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The best Shurima decks in Legends of Runeterra

The best Shurima decks in Legends of Runeterra

 In Legends of Runeterra, one of the most interesting regions in Shurima, a kingdom ruled by the energy of the Sun where the soldiers have great power and special abilities that are very effective if used well. Beyond that, another thing that stands out about this region is that it allows you to be very offensive with the units and spells it has.

If you're looking to put constant pressure on your opponent, and have a low-strength violent playstyle and lots of units, Shurima is the perfect region for you. However, in order to control all the warriors well, it is important that you create balanced decks like the ones we are going to recommend in the following information from our complete Legends of Runeterra guide.

Shurima + Frejord: Zilean + Lissandra


With Freljord and Shurima in your deck, this card layout has the ideal combination, as you have an excellent tactic for defending and attacking. Shurima warriors are going to make sure you have a lot of units when you attack and also try to improve their power and health, while Freljord is going to focus on slowing enemies with Frost and has defense units.


  • Chances Granted (x2).
  • Pacifier (x2).
  • Mechanical Conservator (x3).
  • Bottled Time (x3).
  • Zilean (x3).
  • Promising Future (x3).
  • Negation Ritual (x2).
  • Conservationist (x2).
  • Spirit Fire (x2).
  • Clock Hand (x2).


  • Ice Servant (x1).
  • Three Sisters (x2).
  • Instant Freeze (x3).
  • Ice Shard (x2).
  • Lisandra (x3).
  • Braum (x1).
  • Draklorn Inquisitor (x2).
  • Frost Burial (x1).

Shurima + Backwaters: Miss Fortune + Taliyah


As good support, Standing Waters can go a long way. In this deck, we get Shurima warriors to have summons as Keywords, and the Backwaters region is going to focus on buffing or helping all the units you've activated on the battlefield. Unlike the previous one, this is a slightly more aggressive deck.


  • Guardian of the Dunes (x3).
  • Ancient Plans (x3).
  • Shaped Rock (x3).
  • Budding Chronomancer (x3).
  • Ancient Hourglass (x3).
  • Rockhoppers (x3).
  • Merciless Huntress (x3).
  • Desert Naturalist (x2).
  • Negation Ritual (x2).
  • Sand Burial (x2).
  • Taliyah (x3).

stagnant waters

  • Miss Fortune (x3).
  • Island Navigator (x3).
  • Finchaser (x2).
  • Citrus Delivery (x1).
  • The Mermaid (x1).

Shurima: Azir + Renekton


Since most Shurima cards have effects, a pure Shurima deck is more than enough. The following cards will help you make very direct and effective plays, as well as level up warriors faster than normal:

  • Augural Sands (x3).
  • Buried Sun Disc (x1).
  • Guardian of the Dunes (x3).
  • Shaped Rock (x3).
  • Ancient Plans (x3).
  • Pacifier (x2).
  • Conservation Chamber (x3).
  • Budding Chronomancer (x3).
  • Ancient Hourglass (x2).
  • Quicksand (x2).
  • Azir (x3).
  • Merciless Huntress (x3).
  • Golden Ambassador (x3).
  • Renekton (x3).
  • Baccai Sandweaver (x3).
  • Rise of the Ascended (x3).
Bringing out Shurima's potential with these decks is sure to make your games more emotional and you'll land totally lethal attacks. On the other hand, if you want to have a different game dynamic, you can use one of the best Shadow Isles decks in Legends of Runeterra.
