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How to raise ranks in Counter-Strike: Global Offensive

A detailed description of all ranks and ranks, modes, tips for pumping, and much more

In the competitive shooter Counter-Strike: Global Offensive, players can upgrade their ranks (or ranks). This system, as it were, motivates gamers to show the best results and allows them to track their progress. Thus, each player can spend playing time much more productively, instead of corny shooting enemies.

Consider rank as a measure of your skill. To get the first rank, you need to win 10 calibration games by starting the competitive mode. Please note that the rating in CS: GO will change depending on the number of victories or losses won. It is clear that your rating will be higher if you won 15 of the last 20 games than in only half of them. With the growth of the rating, the rank will also increase. No one is safe from demotion: if you constantly lose, you will very soon reach the "starting point", that is, the zero rank.

How to raise ranks in Counter-Strike: Global Offensive

To see your current rank, open your profile in the main menu. Two separate titles will be shown here. One is related to classic 5x5 matchmaking, and the other is related to the "Partners" mode, the action of which unfolds on stripped-down maps.

In total, there are 18 different titles in CS: GO, with the first six referring to the beginner's level. Gamers who reach the level of GN1 or higher are classified as professional shooters. They definitely know a lot about game mechanics, are aware of the tricks and nuances of the game on each map. The last five titles are advanced gamers who are one step away from participating in major esports events.

How to raise ranks in Counter-Strike: Global Offensive

Note . Don't confuse ranks and titles - they are two different things! There are 40 ranks in the game - from private to marshal.

Table of ranks in CS: GO

  • Silver-1 or Silver-1 (English Silver-1), abbreviated S1 or C1
Table of ranks in CS: GO
  • Silver-2 or Silver-2 (English Silver-2), abbreviated as S2 or C2

Table of ranks in CS: GO
  • Silver-3 or Silver-3 (English Silver-3), abbreviated S3 or C3

Table of ranks in CS: GO
  • Silver-4 or Silver-4 (English Silver-4), abbreviated S4 or C4

Table of ranks in CS: GO
  • Silver Elite, abbreviated as SE or CE

Table of ranks in CS: GO
  • Silver Elite Master, abbreviated as SEM or CEM

Table of ranks in CS: GO

  • Zolotaya Zvezda-1 or Gold Nova-1 (English Gold Nova 1), abbreviated as GN1 or GN1
Table of ranks in CS: GO
  • Gold Zvezda-2 or Gold Nova-2, abbreviated as GN2 or GN2

Table of ranks in CS: GO
  • Gold Nova 3 or Gold Nova 3, abbreviated as GN3 or GN3

Table of ranks in CS: GO
  • Gold Nova Master, abbreviated as GN4, GN4, GNM or GNM

Table of ranks in CS: GO
  • Master Guardian 1, abbreviated MG, MG, MG1 or MG1

Table of ranks in CS: GO
  • Master Guardian 2, abbreviated MG2 or MG2

Table of ranks in CS: GO
  • Master Guardian Elite, abbreviated as MGE or MGE

Table of ranks in CS: GO

  • Distinguished Master Guardian, abbreviated as DMG or DMG
Table of ranks in CS: GO
  • Legendary Eagle, abbreviated as LE or LE

Table of ranks in CS: GO
  • Legendary Eagle Master, abbreviated as LEM or LEM

Table of ranks in CS: GO
  • Supreme Master First Class, abbreviated as SMFC

Table of ranks in CS: GO
  • Global Elite, abbreviated as GE or GE

Table of ranks in CS: GO

CS: GO ranks in the "Partners" mode

Quite a popular game mode, especially at the time of its first appearance. He borrowed the ranking system and other "goodies" from classic matchmaking. One "skating rink" lasts about 10 minutes since the action takes place on cut-down maps. A great option to distract yourself and relieve the stress of longer classic ice rinks.

Gamers fight in 2x2 format, thanks to which they can express themselves: in this format, it is much more real than a situation when you are "alone" dragging the whole game. Agree, it is much easier to stand out against the background of one ally than to try to do this when there are four partners next to you, not to mention a team of opponents, where among the playing "five" there is certainly someone with better skills than you. Every little thing is thought out. For example, a player's balance cannot exceed $ 8000, and to win, you need to win in 9 rounds.

After the appearance of Operation Hydra, gamers were able to fight in one-on-one duels at all. Now it is completely unnecessary to have a partner with you. In this format, you will rely solely on your own skills, you will not rely on the help of your teammate, you will be able to learn from your own mistakes. As for the rank and ranks, in the "Partners" mode everything is similar to the classic matchmaking. The information above applies to him as well. However, since matches take less time, you will be able to pump ranks faster. The factors influencing the rise in rating and rank are identical. However, it will not work to quickly upgrade the rank by defeating a weak opponent with a score of 9: 0. Tricky algorithms are used that take into account which mode you are playing.

Ranks of CS GO in the "Restricted Zone" mode

At the end of 2018, a game mode called "Forbidden Zone" appeared in CS: GO. Here you need to use special actions to buy weapons. The mode is completely different from the classic matchmaking, and there can be up to 16 gamers on one map. This is a kind of test platform: the developers allow gamers to test new weapons and other equipment, and after that, they transfer it to the rest of the game. A rank system is used that has nothing in common with classic ranks or titles. It affects the selection of players, but no one in front of you will brag about this or that rank from the "Forbidden Zone".

  • Lab Rat 1
  • Lab Rat 2
  • Sprinting Hare 1
  • Sprinting Hare 2
  • Wild Scout 1
  • Wild Scout 2
  • Wild Scout Elite
  • Hunter Fox 1
  • Hunter Fox 2
  • Hunter Fox 3
  • Hunter Fox Elite
  • Timber Wolf
  • Ember Wolf
  • Wildfire Wolf
  • The Howling Alpha

Distribution of ranks by skills

The Counter-Strike: Global Offensive rank system, discussed above, allows gamers to be divided into several groups depending on their overall skill, ability to act as a team and tactically. Such groups look something like this:

  • Beginners - ranks from Silver-1 to Silver Elite Master. Gamers who know the basics of the game, but have not yet pumped up their shooting skills well enough (we do not take into account experienced players who create new accounts for themselves and sparklingly rise in the rank table). It is unlikely that such a player can boast of a good knowledge of the game card. Obviously, they cannot act as a team. And again, do not forget that there may be experienced players (purely for fun) or boosters pumping other people's accounts.
  • Connoisseurs of competitive shooters - titles from Gold Nova 1 to Master Guardian 2. Such players are already more or less familiar with the nuances and tricks of CS: GO, but still far from the title of experienced gamers. However, they have already mastered many important movements, types of shooting, perfected aiming, and got used to the recoil of certain types of weapons. The rates are gradually increasing.
  • Advanced Players - Ranks from Master Guardian Elite to Distinguished Master Guardian. Here you can meet only true shooter lovers since the path to this peak is not easy and thorny. To get to such titles, you will have to spend a lot of time and nerves. These players shoot almost blindly, they know very well the cards where you can arrange an ambush or how not to fall into it. At this stage, elimination occurs: some manage to climb to the top, while others fall into the division below.
  • One foot in esports - from Legendary Eagle to The Global Elite. The meaning of this group is in its name. These players are real professionals in the game and maybe considering switching to Faceit or another eSports platform. There is still room for improvement, but they are no longer interested in fighting against the players of the previous three "weight categories".

Rank statistics in CS: GO

Rank statistics in CS: GO

  • No rank - 3.11%
  • Silver-1 - 1.28%
  • Silver-2 - 2.06%
  • Silver-3 - 1.88%
  • Silver-4 - 2.49%
  • Silver-5 - 3.26%
  • Silver Elite Master - 4.38%
  • Gold Nova 1 - 5.69%
  • Gold Nova 2 - 7.24%
  • Gold Nova Master - 9.85%
  • Master Guardian 1 - 10.08%
  • Master Guardian 2 - 10.21%
  • Master Guardian Elite - 8.73%
  • Distinguished Master Guardian - 6.81%
  • Legendary Eagle - 4.94%
  • Legendary Eagle Master - 4.99%
  • Supreme Master First Class - 2.98%
  • The Global Elite - 1%

How to raise the rank in CS: GO

If at first the ranks and titles will be easy for you, then you will soon realize that in order to continue to grow, you need to not only hone your skills in shooting, movement, recoil control, and knowledge of the map but also become a team player. Therefore, here's your first piece of advice ...

Tip # 1

Play as a team. Doesn't act like a lone wolf, it looks selfish. Gamers really do not like such persons. They also disrespect those who merge, leaving the entire team in the minority.

Tip # 2

Do not forget that every defeat is a step towards future victories. Defeat makes us stronger, and that's a fact. If something is not working out for you now, be patient and maybe it will work out in the future. Analyze what is happening, remember how and when you were killed, what contributed to this, what you could have done wrong. Analyze the general actions of the team. In the future, this will help to improve the results.

Tip # 3

And if you're good at being a team player, try to focus on individual play. To do this, it is best to switch to the "Partners" mode, where there is an opportunity to fight one on one. Think of this mode as an opportunity to explore the gear you use the least. I assure you that any beginner will forget about the existence of additional types of grenades after a few skating rinks. For example, flash drives. And this is a very useful thing, especially if you clearly understand at what point to use it. Try to study each piece of equipment, choose the most useful for yourself. Remember where and in what situations to use them.

Tip # 4

"Oh, you rat!" Do not pay attention to such statements. What prevents other gamers from setting up a high-quality and tactically correct ambush on your team? Nothing. Even in esports, there is no such thing as a "rat". These gamers are politely called "lurkers". There is no shame in choosing a well-visible position and suddenly attacking the enemy. This is much better than running headlong across the map and panicking everyone.
