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Cheats (codes, console commands) for The Forest - for weapons, items, things, weapons, endless resources, construction, etc.


Cheats (codes, console commands) for The Forest - for weapons, items, things, weapons, endless resources, construction, etc.

The Forest is a survival horror game. In it, you are invited to survive on an island where tribes of aggressive cannibals live beside you. If you have difficulty passing or want to experiment, you can use cheats. We have collected all relevant codes in this article.

Please note that some commands may corrupt your saves, remove progress, and cause other undesirable results.

Cheats for Forest that do not require console activation

You can enter these codes from this list directly in the main menu of the game:

  • ironforest - it becomes impossible to destroy buildings. To cancel the cheat, you need to enter it again.
  • regrowmode - While you sleep, 10% of the trees you cut down will grow back. Works only with those stumps that have not yet been destroyed.
  • woodpaste - remove all holes from the cutter.
  • rawmeatmode - hardcore mode activation. If the player dies, the save will be erased. To exit this mode, enter the code again.
  • meatmode - disable all cheats.

How to enable (open, activate) the developer console in The Forest? How to use the console in The Forest?

To activate the console, in the main menu, before starting the game session itself, enter the developermodeon command. Then load your save. The F1 key brings up the console itself. F2 will show the log and status. F3 will open your hero's parameters - athleticism, weight, strength, and number of calories. Pressing the F1, F2 and F3 keys again will close the corresponding window.

How to enable (open, activate) the developer console in The Forest? How to use the console in The Forest?

All codes below must be entered into the console.

Cheats in The Forest related to the player - immortality, infinite resources, flight, and more

  • godmode on - god mode. Immortality and infinite stamina;
  • godmode off - cancel the previous code;
  • save - save the game anywhere;
  • revealcavemap - reveal the entire map, including the surface and dungeons;
  • unlimitedHairspray on - endless hair spray;
  • unlimitedHairspray off - cancel the previous cheat;
  • itemhack on - consumable items will never run out;
  • itemhack off - cancel the previous cheat;
  • energyhack on - infinite energy and endurance;
  • energyhack off - cancel the previous code;
  • survival on - turn on survival mode. You will need to eat, drink and so on on time;
  • survival off - turn off survival mode;
  • killlocalplayer - kill a player in multiplayer mode;
  • revivelocalplayer - revive a player in multiplayer;
  • killmefast - kill a player in local mode;
  • fakehitplayer - simulation of the hit;
  • speedyrun on - fast run. Keep in mind, if you run too long, you may die;
  • speedyrun off - cancel the previous cheat;
  • invisible on - Cannibals and other enemies cannot see you. You can walk under water, and the dirt and paint will no longer stain you;
  • invisible off - cancel the previous cheat;
  • setvariationextra Jacket - put on a jacket (if the player is not wearing one);
  • setvariationextra None - remove the jacket (if any);
  • decaynextmeat - change the state of the meat (fresh, edible, spoiled);
  • poison - inflict a poison effect on your hero. To cure, you need to use aloe;
  • hitlocalplayer (number from 0 to 100) - deal damage to your hero. Its value is set to a number;
  • setstat full - restore to the maximum all characteristics (health, endurance, energy);
  • setstat Health (a number from 0 to 100) - set the health level to a given value;
  • setstat Stamina (a number from 0 to 100) - set the value of endurance;
  • setstat Energy (a number from 0 to 100) - set the energy value;
  • setstat Sanity (a number from 0 to 100) - set the level of sanity;
  • setstat Fullness (a number from 0 to 100) - set the value of the satiety level;
  • setstat BatteryCharge (a number from 0 to 100) - set the battery charge on flashlights;
  • setSkill runTime (a number from 0 to 100) - set the available fast run time;
  • setSkill lungTime (a number from 0 to 100) - set the swimming time under water;
  • setSkill ath (a number from 0 to 100) - set the level of athleticism.

How to change (change) the difficulty level in The Forest

  • setdifficultymode peaceful - set a low (“peaceful”) difficulty level, at which monsters and cannibals will disappear completely;
  • setdifficultymode normal - set the normal difficulty level;
  • setdifficultymode hard - set the hard difficulty level;
  • setdifficultymode hardsurvival - set the maximum level of difficulty (survival mode);
  • setgamemode standard - standard game mode;
  • setgamemode creative - creative game mode (construction without spending resources);

Setting the time and lighting in The Forest

  • checkday - check the current time of day;
  • advanceday - skipping one game day;
  • setcurrentday (number) - jump to the specified game day;
  • timescale (number) - change the speed of the game. 0 - pause, 1 - standard speed, 2 - a little faster, and so on (raising above 20 is undesirable);
  • gametimescale (number) - changes the speed of the day / night cycle;
  • lightingtimeofdayoverride (a number, for example, 12:00) - set any time in the game;
  • lightingtimeofdayoverride off - turn off the previous code;
  • lightingtimeofdayoverride morning - set morning lighting. It will be active until you turn it off;
  • lightingtimeofdayoverride noon - set lighting corresponding to noon;
  • lightingtimeofdayoverride night - set the night in the game;
  • lightingtimeofdayoverride sunset - set lighting as during sunrise.

Customizing the environment and weather in The Forest

  • allowsunshine on - remove fog from the game;
  • allowsunshine off - make the weather foggy;
  • terrainrender on - turn on the terrain;
  • terrainrender off - turn off the terrain;
  • plantallgardens - plant plants in all beds;
  • growalldirtpiles - dirty puddles will appear in the game, which are necessary for disguise;
  • cutdowntrees (number) - cut down the given number of trees;
  • cutdowntrees (number)% - cut down the specified percentage of trees;
  • cutgrass (number) — cut grass within a given radius;
  • forcerain light forcerain 2 - change the weather to light rain;
  • forcerain medium forcerain 3 - change the weather to medium rain;
  • forcerain heavy forcerain 4 - change the weather to heavy rain;
  • forcerain cloud forcerain 5 - cloudy weather;
  • forcerain sunny forcerain 6 - sunny weather.

Indicators in The Forest

  • help - show all available commands;
  • deviceDebugInformation on - shows your device statistics;
  • deviceDebugInformation off - hide statistics;
  • achievementloglevel log - registration of the achievement process;
  • achievementloglevel error - list of all errors;
  • achievementloglevel all - show achievements and errors;
  • achievementloglevel none - remove all lists related to this team;
  • showgamestats - show your game statistics;
  • pmactivestatelabels on - show the current behavior of animals;
  • pmactivestatelabels off - cancel the previous command;
  • clear - clear the console.

Codes for clothes in The Forest

In order to change your clothes, just enter the appropriate command in the console. The listclothing code will allow you to see the full list of available types of pants, sweaters and hats:

  • addClothingById (number from 1 to 3) - hats;
  • addClothingById (number from 4 to 8, 31) - pants;
  • addClothingById (number from 10 to 12) - long sleeve sweaters;
  • addClothingById (number from 14 to 17) - short sleeve sweaters;
  • addClothingById (number from 18 to 20) - sleeveless jackets;
  • addClothingById (number from 21 to 24) - T-shirts;
  • addClothingById (number from 25 to 28 and 30) - shirts with long sleeves;
  • addClothingById (9, 29, 32, 33) - clothing sets.

Animal Codes in The Forest

  • killclosestanimal - kill the closest animal to you;
  • killallanimals - kill all animals nearby (they will respawn over time);
  • animals off - remove all animals from the game;
  • animals on - return animals;
  • birds off - remove birds from the game;
  • birds on - return the birds;
  • spawnanimalquiet - add another animal of the same type that you caught if the trap is nearby;
  • spawnanimal rabbit --(number) - add the specified number of rabbits (for example, spawnanimal rabbit --10);
  • spawnanimal lizard --(number) - spawn several monitor lizards;
  • spawnanimal deer --(number) - add the specified number of deer;
  • spawnanimal turtle --(number) - spawn sea turtles;
  • spawnanimal tortoise --(number) - spawn several wood turtles;
  • spawnanimal raccoon --(number) - add raccoons;
  • spawnanimal squirrel --(number) - spawn some squirrels;
  • spawnanimal boar --(number) - add boars;
  • spawnanimal crocodile --(number) - spawn some crocodiles.

Codes for enemies in The Forest

Please note that sometimes the spawnmutant command does not work. In this case, it should be replaced with spawnenemy. For such commands, you can specify the number of spawned creatures by adding --(number) to the command, for example, spawnmutant pale --10.

  • killallenemies - kill all enemies in the game, except for worms (they will respawn after a while);
  • killallworms - kill all worms
  • enemies on - completely remove enemies from the game;
  • enemies off - cancel the previous cheat;
  • veganmode on - enemies will only be in caves;
  • veganmode off - cancel the previous code;
  • vegetarianmode - enemies appear only at night;
  • knockdownclosestenemy - Knock down the nearest enemy. The cheat may not work on creepy mutants;
  • killclosestenemy - kill the nearest enemy
  • killendboss - kill the final boss;
  • astar on - turn off the specified route for enemies, after which they will roam anywhere;
  • astar off - cancel the previous cheat;
  • spawnregularfamily - Spawn 3 to 6 regular cannibals
  • spawnpaintedfamily - spawn 3 to 6 painted cannibals
  • spawnskinnedfamily - spawn 3 to 6 masked cannibals
  • spawnskinnyfamily - add 2 to 5 skinny cannibal
  • spawnmutant male_skinny - Spawn a skinny male mutant
  • spawnmutant female_skinny - spawn a skinny female mutant
  • spawnmutant skinny_pale - add a skinny and pale mutant;
  • spawnmutant male - spawn a normal male mutant;
  • spawnmutant female - add a regular female mutant;
  • spawnmutant fireman - spawn a fire mutant
  • spawnmutant pale - add a pale mutant;
  • spawnmutant armsy - spawn a handy mutant
  • spawnmutant vags - add Virginia;
  • spawnmutant baby - spawn a mutant baby;
  • spawnmutant fat - add a fat man;
  • spawnmutant worm - spawn a worm
  • spawnmutant girl - add a final boss.

Story and consumable items in The Forest

  • add all items - add all items except story items. Entering this code again will fill your bag to capacity;
  • removeallitem - remove all items from the player;
  • spawnallpickups - Respawn all items that have already been collected
  • addallstoryitems - add all story items;
  • removeallstoryitems - remove all story items;
  • additem (a number from 29 to 310) - add the specified item to your inventory;
  • spawnitem (number from 29 to 310) - put the specified item on the ground next to you;
  • removeitem (a number from 29 to 310) - remove the specified item from the inventory (if there is more than one, then all will be removed).

List of items in The Forest - cards, keys, bows, etc.

Each item has a number that must be entered after the additem, spawnitem, and removeitem commands.

  • 29 - bomb;
  • 31 - wiring diagram;
  • 33 - fabric;
  • 34 - a leaf from a tree;
  • 35 - lizard meat;
  • 36 - a set of batteries;
  • 37 - alcohol;
  • 38 - banknotes;
  • 41 - watch;
  • 42 - pen;
  • 43 — flare;
  • 44 - signal pistol
  • 46 - head;
  • 47 - leg;
  • 48 - lighter;
  • 49 - medicines;
  • 51 - flashlight;
  • 53 - stone;
  • 54 - belief;
  • 56 - spear;
  • 57 - stick;
  • 60 - teeth;
  • 61 - player;
  • 63 - pedometer;
  • 67 - calendula;
  • 68 - healing poultice;
  • 69 - cassette No. 1;
  • 71 - Molotov cocktail;
  • 74 - survival guide;
  • 75 - modernized stick;
  • 76 - rabbit meat;
  • 77 - rabbit;
  • 78 - log;
  • 79 - homemade bow;
  • 80 - an ax from an airplane;
  • 81 - tennis ball;
  • 82 - a small stone;
  • 83 - arrow;
  • 86 - rusty ax;
  • 87 - stone axe;
  • 88 - modern ax;
  • 89 - chocolate bar;
  • 90 - hand;
  • 91 - coins;
  • 92 - lizard skin;
  • 94 - skull;
  • 95 - homemade club;
  • 96 - club;
  • 97 - echinacea;
  • 98 - chicory;
  • 100 - herbal energy drink;
  • 101 - bomb head;
  • 103 - aloe seeds;
  • 104 - resin;
  • 105 - upgraded stick;
  • 106 - modernized stone;
  • 107 - cartridge for signal pistol;
  • 108 - improved damage dealt;
  • 109 - soda;
  • 110 - a tray with food;
  • 112 - black honeysuckle;
  • 113 - snowberry;
  • 114 - blueberries;
  • 115 - amanita;
  • 116 - common chanterelle;
  • 117 - cassette No. 2;
  • 118 - cassette No. 3;
  • 119 - cassette No. 4;
  • 120 - cassette No. 5;
  • 122 - radio;
  • 123 - meat;
  • 126 - deer skin;
  • 127 - fish;
  • 129 - rabbit fur;
  • 130 - bag for berries;
  • 131 - blue paint;
  • 132 - orange paint;
  • 133 - head from a broken toy;
  • 134 - a hand from a broken toy;
  • 135 - leg from a broken toy;
  • 136 - torso from a broken toy;
  • 137 - camouflage;
  • 138 - alpenstock;
  • 139 - map of cave No. 2;
  • 140 - crucifixion;
  • 141 - tortoise shell
  • 142 - saucepan;
  • 143 - rebrizer;
  • 144 — cylinder with oxygen;
  • 145 - burduk;
  • 147 - magazine "Practicing speleologist";
  • 148 — Yacht magazine;
  • 149 - magazine "Below limestone";
  • 150 - Bible;
  • 152 - photograph of the yacht;
  • 153 - photo of Virginia #1;
  • 154 - Latin document;
  • 155 - photo of Virginia #2;
  • 156 - the first part of the map of the peninsula;
  • 157 - the second part of the map of the peninsula;
  • 159 - the fourth part of the map of the peninsula;
  • 165 - the third part of the map of the peninsula;
  • 169 - complete map of the peninsula;
  • 173 - compass;
  • 175 - dynamite
  • 176 - milk package;
  • 177 - modernized spear;
  • 178 - bones;
  • 179 - broken toy;
  • 180 - katana;
  • 181 - oyster;
  • 182 - photograph of a teddy bear;
  • 183 - newspaper fragment with a message that the children were missing;
  • 184 - tennis racket;
  • 185 - the head of a rabbit;
  • 186 - head of a wild boar;
  • 187 - deer's head;
  • 188 - the head of a crocodile;
  • 189 - raccoon head;
  • 190 - head of a lizard;
  • 191 - the head of a seagull;
  • 192 - the head of a squirrel;
  • 193 - turtle head;
  • 194 - head of a goose;
  • 195 - shark head;
  • 196 - map of the peninsula;
  • 197 - sheet with a list of passengers;
  • 198 - metal tray;
  • 199 - snowshoes;
  • 200 - quiver for arrows;
  • 201 - rabbit boots;
  • 202 - newspaper fragment "Fortune";
  • 203 - book "Dark-haired man";
  • 204 - bone armor;
  • 205 - Echinacea seeds;
  • 206 - blueberry seeds;
  • 207 - small meat;
  • 208 - drawings by Timmy;
  • 209 - magazine "Reality!";
  • 210 - key card;
  • 211 - blackberry;
  • 212 - healing poultice +;
  • 213 - herbal energy drink;
  • 214 - bag for stones;
  • 215 - bag for sticks;
  • 216 - sketch of the obelisk No. 1;
  • 217 - sketch of the obelisk No. 2;
  • 218 - journal "Scientist in Ethics";
  • 219 - Megan's school photo;
  • 220 - photograph of cache No. 1;
  • 221 - photograph of cache No. 4;
  • 222 - photograph of cache No. 5;
  • 223 - photograph of cache No. 6;
  • 224 - photograph of cache No. 8;
  • 225 - photograph of cache No. 3;
  • 226 - photograph of cache No. 2;
  • 227 - photograph of cache No. 9;
  • 229 - cargo declaration;
  • 230 - flintlock pistol;
  • 231 - old bullets;
  • 232 - the first part of the flintlock pistol;
  • 233 - the second part of the flintlock pistol;
  • 234 - the third part of a flintlock pistol;
  • 235 - the fourth part of a flintlock pistol;
  • 236 - a fifth of a flintlock pistol;
  • 237 - one sixth of a flintlock pistol;
  • 238 - the seventh part of a flintlock pistol;
  • 240 - paint brush;
  • 241 - an eighth of a flintlock pistol;
  • 242 - golden key card;
  • 243 - court order;
  • 244 - notice of termination;
  • 245 - autopsy report;
  • 246 - the first page of the Bible;
  • 247 - second page of the Bible;
  • 248 - Megan's crayons
  • 249 - photograph of the obelisk;
  • 250 - drawing of an obelisk;
  • 251 - Megan's drawing: flowers;
  • 252 - drawing of Megan: dad;
  • 253 - drawing of Megan: unicorn;
  • 254 - drawing of Megan: dinosaur;
  • 255 - letter "Can shoot down a plane";
  • 256 - Megan's email;
  • 257 - repair hammer;
  • 258 - Polaroid photo of card key #1;
  • 259 - Polaroid photo of key card #2;
  • 260 - Polaroid photo of the key card No. 3;
  • 261 - chainsaw;
  • 262 - gasoline;
  • 263 - chainsaw advertisement;
  • 265 - machete;
  • 267 - video camera;
  • 269 - video cassette No. 1;
  • 270 - video cassette No. 3;
  • 271 - video cassette No. 4;
  • 272 - video cassette No. 2;
  • 273 - video cassette No. 6;
  • 274 - video cassette No. 5;
  • 275 - mushroom-raincoat;
  • 276 - psilocybe;
  • 277 - olive omfalot;
  • 278 - deer whips;
  • 279 - modern bow;
  • 280 - electrical tape;
  • 281 - slingshot;
  • 282 - a bag for small stones;
  • 283 - homemade bow with a flashlight;
  • 287 - modern bow with a flashlight;
  • 288 - chainsaw with a flashlight;
  • 289 - flintlock pistol with a flashlight;
  • 290 - bag for spears;
  • 291 - hairspray;
  • 292 - skin of wild boars;
  • 293 - raccoon skin;
  • 294 - artifact;
  • 295 - head of the arm;
  • 296 - the head of a mutant baby;
  • 297 - the head of a fat man;
  • 298 - head of Virginia;
  • 299 - warm suit;
  • 301 - terrible armor;
  • 305 - key artifact;
  • 306 - crossbow;
  • 307 - crossbow bolts;
  • 308 - scheme No. 1;
  • 309 - scheme No. 2;
  • 310 - scheme No. 4;
  • 311 - scheme number 5.

Navigating the map in The Forest

  • goto cross - move to the stern of the yacht;
  • goto boat - go to the deck of the yacht;
  • goto yacht - teleport inside the yacht;
  • goto hull - move to the plane;
  • goto geeselake - go to Goose Lake;
  • goto cave1 - teleport to the first cave;
  • goto cave2 - move to the second cave;
  • goto cave3 - go to the third cave;
  • goto cave4 - teleport to the fourth cave;
  • goto cave5 - move to the fifth cave;
  • goto cave6 - go to the sixth cave;
  • goto cave7 - teleport to the seventh cave.

In addition, you can enter the coordinates of the point you need using the coordinates (x, y, z). The command will look like "goto xyz".

Cheats for building in The Forest

  • buildermode on - Enemies are disabled. The mode of immortality (Godmode) and building without resources (Buildhack) is included;
  • buildermode off - cancel the previous cheat;
  • buildhack on - creative mode. Construction without spending resources;
  • buildhack off - cancel the previous cheat;
  • buildallghosts - instant construction of all projects (contours of future buildings);
  • cancelallghosts - cancel all projects;
  • placeallghosts - place a building project right in front of the player;
  • loghack on - Carrying logs will be infinite as long as one of them is in your hands. The mode will turn off if you drop a log or use a weapon;
  • loghack off - cancel the previous mode.

List of items related to construction in The Forest

These commands will instantly build the corresponding object. Also note that when entering such a code, the item will no longer be bound to the location. Treehouses can be built directly on the ground, fish traps can be built outside the reservoir, and so on.

  • PlaceBuiltObjects Ex_GardenUndergroundBuilt2 1 - bed in the cave;
  • PlaceBuiltObjects TreeHouseChalet_Built_Anchor 1 - alpine tree house without a rope;
  • PlaceBuiltObjects TreeHouseChalet_Built_Rope 1 - alpine tree house with a rope;
  • PlaceBuiltObjects TreeHouse_Built_Anchor 1 - a tree house without a rope;
  • PlaceBuiltObjects TreeHouse_Built_Rope 1 - a tree house with a rope;
  • PlaceBuiltObjects TreePlatform_Built_Anchor 1 - platform on a tree without a rope;
  • PlaceBuiltObjects TreePlatform_Built_Rope 1 - platform on a tree with a rope;
  • PlaceBuiltObjects TreesapCollectorBuilt 1 - resin storage;
  • PlaceBuiltObjects Ex_WallChunkBuilt 1 — Wall
  • PlaceBuiltObjects Trap_FishBuilt 1 - fish trap;
  • PlaceBuiltObjects ArmorMannequinBuilt 1 - armor rack;
  • PlaceBuiltObjects ArrowBasketBuilt 1 - basket for arrows;
  • PlaceBuiltObjects Bed_Built 1 — Bed
  • PlaceBuiltObjects Birdhouse_Built 1 —Bird house
  • PlaceBuiltObjects BoneBasketBuilt 1 - a basket for bones;
  • PlaceBuiltObjects BoneChair_Built 1 - bone stool;
  • PlaceBuiltObjects BoneFrame_Built 1 - bone frame for the picture;
  • PlaceBuiltObjects BonFireBuilt 1 - big fire;
  • PlaceBuiltObjects CeilingSkullLightBuilt 1 - ceiling lamp;
  • PlaceBuiltObjects ChairBuilt 1 — Chair
  • PlaceBuiltObjects Chandelier_Built 1 - bone chandelier
  • PlaceBuiltObjects Decoration_deerSkinBuilt 1 - decorative deer skin;
  • PlaceBuiltObjects Decoration_GroundWeaponHolderBuilt 1 - floor weapon storage;
  • PlaceBuiltObjects Decoration_RabbitSkinBuilt 1 - decorative rabbit fur;
  • PlaceBuiltObjects Decoration_skullBuilt 1 - decorative skull;
  • PlaceBuiltObjects Decoration_TrophyMakerBuilt 1 - hunting trophy;
  • PlaceBuiltObjects Decoration_WallPlantPotBuilt 1 - wall garden;
  • PlaceBuiltObjects Decoration_WallWeaponHolderBuilt 1 - wall hooks for weapons;
  • PlaceBuiltObjects DryingRackLiteBuilt 1 — сушилка;
  • PlaceBuiltObjects EffigyBigBuilt 1 - big scarecrow;
  • PlaceBuiltObjects EffigyRainBuilt 1 - handy scarecrow;
  • PlaceBuiltObjects EffigySmallBuilt 1 - a small scarecrow;
  • PlaceBuiltObjects Ex_FloorBuilt 1 - custom floor;
  • PlaceBuiltObjects Ex_GardenBuilt 1 - custom garden;
  • PlaceBuiltObjects Ex_PlatformBuilt 1 - platform;
  • PlaceBuiltObjects Ex_RockFenceChunkBuilt 1 - stone wall;
  • PlaceBuiltObjects Ex_RockFenceChunkBuilt 1 - stone path;
  • PlaceBuiltObjects Ex_StickFenceChunkBuilt 1 - stick fence;
  • PlaceBuiltObjects Ex_WallDefensiveChunkBuilt 1 - old fence;
  • PlaceBuiltObjects Ex_ZiplineBuilt 1 - frame rope descent;
  • PlaceBuiltObjects Ex_BoneFenceChunkBuilt 1 - bone fence;
  • PlaceBuiltObjects Ex_CraneBuilt 1 - crane / elevator;
  • PlaceBuiltObjects Ex_EffigyBuilt 1 - your own scarecrow;
  • PlaceBuiltObjects HolderExplosives_Built 1 - shelf for explosives;
  • PlaceBuiltObjects HolderSnacks_Built 1 - large wardrobe;
  • PlaceBuiltObjects HouseBoat_Small 1 - floating house;
  • PlaceBuiltObjects LargeRaftBuilt 1 - large raft;
  • PlaceBuiltObjects LeafHutBuilt 1 - temporary shelter;
  • PlaceBuiltObjects LogCabinBuilt 1 — Log Cabin;
  • PlaceBuiltObjects PlatformBuilt 1 - platform;
  • PlaceBuiltObjects RopeBuilt 1 - climbing rope;
  • PlaceBuiltObjects Ex_ZiplineTreeBuilt 1 - rope descent from a tree;
  • PlaceBuiltObjects FireBuilt 1 - simple fire
  • PlaceBuiltObjects FireBuiltRockPit 1 — Fire pit;
  • PlaceBuiltObjects Fireplace_Built 1 — Fire place;
  • PlaceBuiltObjects FireStandBuilt 1 - fire on a stand;
  • PlaceBuiltObjects GazeboBuilt 1 — Alcove;
  • PlaceBuiltObjects ShelterBuilt 1 - hunting shelter;
  • PlaceBuiltObjects SkinRack_Built 1 - rack for skins;
  • PlaceBuiltObjects SkullLightBuilt 1 - skull lamp;
  • PlaceBuiltObjects LogCabin_Small_Built 1 — litle house;
  • PlaceBuiltObjects LogHolderBuilt 1 - small log storage;
  • PlaceBuiltObjects LogHolderLargeBuilt 1 - large storage of logs;
  • PlaceBuiltObjects MedicineCabinet_Built 1 - medium cabinet;
  • PlaceBuiltObjects MultiSledBuilt 1 — Sled
  • PlaceBuiltObjects MultiThrowerBuilt 1 - catapult;
  • PlaceBuiltObjects RabbitCageBuilt 1 - rabbit cage;
  • PlaceBuiltObjects RaftBuilt 1 - small raft;
  • PlaceBuiltObjects RockHolderBuilt 1 - small stone storage;
  • PlaceBuiltObjects RockHolderLargeBuilt 1 - a large storage of stones;
  • PlaceBuiltObjects RockSidePlatformBuilt 1 - side platform;
  • PlaceBuiltObjects SmallTableBuilt 1 - table / bedside table;
  • PlaceBuiltObjects SpikeDefenseBuilt 1 - defensive spikes;
  • PlaceBuiltObjects StickMarkerBuilt 1 - stick-marker;
  • PlaceBuiltObjects Stick_HolderBuilt 1 - small stick storage;
  • PlaceBuiltObjects Stick_HolderLargeBuilt 1 - large stick storage;
  • PlaceBuiltObjects TableBuilt 1 — Table;
  • PlaceBuiltObjects Target_Built 1 - wooden target;
  • PlaceBuiltObjects Trap_Deadfall 1 - Falling Death trap;
  • PlaceBuiltObjects Trap_LeafPileBuilt 1 - leaf trap
  • PlaceBuiltObjects Trap_RabbitBuilt 1 - animal trap;
  • PlaceBuiltObjects Trap_RopeBuilt 1 - loop trap;
  • PlaceBuiltObjects Trap_SpikeWall 1 - "Happy Birthday" trap;
  • PlaceBuiltObjects WallBuilt_Doorway 1 - main wall;
  • PlaceBuiltObjects WallBuilt_Window 1 - wall with a window;
  • PlaceBuiltObjects WaterCollector_Built 1 — Sump;
  • PlaceBuiltObjects WeaponRackBuilt 1 - weapon rack;
  • PlaceBuiltObjects WoodCouch_Built 1 — sofa;
  • PlaceBuiltObjects WoodFrame_Built 1 - a frame made of sticks for a picture;
  • PlaceBuiltObjects WorkBenchBuilt 1 - wooden bench;
  • PlaceBuiltObjects Trap_swingingRockInTree 1 - swinging rope trap;
  • PlaceBuiltObjects Trap_TripWireExplosiveBuilt 1 - explosive wire trap;
  • PlaceBuiltObjects Trap_TripWireMolotovBuilt 1 - Molotov stretch;
  • PlaceBuiltObjects WalkwayStraightBuilt 1 - wooden walkway;
  • PlaceBuiltObjects WallBuilt 1 is the main wall.

    Cancel commands and delete saves

    Be careful, these codes are extremely dangerous to use.

    • resetstatsandachievements - reset information about achievements and account statistics;
    • clearallsettings - Reset all settings, including keybindings. Changes take effect after a restart;
    • clearsaveslot all - clear all saves
    • clearsaveslot sp (number from 1 to 5) - clear the specified save lot in a single player game;
    • clearsaveslot mp (number from 1 to 5) - clear the current multiplayer save lot.
