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Elex 2 Learn to chop and use it correctly

 In Elex 2's open-world Magalan, you're bound to come across locked vaults sooner or later. In most cases, you can only open such a safe if you have the ability to hack. In this guide, we'll tell you how to learn how to hack and how to use it properly.

learn to hack

If you come across a safe in Magalan, you may be able to hack it immediately, as you can already hack simple locks without any knowledge. On the other hand, if you have a good lock or security lock, you will need to find a teacher who will teach you the skill - unless you happen to guess the four-digit code of the safe in question. However, the number of possible combinations is gigantic, which is why you should at least learn the first level of hacking.

The Chop skill requires that you have invested enough points in the Cunning and Intelligence attributes.

  • Level 0 allows you to hack simple locks.
  • Level 1 allows you to hack good locks.
  • Level 2 allows you to hack security locks.
The yellow icons on the map represent the hacking teachers on the map.
The yellow icons on the map represent the hacking teachers on the map.

If you are looking for a hacking teacher, you can try Vivian among the clerics, for example. Or you can ask Hector for a lesson with the outlaws instead.

Use hacks correctly

If you guessed a number correctly, it will be highlighted in blue.
If you guessed a number correctly, it will be highlighted in blue.

If you try to open a safe, you first get to the normal keypad. Only with the triangle button (PS) or Y button (Xbox) do you get into the hacking mini-game. Here are some things to keep in mind when hacking:

  • You don't have to pay attention to the special characters around the four keypads.
  • No number can appear twice.
  • The ">" symbol means "... is greater than the following digit".
  • The "<" symbol means "... is less than the following digit".
  • If you have entered all four digits, correct numbers are marked in blue, incorrectly positioned numbers in yellow, and completely wrong numbers in red.
  • At the beginning of the hacking process, you have four failed attempts.
  • If you fail, you can simply try again. Make a note of the digits that got you right the last time. The code doesn't change.
