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Total War: Warhammer 3 Build outposts and spread cult

 Total War: Warhammer 3 has some new game mechanics ready for you. For example, you can set up outposts in allied settlements or spread the cult of chaos in foreign provinces. In this guide, we will tell you how this works and what advantages you can enjoy from it.

Dwarves and Kislev in one army? Thanks to outposts, that's now possible.
Dwarves and Kislev in one army? Thanks to outposts, that's now possible.

build outposts

In the new Total War: Warhammer 3 campaign "The Realm of Chaos" you can build outposts at allied provincial capitals. The option will be unlocked automatically once you have formed an alliance with another faction. The outpost (level 1) costs you 3,000 coins and takes three rounds to complete.

Important: If an outpost of a foreign faction has already been built at an allied provincial capital, you can no longer build an outpost yourself. It is therefore not possible for several outposts to exist in one provincial capital.

An outpost offers two advantages:

  • On the one hand, you can add selected units from the allied faction to your armies . Simply click on one of your armies and then on "Recruit Allies" at the bottom of the screen. Even with an outpost (tier 3) you don't have your ally's entire regiment at your disposal, but the range of different units expands with each outpost tier.
  • In addition, you expand the garrison of the allied provincial capital by building an outpost, which means that the city is better protected against a hostile takeover. If the provincial capital is lost through a takeover or destruction, the outpost is also gone.

Units recruited from an outpost cost you affinity to purchase. You build bonds by attacking enemies of your allies, supporting them in battle, or completing missions for them. When it comes to the upkeep of recruited outpost units, on the other hand, everything stays the same: you still pay a certain number of coins per round for their upkeep.

If you want to improve the outpost, this is possible in a total of three stages. For the outpost (level 1) you only need a protective alliance with another faction. For each additional level, you must enter into a military alliance with the respective faction. Apart from that, a maximum of four units from allied factions can be included in one of your armies.

Important: Recruitment of outposts can only take place when they are garrisoned. This means that you must station your army in a settlement in order to have access to the ally unit selector.


  • The Outpost (level 1) is unlocked by a protective alliance. Outposts (Tier 2 and 3) are unlocked through a Military Alliance.
  • If there is already an outpost near an allied provincial capital, you can no longer build an outpost there.
  • An outpost allows you to recruit units from other factions. A maximum of four units from all allied factions can be included in one of your armies.
  • Outpost units cost Affinity and Upkeep.

spread cults

The establishment of cults is reserved for the Chaos factions: Chaos cults are buildings hidden in foreign provinces that can give you different bonuses depending on the faction you choose. But you can't just place a cult in every foreign provincial capital of your choice. Instead, the corruption of your Chaos faction must dominate in each city.

To find out where you can spread a cult, select the Provinces tab at the top right of the screen. Then you can sort all settlements by outpost and cult under "Other provinces". In this way, you can quickly find out where your cults already exist or can still be spread.

If you dominate the corruption of your chaos faction in a province, you can spread a cult.
If you dominate the corruption of your chaos faction in a province, you can spread a cult.

A cult primarily secures you a special resource that is unique to each Chaos faction:

  • Khorne get skulls
  • Slaneesh received followers
  • Nurgel get infections
  • Tzeentch receive grimoires

Aside from that, cults can also influence the winds of magic or provide you with additional income.

Similar to outposts, the "build time" of a cult takes three turns. The cost is 2,500 coins. Unlike outposts, cults cannot be upgraded to higher tiers. However, Chaos factions are also able to set up outposts in friendly cities and thus recruit units from other factions.


  • The spread of a cult is possible when the corruption of your chaos god dominates in a foreign province.
  • A cult is automatically destroyed when the Chaos Corruption no longer dominates in that province.
  • A cult allows you to obtain special resources specific to the Chaos factions. But he can also increase the winds of magic, create additional income or trigger rebellions.
