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Expeditions: Rome guide - where to find all unique items (weapons and armor)

Expeditions: Rome guide - where to find all unique items (weapons and armor)

 How to find all the unique weapons, armor, talismans, amulets and other items of equipment in the game

Expeditions: Rome has unique items - armor, weapons, and even talismans, which are distinguished from the rest by a golden icon that highlights them in the equipment menu. In addition, each such item has a unique property that improves characteristics and abilities, so the more such items you have, the higher the chances of winning the battle. We talk about all the items we found and what they give.

Asia Minor

Archelaus' unique sword

UNIQUE: Slashing damage applies Bleeding to your target, dealing damage every turn.

The first unique item that can be found in Expeditions: Rome is a weapon called the Sword of Archelaus. You will receive it automatically according to the plot of the game, after defeating Archelaus during the siege of Mysia. It will happen at the very beginning. It doesn't matter if you kill Archelaus or choose to spare him. This sword is a powerful weapon for the princeps class that deals additional slashing damage and grants a trait that applies a bleed effect to attacked opponents.

Unique harp (Harpe)

I apologize in advance for the lack of translation. I did not find this weapon, so I looked at English-language sources. After you complete the first mission to pacify the region in the fishing village, in one of the chests on the roof you can find a material called the sickle blade. If you go with him to Mysia and talk to the merchant Boeth, he will give you a drawing of the Harp item. With this weapon, you can attack twice in 1 turn!

Evryta Unique Bow

Unique Perk: After landing a killing blow using Intercept, you will retain your stance. This will allow you to perform another "Interception".

The third unique item that you are most likely to come across in the game is the Eurytus Bow. This is an optional item that can be found in the temple of Apollo (or completely overlooked). Get to the top of the temple where Theophilus is, then move to the right side of him. There will be a non-working fountain and a cracked floor. Interact with the floor to reveal a hidden room where the ladder leads. The same bow is hidden in this room. To destroy the floor, find a pickaxe in the opposite part of the temple with Theophilus. This bow is one of the most surprisingly powerful weapons in the game, due to its special trait that allows shooters to continue to Intercept if a kill is made with this attack.

Erita's medallion

During the Divide and Conquer quest, one of the ways to get rid of Theophilus is to use leverage. To do this, find two women near Zenobia who communicate with each other. One of them is Erita. After eavesdropping on their conversation, follow Erita to a secluded area. You can talk to her. If you decide to kill Erita, you will receive her unique medallion. This amulet is endowed with a unique characteristic that allows it to restore 10% HP to its owner every turn.

Unique Rod of Asclepius

UNIQUE: Each time you kill a character, a random follower is healed for 10% of their maximum health.

The next unique item in Expeditions: Rome is the Rod of Asclepius, which can be found in the ruins on top of the mountain, east of the Temple of Apollo. You can go there on your own or on the "Divide and Conquer" task if you find a secret correspondence between Theophilus and Mithridates, and then forge it. Once on top of the mountain, behind one of the cracked walls, you can find a chest with a unique weapon. To access it, climb over the fence. Wand of Asclepius improves your character's healing by 44% and restores 10% health to a random ally each time you make a kill with the wand.

Occam's unique razor

UNIQUE: +50% damage against Encircled Enemies.

Another unique weapon can be found in the fishing village of Troad, which is north of the Temple of Apollo on the map of Asia Minor. Once there, find the tavern, which is guarded by a hoplite (standing by the door). Kill him and go inside the building, then deal with the rest of the enemies and search the chest at the back of the room. Occam's razor is hidden inside. This is a dagger that has high minimum base damage and deals an additional 50% damage when flanked by enemies.

Traitor Unique Armor

Unique Ability: This allows you to dodge your first ranged attack, such as Overwatch or Intercept, once per round.

To get the next unique item, you need to complete the story mission related to the elimination of the traitor. Go to the fishing village of Troas and fight Cassius and his guards. The man is hiding in the building on the right, along the piers. When you deliver him to your camp, interrogate him, after which Caeso will take Cassius' equipment. This will give you the Traitor Armor, which increases armor and maximum resistance, and grants a trait that allows you to dodge the first ranged attack through additional abilities.

Unique spear of Achilles

After the conquest of Lesbos, you will enter Asia Minor. If you head northeast, you will find the fishing village of Troas. In this place you will have to go on a story mission, trying to find a traitor (armor above). On the opposite side of the village from where you came from is a Greek villa with a garden nearby. Search the garden and find a tree that you can interact with. This will give you the first clue about the spear of Achilles. Press the ALT key to see the outline of the item and find it faster.

After picking up this item, hover over it in your inventory. Do the same with two other things to get important clues. Leave the village and head to the small peninsula to the east. The next destination is Lesbos, a beach in the southern part of the island. The final point is in the north, on the western edge of another peninsula. Step inside to receive your well-deserved reward.

Unique spy hamata

The next unique item in Expeditions: Rome is the Spy Hamata, which can be obtained for the Julius Calida character. Chat with Sextus, the blacksmith at the Legion's main camp, and he'll give you a quest to make armor for Kalida. All you have to do is remove Kalida's default armor and craft it into a spy hamata. It grants Kalida a health boost and grants a unique trait that grants a 50% chance to refund skill charges when used.

Unique Damian Peak

UNIQUE: Inflict Ready when you end your turn near a character with a shield.

Another unique weapon can be obtained during the story mission Morituri Te Salutant (Those who are about to die to greet you), in which you will go to the gladiator school to deal with the traitor of Rome, Damian. Complete the quest until you defeat Damian, at which point you will be rewarded with Damian's Spike. The weapon has an increased chance of dealing critical damage and grants the Ready status if there is an ally with a shield next to the pike-wielding character at the end of the turn.

Unique Aegis

To get this unique item, you need to perform several actions, but all the torment is worth it. In the fishing village of Troad, you can find a vendor who sells a special bottle of wine for 2,000 denarii. If you buy it, you will start the Blood of Jupiter quest. Take this wine to Luculla at his military camp and you can drink with him. Wait a while and return to the camp to search the chest for an aegis blueprint. There will also be all the materials necessary for crafting. The Aegis unlocks an ability that allows you to blind enemies that attack you with melee attacks.

Unique Crown of Mithridates

The Crown of Mithridates is the last unique item you can find during the conquest of Asia Minor. Kotta will automatically give it to you after completing the siege of Chalcedon. The equipment provides additional armor, increases maximum resistance, and unlocks a trait that doubles all of the character's possible resistances.


Gaius Julius Caesar's Golden Sword Crocea Mors (Yellow Death)

UNIQUE: Each hit inflicts an Appraisal status effect that ensures that the next attack in the same turn will deal with a critical hit.

The Roman sword is old-fashioned, but very durable and crafted by a true craftsman. Clearly a family heirloom of a wealthy warrior. Its hilt is engraved with the ancient coat of arms of the Julius family. During the meeting with the senators of Rome, you can chat with Aurelia to get a blueprint for the next unique item. By creating Crocea Mors, you will be able to access its unique property. The next attack on the same turn will deal with a critical hit.

Unique Gladiator's Trident

The first unique Expeditions: Rome item to be found in Africa is the Gladiator's Trident. This item is skippable, but you can get it directly during the main quest. Look for him in the room in front of Luculla's office upon arrival in Africa. Against the wall, in the window. The Gladiator's Trident is considered a pike and deals additional critical damage, and also has a unique property that grants a 20% chance to disarm the enemy.

Queen's Guardian Unique Armor

Unique property: after taking lethal damage, the character will save 1 point of health.

To get the next unique item in Africa, you need to meet with Queen Cleopatra during the story mission of the same name, in which you save her from her kidnappers. She will give an armor called "Queen's Guardian" with a unique trait that grants automatic respawn if the wearer's health drops to 0.

African Scipio's unique helmet

Unique Ability: If you end your turn without attacking anyone, you can attack twice on your next turn.

In the Sky Court in Africa, you can find a vendor who sells all sorts of junk. He will offer you a helmet, the cost of which he does not know. You can buy it for 50 or 1000 denarii to gain the respect or disapproval of different allies. This is the helmet of Scipio Africanus, the man who conquered Carthage. Its unique trait allows you to attack twice per turn if you complete the previous turn with the remaining action points.

Unique fluffy talisman

Another unique item can be found in the Sky Court. This is a fluffy talisman. During the mission Expeditions: Rome, you can find him in a cell with a giant cat. It is located on the edge of the area, and if you wear it, you can attract the attention of all animals nearby.

Unique Staff of Varmaxan

UNIQUE: Each hit has a 20% chance to knock the enemy down.

The next unique item in Expeditions: Rome is also missable. It belongs to one of the members of the Gallic tribe named Varmaxan, who will ambush you during the quest "Strange Alliances". After heading to the burial place and finishing the battle, search the corpse of Varmaksan to get his staff. This staff deals additional bludgeoning damage and has a 20% chance to knock down enemies on each successful hit.

Izil Unique Bow

UNIQUE: Arrows fired from this bow cannot be deflected by shields.

Izil's bow can be found during the quest "The Conquest of Africa" ​​when you need to go to the siege of Avdila. During the last battle, you need to kill Izil, which will automatically reward the legate with his unique bow. You will receive the weapon immediately after talking with Cleopatra. The peculiarity of this weapon is that shields cannot reflect fired arrows. It is also characterized by increased durability, critical damage, and piercing damage.

Notable Roman helmet

Unique: At the end of your turn, you gain focus equal to half your remaining movement points.

At some point during your journey through Africa, you will accidentally encounter an ambush in the desert set up by Roman traitors. Get rid of them. One of them will hide and drop a remarkable Roman helmet. Its unique trait grants concentration points based on how many movement points you have left.

Unique electric khopesh

As soon as you find a unique material, an electric blade inlaid with gold, go to Sextus in the main legion camp. He will offer to contact the blacksmith in Memphis. When you are allowed to go to Memphis, talk to the blacksmith about the blade and he will give you a blueprint for making an electric khopesh in the legion camp. It deals reduced piercing damage, but deals increased slashing damage and have a 25% chance to set the target on fire with each attack.

Golden Wolf Unique Spear

UNIQUE: Killing a prone character restores 15% of their maximum health.

This unique item in Expeditions: Rome can be overlooked. To get it, you have to complete a side quest. Talking to the Langey character in the Sky Court will result in a woman asking you to deal with the Nasamone tribe, who oppose an alliance with Rome. After completing the quest and destroying all enemies, you will meet with Lanzha again and get a unique spear. Its unique trait allows you to regenerate 15% of your health each time you execute a character on the ground.

Tutankhamun's unique dagger

Unique Ability: Attacks with this weapon bypass enemy armor.

During a quest called The Number of Death, you will eventually infiltrate a pyramid with enemy spies. Upon arrival, when you find yourself in an ambush and complete the battle, move to the far wall, which is highlighted when you press Alt. By clicking on the wall, you will open a secret tomb, where you can find a unique material called "Meteor Blade". Take this item to the blacksmith in Memphis to receive the blueprint for King Tut's dagger. It grants its wearer -a 100% Critical Strike Chance but ignores armor on hit.

Unique Battle Scepter

UNIQUE: At the start of combat, inflicts the Poisoned status effect on all allies.

This unique staff is the last item you can get during the campaign in North Africa and Egypt. After the siege of Alexandria, complete the battle with Ptolemy. Once the battle is over and the Cleopatra conversation sequence begins, choose how to kill Ptolemy. Then take the scepter from the corpse of Ptolemy. It deals additional critical damage and a trait that grants the Poison Coated status effect to all allies, allowing them to poison their enemies.


Unique Labrys Zairichi

UNIQUE: Each hit has a 50% chance to reflect damage taken to another nearby enemy.

After you finish your journey in Egypt and return to Rome, the first unique item you can get can be found as part of the Third Extra quest. Playing as Dejanira, complete this quest. When you kill all the enemies inside the Collegium of Bacchus. Search the chest against the back wall. This will give you the Labrys Zairichi Two-Handed Axe, which has a 50% chance to reflect all damage dealt to an adjacent enemy after an attack.

Unique Parazonium

Head to the market of Rome to visit your old friend Sextus and purchase a new unique weapon. Talk to the daughter at the stall, and once she gets it, you can ask to become the patron of his workshop. He will then offer to buy a dagger called Parazonium. For 600 denarii. This weapon has a trait that grants all allies the Sustaining Prosperity ability, which means they cannot fail morale checks.

Unique boar mascot

Unique property: none.

One of the first unique items that can be found during the third chapter, in the lands of Gaul. Sooner or later, a random event called "Holy Boars" will occur on the world map, where you will stumble upon a small settlement with several women and boars. They will try to force you to leave, and if you agree, one of them will present a boar talisman, claiming that it will bring good luck to the legate. Unlike other types of unique weapons and equipment, the boar talisman does not have a unique property. His stats seem to be randomized. The first time, the talisman gave fire resistance, increased maximum focus, and minimum base damage, the second time, after reloading, critical damage and resistance.

Orgetorig Unique Armor

UNIQUE: Killing a leader grants +50% Armor and its maximum value.

Armor of Orgetorix is ​​the next unique item that can be found in Gaul. It will be automatically given to the legate during the mission "Supply Lines". You will be tasked with capturing or killing the Gallic king Orgetorix, and once the fight is over, you can take the armor or return it to the camp after interrogation. Orgetorig's armor has a unique trait that allows the wearer to gain +50% Armor and its maximum value after killing the leader. This bonus will remain until the end of the battle.

Dumnorix's Unique Shield

UNIQUE: The shield does not lose durability on impact, but cannot reflect arrows.

Later, during one of the story missions, you will be assigned to ambush King Dumnorix of the Edui tribe, after which you can collect the next unique item. The quest is called "Edui's End". After collecting all the items for the ritual of Divitiacus, you will finally be able to ambush the king. After completing the task and killing Dumnorix, you will automatically receive it. The main feature of the shield is that when it hits, it is not durable, but it cannot reflect arrows.

Ankil Unique Shield

UNIQUE: At the end of your turn, your shield is restored by the amount of movement points you have left.

Back in Rome, you will be able to get another unique shield called Ansil. If you visit the market and go to the counter of Sextus (your blacksmith from the main camp), you can chat with him and choose such a dialogue option so that all slaves buy tools from him in the future. Thanks to this, he will try to sell you a copy of the legendary Ansil shield. Although there are suspicions that this may not be a fake, but a real weapon. It costs 2000 denarii and has high damage, extra movement, and a trait that restores shield strength for the amount of movement points you have left after the end of the turn.

Oghma's Unique Bow

UNIQUE: Critical hits inflict Rout on the enemy, causing them to act unwisely.

The next unique item in Expeditions: Rome is an optional item that can be obtained during the Enemy of My Enemy side quest. After conquering enough regions, Vercingetorix will send a messenger to tell you that he wants to see you at "the place where you both first met". This is a secret place in the forest. Not far from the southwestern part of the map. Upon arrival at the location, you will receive a gift - a unique bow of Oghma. The bow has good Accuracy and Critical Damage modifiers, as well as a unique trait that gives all critical hits the effect of "Mash".

Magister's Unique Toga

The following five unique items can be obtained at the same time. If you upgrade your arsenal to the third level, it will allow you to create better items. You can use them to turn old pieces of equipment into unique items. If you dismantle Cineros' Old Toga, it will turn into a unique item. You will receive a blueprint for creating a master's toga. It is an upgraded version of his old armor and has the unique property that using the bandage does not trigger a counterattack from the enemy.

Champion's Unique Plume

Another unique item that can be obtained along with four others. If you upgrade your arsenal to the third level, it will allow you to create better items. You can use them to turn old pieces of equipment into unique items. If you dismantle Beast's old plume, it will turn into a unique item. You will receive a blueprint for creating a champion plume.

This unique piece of armor has 76% Focus and grants a trait that gives you half of the Focus spent when you kill an enemy.

Unique Ranger Hood

Another unique item that can be obtained along with four others. If you upgrade your arsenal to the third level, it will allow you to create better items. You can use them to turn old pieces of equipment into unique items. If you dismantle Kalida's old hood, it will turn into a unique item. You will receive a drawing to create a ranger hood.

The Ranger Hood allows Kalida to gain invisibility on kill, making her invisible to enemies.

Unique gallery primpila

Another unique item that can be obtained along with four others. If you upgrade your arsenal to the third level, it will allow you to create better items. You can use them to turn old pieces of equipment into unique items. If you dismantle Cezo's old gallery, it will turn into a unique item. You will receive a blueprint for creating a primpil galley. Unique Ability: Whenever you deal a critical hit, Caeso taunts a random enemy, prompting them to attack only them. This is the so-called mockery.

Unique muscular primpil

Another unique item that can be obtained along with four others. If you upgrade your arsenal to the third level, it will allow you to create better items. You can use them to turn old pieces of equipment into unique items. If you dismantle the old Muscle Caeso, it will turn into a unique item. You will receive a blueprint for creating a primpil muscle. This unique armor inflicts a high chance to move but grants its wearer great resistance and a unique trait that grants an indomitable status effect that prevents any loss of morale in combat.

Unique mask of Marcellus

UNIQUE: Doubles the Fright effect and ensures that at least one attacked enemy receives the Rout effect.

The last two unique items from Expeditions: Rome that you can get are towards the end of the third act. After the siege of Alesia, the final battle will take place in the throne room of Vercingetorix. You will have to defeat his men, as well as Marcellus, directed by Lurco. After defeating Marcellus and completing the fight, you will receive the Mask of Marcellus. This is a unique item that imbues its wearer with a modifier that doubles the effect of Fright on enemies, ensuring that at least one of them remains routed.

Unique Sword of Vercingetorix

UNIQUE: When you kill, turn a random enemy into an ally for 1 turn. Does not affect leaders and main characters. Only triggers once per turn.

After the destruction of Vercingetorix in the final battle of the third act, you can get his unique sword. It doesn't matter if you capture or kill Vercingetorix. The Sword of Vercingetorix grants a critical damage increase (x6) and a powerful perk. After killing an enemy, you can turn another enemy into an ally for one turn. Although this effect does not affect leaders and main characters.
