damage you
What are states? Conditions are negative effects that periodically damage players, restrict movement, reduce healing, or alter a character's accuracy (e.g. blindness). In other games they are sometimes called dots (damage over time).
There are two types of states. Some stack in intensity and cause more damage per stack, for example, while others stack in duration and keep us in one place longer, for example. Removing a condition prematurely (through skills) automatically eliminates all stacks, regardless of duration or intensity. Conditions also ignore the target's armor.
These states stack in intensity:
- Bleeding: Deals 22 damage per second per stack. For every 100 condition damage, damage is increased by 6.
- Burning: Deals 131.5 damage per second per stack. For every 100 condition damage, damage is increased by 15.5.
- Poison: Deals 33.5 damage per second per stack. For every 100 condition damage, damage is increased by 6. In addition, Poison reduces the target's incoming healing by 33%.
- Torment: Deals 15.9 damage per second per stack. For every 100 condition damage, damage is increased by 4.5. Damage is doubled if the target doesn't move and stays in place.
- Confusion: Deals 10 damage per second per stack. For every 100 condition damage, damage is increased by 3.5. Confusion deals an additional 49.5 damage per stack when using a skill. This damage is increased by 6.25 per 100 condition damage.
- Vulnerability: Inflicts a debuff on the Opponent allowing 1% more Damage and 1% more Condition Damage per stack. A maximum of 25 stacks are possible.
These states stack in duration:
- Chill: Reduces movement speed and increases skill recharge by 66%.
- Blindness: Causes the next attack to fail. Blindness is removed on failure.
- Cripple: Reduces movement speed by 50%.
- Fear: Causes the target to flee, unable to use skills or move freely. Necromancers have a trait that allows fear to deal damage. Damage is 444 per second and increases by 40 per 100 condition damage.
- Weakness: Prevents critical hits and reduces normal damage by 50%. Stamina recharge is also reduced by 50%.
- Immobilize: Holds the opponent in a certain place.
What are defiant bars? The last important aspect of Guild Wars 2's combat system are the so-called defiant bars. This is a blue bar, which is located below the life points, especially in bosses.
This bar can be reduced by using CC whether it is Knockback, Knockdown, Cripple or Immobilize.
If the bar falls to 0, the opponent is weakened for a short time, often even stunned. Sometimes defiant bars also need to be destroyed to initiate certain stages in boss fights.
The character development
How do I develop my character further? Character development plays an important role in MMORPGs and Guild Wars 2 also has several systems:
- levels
- Equipment with specific attributes
- specializations
- Masteries
You can take your character from level 1 to 80 in Guild Wars 2 with relative ease. This is also very fast with exploration and the personal history. With each level you get bonus rewards and learn more about the game.
Also, each time there are new attributes, of which there are primary and secondary attributes.
What are the attributes? Primary attributes provide more damage or more defense right out of the box. They level with you and are at level 80 at 1,000.
- Power - Increases direct damage; Calculation: Power x weapon damage x target skill/armor damage
- Tenacity - Reduces damage received
- Vitality - increases life points; 1 point = 10 lives
- Precision - Increases critical hit chance; 1% per 21 precision; Condition damage cannot critically strike.
Secondary attributes, on the other hand, do not level up and bring further bonuses with them:
- Ferocity - increases the damage of a critical hit; 1% per 15 ferocity
- Condition Damage - Increases the damage dealt by conditions per second; Calculation: condition damage x condition damage coefficient x condition damage.
- Healing Power - Increases the healing you do to yourself. Healing from us to allies is based on our stats, so healing received from allies is based on their stats.
- Expertise - Increases the duration of all conditions you inflict. 1% per 15 expertise
- Concentration -Increases the duration of all boons you bestow. 1% per 15 concentration
In addition, there are two special attributes:
- Luck - Increases the chance of getting rarer items
- Agony Resistance - Reduces incoming damage in the fractals (a specific 5-player content)
In your character menu you will also find the finished values that result from the attributes.
How does the equipment work? In Guild Wars 2, you can get various pieces of gear with rarities of white (normal), blue (fine), green (masterwork), yellow (rare), orange (exotic), pink (ascended), and purple (legendary).
It's important to note that Ascended and Legendary Gear don't differ in terms of pure stats. Legendary gear, however, can switch attributes at any time, allowing you to customize it to suit your playstyle (tank, heal, damage, or condition damage).
So for the perfect equipment it is enough if you have ascended equipment. You can get these through achievements or crafting. Direct trading is not possible.
What are the specializations? Each class in Guild Wars 2 has 5 specializations. These offer you various passive bonuses, such as more damage with certain skills, as known from skill trees. However, you can always equip 3 of the specializations at the same time.
As a ranger, you have access to:
- Marksmanship - For the bow
- Battle Mastery – General combat bonuses
- Wilderness Survival - General defensive bonuses
- Nature Magic – Focused on healing
- Animal Mastery – Focused on the animal companion
With Heart of Thorns and Path of Fire, the elite specializations were also added. Only one of these can be combined with any 2 of the normal specializations. Elite specializations significantly change the playstyle of the class and unlock a new weapon.
What are masteries? Masteries are a new system introduced in the Heart of Thorns expansion that allow you to keep leveling your character, but this doesn't earn you any additional attributes, but allows you to progress vertically.
Through the mastery level, you unlock the ability to use mounts, slide around the world, or hop on jumping mushrooms. New equipment or new dealers are also hidden behind the system. However, this system has so many facets that we do not want to expand on it too much here for beginners.
Dynamic scaling
If you enter a weaker area in Guild Wars 2 with a higher level, your attributes will automatically be reduced. This reduces your damage and your life points. This makes even entering old content still interesting and dangerous in places and prevents you from defeating some world bosses solo. However, you are stronger overall because you have more skills and experience than the content actually intended.
However, the scaling also works the other way around. For example, whoever enters World vs. World will be raised to level 80 in terms of attributes. However, you have the disadvantage here that you lack skills and experience.
For arena PvP, on the other hand, you will also be scaled up to level 80. Gear doesn't matter here though, as you get a special PvP interface where you can select your attributes.
Inventory, crafting, trading and currencies
What is important about inventory? If you have survived the first little hearts and fights, you will notice that your inventory is overflowing with items. That's why it's important in Guild Wars 2 to have what's called a salvage kit. Because every item that you don't want to create yourself, you can disassemble and get materials from it.
You can also transport collected materials to your warehouse with just one click. This keeps your inventory empty while also ensuring that you already have plenty of materials when you want to start crafting.
As a tailor, leatherworker and armorer, you can also create larger bags or buy them directly from the trading post.
Crafting: In Guild Wars 2 you can generally collect all the materials that you find in the open world. However, you need a pickaxe for the ores, an ax for trees and a sickle for plants. However, there are no restrictions in terms of levels when collecting. In theory, a level 1 character can already collect endgame materials. The materials also spawn in the same place for each player and there is no need to fight for them, unlike in New World, for example.
You can then use the collected or recycled materials for crafting. There are 8 very self-explanatory professions in Guild Wars 2:
- Tailor - For light armor
- Leatherworker - For medium armor
- Armorsmith - For heavy armor
- Weaponsmith - For iron weapons
- Huntsman - For weapons made of wood such as a bow, torch or war horn
- Constructor- For backpacks and magic weapons like staves
- Jeweler - For jewelry
- Chef – For buff food
- Scribes - For food and guild decorations
You can only have and skill two professions at a time, but you will not lose any progress if you suddenly learn a different profession. Switching between professions only costs a bit of in-game currency. Theoretically, you can bring all professions to the maximum level of 500 on one character.
When using the professions, the materials from the storage are automatically used, with the items in the inventory being prioritized first.
Major In-Game Currencies: Guild Wars 2 offers a variety of—and too many for many players—currencies for you to own. Fortunately, these are stored in their own compartment in the inventory.
We introduce you to the most important ones:
- Gems - The real money currency
- Gold, Silver, Copper - The classic in-game currency that you use to pay at the trading post and merchants
- Karma - A currency mainly for hearts and events, with which you can buy from special NPCs
- Ghost Shards - Obtained for level-ups beyond level 80 and can be used to upgrade special items
- Laurels - Are a login reward that can be used to acquire materials and even special ascended gear. You only get laurels as a purchased account, since Free2Play players do not get any login rewards
- Guild Commendations - Awarded for completing missions with the guild
- Transmutation Charges - Used in the Wardrobe for changing skins
- Mark of Honor – Found in WvW for various activities. They are particularly good for cheaply buying the first useful level 80 armor
They are then followed by a number of currencies for PvP, WvW, special areas, raids, festivals and much more. There are over 50 currencies in total, but you shouldn't be interested in them at the beginning.
How does trading work in GW2? In Guild Wars 2 there is no direct trading between players. This is an auction house that runs across cities and even across servers.
However, you can send items to other players and hope they respond with your own message and gold. But you should only do this with close friends and not with strangers. There is always a risk that you will be scammed.
Mounts – get them sooner or later?
What's up with the mounts? Guild Wars 2 currently offers eight different mounts:
- raptors
- jumper
- skimmer
- jackal
- Gripping
- roller beetle
- warclaw
- skyscale
They all differ visually, but above all in terms of play. The raptor, for example, can jump particularly far, while the jumper can jump particularly high. The griffin can glide through the air, the skyscale can stand in the air like a helicopter. The roller beetle is particularly fast, but only when rolling downhill. The skimmer, on the other hand, floats above or swims underwater.
The first mount, the Raptor, is theoretically available when you ignite the "Level 80" boost that you get when you buy an expansion. After that, all you have to do is play the first mission of the Path of Fire expansion to unlock the Raptor account-wide. Then you can theoretically use it on your level 2 character.
This trick is highly recommended for beginners as the mounts just make life quicker and easier. The trick is fine as far as it goes, but we generally recommend that you level up a character from level 1 and not immediately continue playing with level 80. You're just spoiling the fun of the game for yourself.
End of Dragons also introduces the new Siege Turtle mount . Two players can sit on it and the second player then controls the huge cannons for attacks.
General Beginner Tips
In this section we collect general tips that have accumulated over the years:
- In Guild Wars 2, the basic rule is: the path is the goal. Rushing quickly into the endgame doesn't bring you any advantages and destroys the story and the really cool discovery factor.
- Complete 3 of the 10 possible daily quests every day. That gives 2 gold and thus relaxed income.
- Do you have enough salvage kits to disassemble items and get the materials. Alternatively, you can purchase an Indestructible Recycler from the Real Money Shop. The copper one is the better choice.
- Larger bags can be earned through achievements or in the trading post. Everyone needs pocket slots!
- Use buff food in the open world, because it gives you 10% additional experience points and useful stats. It is best to combine this with leveling up the profession of chef.
- There is a so-called wardrobe system that allows you to change the look of your equipment into any skin that you have already equipped or recycled. To change appearances, you need Transmutation Crystals, which you can get through achievements, daily login rewards, or the shop.
- Should you decide to purchase real-money items, your first choices should be a shared inventory slot, the Copper-Powered Salvager, and indestructible tools. They make your life easier and also save a lot of gold in the long run.
- Which values are right for you? If you play a character that is designed for strength, i.e. physical damage, you are always well served with berserk values. A character that tends to deal damage with conditions should go for viper-like stats.
Important settings
When it comes to settings, the basic rule is that you should make the adjustments that suit you best. However, we would like to give you a few tips:
- Activate the content guide, because it ensures that new tasks are displayed on the compass when you have nothing else to do.
- Once unlocked, activates Auto Looting and AoE Looting when interacting. This will always pick up whatever is dropped to you. Even chests are partially opened automatically.
- Enable Show Skill Recharge so you can see the exact seconds of cooldowns.
- Enables double-press dodge and interrupt auto-attack on target switch options in the Combat and Movement section. So you can dodge quickly and not accidentally continue to attack old targets.
- Activates the option "Show enemy health percentage" - Many bosses trigger special phases or attacks at 75,50,25% etc. It is important to keep these in mind.
- Optionally, set the ground target at maximum range can be activated here. As a result, you cannot accidentally use AoE effects outside of the actual range, but see exactly the appropriate radius of effect.
Here's what to expect in the Guild Wars 2 endgame
This is what awaits you in PvE: The endgame of Guild Wars 2 relies, among other things, on dungeons, raids, world bosses, many achievements and the grind for prettier equipment. Because the strongest ascended equipment you have quickly in your hands. For many, therefore, an endgame goal is to look as pretty as possible. There are hundreds of skins that you can collect and unlock in the wardrobe. For fun, the game is also called Fashion Wars by many fans.
In the dungeons, the MMORPG has recently increasingly relied on fractals. These are different instances for 5 players, which are available in the difficulties 1 to 100 and some even in a challenge mode. For higher tiers in the fractals, you will need more agony resistance to impregnate onto your ascended gear.
There are also classic 5-player dungeons that can be entered through portals in the open world, but they haven't had any updates or innovations in years. Nevertheless, they provide you with exciting background information about the world and its history and are always provided with a story.
For fans of challenges, there have been raids since Heart of Thorns. In these 7 instances you can face multiple bosses with 10 players each and earn good rewards. Coordination and, above all, a lot of damage are required here.
For the leisurely open-world player, world bosses are primarily found on the legacy maps and meta-events on the Heart of Thorns maps and the Silverwastes. There you face the opponents in a large group of up to 100 players and get many rewards for mostly little effort.
Guild Wars 2 also places a lot of emphasis on achievements. There are story content, hidden treasures, jumping puzzles, but also in PvP and WvW. Each achievement also awards achievement points, and even there, there are leaderboards. So for fans who like to complete everything, the MMORPG offers a lot.
What awaits you in PvP: In endgame PvP, you can expect mainly arena PvP and world against world.
In the arenas you play classic 5v5 and try to reach 500 points first. Points are awarded for holding capture points and killing other players. In addition, there are special side effects on each card, which include buffs or additional points.
For this content, Guild Wars 2 features a ranked mode with Seasons and automated tournaments multiple times a day, culminating in the monthly tournaments once a month.
There are sometimes special events between seasons in a leaderboard, such as a shortened 2v2 season or an experimental arena.
What is WvW? In world against world, three servers fight each other and try to conquer and defend fortresses, towers and camps on 4 different maps. The servers can earn points and win a matchup.
The matchups reset regularly on a Friday and new enemies are assigned. There is also a ranking list so that servers of the same strength always meet. Also planned is a major revision from world against world to an alliance system , so that guilds will fight against guilds.
What do you think of Guild Wars 2 in general? Are you satisfied with the MMORPG? And do you have any other tips you would give to beginners? Feel free to write about it in the comments.
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