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Walkthrough Weird West - guide to the chapter "Headhunter"


Walkthrough Weird West - guide to the chapter "Headhunter"

A detailed walkthrough of the story of the Bounty Hunter in the game Weird West

At the beginning of the game, select the desired difficulty level. In principle, at the intermediate level, you should not experience much problems, so you can think about putting the level a little higher right away.

Chapter 1

Watch the introductory video. You can collect different items inside the house. You play as former bounty hunter Jane Bell. Talk to Sheriff Flora Albright. Then search the yard of your estate. Examine the corpses.

Advice. In inventory, you have a wedding ring. Don't sell it. If you sell, then when you meet your husband, he will notice it. However, Alonzo will say that he understands the act of Jane, who sold the ring to buy weapons.

Walkthrough Weird West - guide to the chapter "Headhunter"

You can press I and explore the different tabs. You will pump abilities and privileges. For abilities, you need to find fossilized relics (purple), and for privileges, golden aces of spades. The level in the game is not pumped! No matter how many people you kill, you will have to look for petrified relics or golden aces of spades to unlock new abilities and privileges. There is also a "Documents" tab, where various collectibles are stored - travel notes, mail archive, and encyclopedia. They, in fact, do not give anything, so we will not dwell on them.

Attention. The game consists of five different chapters. For example, the task "Journey of the Bounty Hunter" is a separate, first chapter. It will be quite long (depending on how many side quests you decide to complete in parallel). At the end of the chapter, you'll get a summary of the results based on the decisions you've made. Most likely (I am writing this text after going through one chapter), this will affect the ending. In the next chapter, you will play as a different character, in another, as a third, and so on.

Search barrels, boxes, and bodies. Collect everything you can. This will come in handy. Inside the large stable, on the table is the key to the barn. This is a small blue building between the stable and the house, next to the toilet stall. On the stable, you can find a shovel. The game has several tools. The shovel allows you to bury corpses or dig up graves, and find buried treasures. The pickaxe is used to extract nuggets (usually deposits are found inside mines and caves). Both the pickaxe and the shovel can break, so it's handy to have a spare.

You can press I and explore the different tabs. You will pump abilities and privileges. For abilities, you need to find fossilized relics (purple), and for privileges, golden aces of spades. The level in the game is not pumped! No matter how many people you kill, you will have to look for petrified relics or golden aces of spades to unlock new abilities and privileges. There is also a "Documents" tab, where various collectibles are stored - travel notes, mail archive, and encyclopedia. They, in fact, do not give anything, so we will not dwell on them.

Attention. The game consists of five different chapters. For example, the task "Journey of the Bounty Hunter" is a separate, first chapter. It will be quite long (depending on how many side quests you decide to complete in parallel). At the end of the chapter, you'll get a summary of the results based on the decisions you've made. Most likely (I am writing this text after going through one chapter), this will affect the ending. In the next chapter, you will play as a different character, in another, as a third, and so on.

Search barrels, boxes, and bodies. Collect everything you can. This will come in handy. Inside the large stable, on the table is the key to the barn. This is a small blue building between the stable and the house, next to the toilet stall. On the stable, you can find a shovel. The game has several tools. The shovel allows you to bury corpses or dig up graves, and find buried treasures. The pickaxe is used to extract nuggets (usually deposits are found inside mines and caves). Both the pickaxe and the shovel can break, so it's handy to have a spare.

You can bury the body of Huck's son. In the warehouse, you will find various items. There are four types of consumables in total. Bandages allow you to heal, green bottles - remove poisoning, and so on. Read descriptions! Each of the items is assigned to a separate key - Z, X, C, V.

Dig the cache under the tree (marked with a yellow marker) to get a revolver. Optionally, shoot the cans on the objects to the right of the tree, behind the fence. To change weapons in the future, use pressing ALT. If you hold down ALT, the weapon wheel will open. You can leave the location.


From the Bell farm, go to the Birdhouse. On the way, you will probably be attacked by wolves. Defeat them and get to the Birdhouse. You can cook meat or eggs on a fire (GG will automatically eat them to restore the specified amount of HP). Arriving at the Birdhouse, search the location. You can search all the corpses. This does not count as theft. If you see that one of the pick-up items glows with “green crosses”, this means that when taking it, the GG will automatically eat it and partially heal.

To the right is a green saloon. Climb to its roof and you will see an object with a purple glow in the corner. This is just the same fossilized relic, necessary to unlock new abilities. Read their descriptions carefully and choose the ones you like. Drink water from barrels to heal. Pass by the bank and see the church (to the alley). Enter it, go down using the hatch and open the carved chest to get the golden ace of spades.

Sidequest "Kidnapped Blacksmith"

In the Birdhouse, you can meet the girl Marie Moore. She asks to find her husband, a blacksmith who was kidnapped by a gang. Agree. The task will be completed later.

Enter the building and chat with the sheriff. Interrogate Cason Quietness. Ask to speak politely. Promise to do no harm. You will learn that the leader of the gang is Shelby Cross. Surely there will be a night when you find yourself in the Birdhouse. To make shops and other buildings work, press ESC and select "Rest" from the pause menu. In the house opposite the saloon, in the back room, you can find a shotgun.

Still Water Camp

Leave the Birdhouse and go to the camp in the east. On the way there, you can meet a caravan of wanderers. These are traveling merchants. You probably don't have money. You can buy a petrified relic and some amulets from them. Get to the right place, go forward and jump over the hole to the "Space". Press CTRL, sneak up on the enemy, and click on the left mouse button to disarm him stealthily. In the future, you need to hide the bodies so that others do not notice them and start looking for you. Enemies stunned in this way will not wake up, even if their allies see them.

Do the same with the second enemy, and then shoot the two enemies near the fire. You can cook food on the fire to restore HP. Disable two enemies near the wagon. Don't forget to save with F5. True, there is only one quicksave slot... Shoot at the barrels of oil to set fire to enemies. Don't forget to dismantle unnecessary firearms. In principle, you can now inspect items and not take into your inventory garbage, the cost of which is less than $8. In the future, you can filter the $12 worth of garbage, since there is really little space in the inventory. After destroying the enemies near the barrels, look to the left for a petrified relic.

Clear out the parking lot. You can start with the enemy on the left. Also, shoot the TNT barrel when there are several opponents nearby. In one of the boxes is a master key. I recommend having at least 5 master keys with you. Often doors or chests locked with locks have keys, but sometimes it happens that the key cannot be found, and then master keys will help. So, with the help of a master key, you can open a chest nearby and find a simple deerskin jacket.

Kill three more enemies a little further and inspect the tracks near the broken wagon. Leave the location.

Hunting place

Follow the marker to the north of the map, where the Stagnant Water bandits have gone. Talk to the mysterious girl near the hut and look at the footprints behind the house. Leave the location again.

Parking Greenwood

This time, move east from the "Hunting Place", where the tracks indicate. You will see the first siren. Clear the location in any convenient way. You can enter from any direction. Operate covertly for as long as possible until you are noticed. Then you have to fight. One of the opponents is marked with a "crown". This is a local leader. For killing him, you will receive 10 reputation points. The higher the reputation, the better the discounts from merchants. For a high reputation, you can get other bonuses. From one of the corpses, you can pick up the key to the cellar in the Greenwood parking lot. On another corpse, there will be a key to the cages with prisoners. On the territory of the camp, a man is sitting in one of the cages. This is Shin-Nan Moore, the husband of the woman from the Birdhouse. Free him to advance on the "Kidnapped Blacksmith" quest. In addition, in a small building on the left, there is the same key from the cages with prisoners. There, under the bed, lies the golden ace of spades and there is a note about the well. And in the large building on the right, you can find the second key to the cellar in the Greenwood parking lot. Thus, here you can act stealthily without killing all the enemies!

In the same large building, there is a hatch in the adjacent room. Use it to go down to the cellar. In the small room ahead, you will find an injured bandit, Dean of Stillwater. Talk to him. If you give a first aid kit, he will point to the location of the cache. This will start the quest "The Dying Bandit". When you are on the map, look for a cache marker. Go there and find two bandits and wolves. There will also be many graves. Examine all graves. One of them will contain the loot that the rescued bandit was talking about. Also in one of the graves around the tree, you can find a fossilized relic. Joe's grave contains a golden ace of spades (and other loot). Now you will have your first true friend. A true friend is those NPCs who can come to the rescue in the midst of any battle.

Walk forward through the cave. Do not turn right where there is a locked door. Get to the dead-end room and open the carved chest on the left to get the golden ace of spades. Go back and open the door with the key to the cellar in the Greenwood parking lot. As for the well, yes, you could go down it, but you need a rope. Kill all enemies in the next adit. On the table is the key to the cages with prisoners, but we already found it earlier. There will be a captive woman in the next room. Free her to get a second true friend. Be sure to take the pumped revolver lying on the table to the left. You need 5 lockpicks to open the safe. However, if you free Judith Allen, she will call out the code - 0451. This is the famous Konami code. Just open the safe to earn another +10 reputation. Inside the safe are a quest note, money, and a petrified relic.

Get out, kill the enemies if you wish, or steal a horse and jump into the Birdhouse. A stolen horse is only useful for a few seconds. When you get to her destination, she will run away. Thus, you will have to buy a horse yourself in order to use it at any time. In addition, the horse has saddlebags, and these are additional inventory slots.


Council. When you collect money, be sure to buy a horse!

Immediately visit Marie Moore at the blacksmith's house to complete the quest and receive a "green" revolver with two stars as a reward. You will receive $10 for completing the task. In the clothing store, talk to Maria Bell to pick up the Right Tools side quest. You can inspect the rest of the shops and buildings. In the saloon you can hire a partner, in the hospital, you can get cured or buy medicines. You can have no more than two companions. Chat with Monte Clasp, located near the bank, and agree to accept him into the team. This is a free partner. If he dies, he will disappear from the squad forever. Take a look at the board next to the sheriff's building. Posters hang on it with a request to catch or eliminate this or that bandit. These are additional goals that will allow you to earn money.

Talk to the sheriff, then cross the road to the post office and chat with the worker. He will decipher the message from Still Water but will have to pay $300. And yes, if the building is closed, rewind the time of day to a day (select "Rest" from the pause menu).

Galen bridge

Sell ​​trash. Surely you will have enough money to pay the employee of the relayograph. So you will learn about the new location. Head north to the Galen Bridge. At the entrance to the estate, you will be stopped by security. Chat and follow Joaquim. Listen to Mayor Weeks. He is ready to help, but in return, he asks for documents for a neighboring farm. Yes, you can threaten and even fight the mayor and his guards, but this will be considered a crime. Yes, it's not easy to win.

Leave the location. If there are other markers nearby, you can go and kill targets for contracts from the Birdhouse. After that, return to the Birdhouse and collect the reward from the sheriff.

Go to Bush Creek Farm and talk to the man at the stable on the left. He will refuse to hand over the documents, no matter how you ask him. On the other hand, he will tell you that the secrets of the mayor should be sought in his basement. Yun Saito is also around the corner, from whom you can take the side quest "Rivals' Distillery". You need to destroy the equipment or the leader of the bandits. Please note that Moura's husband and wife are on the farm. You cannot kill them, otherwise, a crime will be counted. And they won't fight you. Go to Milton's hut. Now either kill all the bandits or blow up the equipment. The latter is in the far left corner. Pick a moment when there are no enemies nearby. If you have a rifle and the Silencer skill, use it for a silent first shot. In fact, when the equipment is blown up, it is not necessary to kill the bandits. Just evacuate. I didn't find aces or relics at Milton's Hut.

If you want to do the right thing, don't go to war with the people of Bush Creek Farm. Instead, return to the Galen Bridge location. Show documents at the entrance. Also, before entering the mayor's house, a man, Walter Murphy, will call out to you. He will give a love letter addressed to another guy. Agree to help to start the Love Notes for the Illiterate side quest. Talk to Joaquim, leave the location and follow to Dawkins. Chat with Joaquim. Pay $15 or fight to get rid of the guys who are pestering him. You will receive a ward of isolation that protects against fire damage. At the Galen Bridge location, go to the neighboring building with the mayor's house. There are many enemies here, so be careful. In the far room behind the door (a room without windows) is a hatch. Go downstairs and see the prisoner, Marion Keene. Chat with him. Now you can blackmail the mayor, and he will tell you where to go next. Or you can free Marion by spending the master key (I never found the key). Climb up and look for a petrified relic on one of the tables in the large room in front of the room with the hatch. Also, a fossilized relic must be looked for in Marion Keane's detention cell. Whether you release him or not, go to the mayor anyway. If you received information from Marion, you can demand money from the mayor.


Now go to a new place, Quickbend. You will find a duel. There are many ways to get inside the bank. First, talk to the merchant sitting on the right. Pay $10 and learn how to properly offend one of the bandits. Chat with the bandit in one of the houses (the sheriff's building), insult him by talking about small feet. Win the duel and you will be invited inside. There is another option. From the same merchant you will learn for the bartender. Chat with the barmaid and follow her to the cemetery. Talk, take a bottle of wine and follow to the entrance to the bank. Give this wine to a lone guard. He will fall asleep, and you will be able to get inside, although you will have to fight with everyone you meet. However, even if you get through a duel, the leader will offer to join the gang. You know, it's not very interesting. And when you refuse, the massacre will begin. In one of the graves in the cemetery, where the barmaid ran away, there is a golden ace of spades. The former owner of the bank is hiding in the basement under the church. On the second floor of the bank, in the room of the leader Billy Green, there is a golden ace of spades. Collect the keys and open Essex Mast's Detention Cell. Talk to him on all topics. One of the rooms has Il-Soon Jong. This is the bartender's husband. On the roof of the bar you can find a chest with a petrified relic.

Great Gorge Mine

Go forward and look for a petrified relic in a small building on the right. Clear the location. The way forward is blocked. There is a lever on the left on the hill. By pulling on it, you can go down into the mine. But take your time. Go around the elevator building to find the golden ace of spades. Don't forget that you can use dynamite to blow up the rubble in the mines to find secrets. Clear the first adit and move on. On the right is a lone enemy and there is a door behind which a monster roams. If you go to the left, you can find an enemy sitting at the table and a prisoner in a cage. On the table is the key to the pits with monsters. The cage can be hacked, but it is better to be patient and find the key.

Go right and into the room with the monster. You won't defeat him. Open the grate on the left using the monster pit key. Go forward and kill the two sirens in the flooded mines. On the right there will be a cage with another prisoner. Go left and look into the box, which has a red inscription. You will meet a Core. He agrees to help, but for this, you need to accompany him to Sheriff Albright. Moreover, if he dies, it is enough to take Flora his brain. Suspicious, don't you think?

In the room on the left, look for a chest that opens with three master keys. I couldn't find the key to it. Inside the chest is a fossilized relic, 16 coins, and a green bow with two stars. But on the table is the key to the cell. With it, you can open two detention cells and rescue two prisoners. In one of the chambers lies a golden ace of spades. Go back through the room with the monster. Open the door on the right. You can hack or break it. Near the corpse there is a chest with a petrified relic. You can leave the location.

Return to the Birdhouse, but the sheriff will not be there. Examine the bloody footprints behind the sheriff's building. Leave the location and move to the Albright limit. Once on Flora's farm, chat with her father and go down to the basement. You will learn that she is a siren. But not like everyone else. Kills only those who deserve it. Convince her to eat Core (or his brain if he died). In the backroom of the basement, on the table lies a golden ace of spades.

abandoned settlements

This is the final location of the game. If you go too far and save your husband, you won't be able to explore the rest of the locations. We talk about them below. Kill three enemies in front. Next will be a spacious courtyard with even more enemies. In the far left corner on a hill near the fence is a wagon. It contains a fossilized relic. On the hill to the right, there is a table with the key to the quarry. If you don't find it, it will drop from one of the enemies. Get inside.

Clear the first rooms. Outside, you should also find the key to the prisoner cages. Most likely, it will fall from the enemy. You can free caged prisoners and open empty loot cages. In the back room, there is a carved chest containing a golden ace of spades. To open it, you need one master key. Clean out the large flooded adit. Some enemies will turn into sirens. At one of them, you will find the key to the sanctuary. It is needed to open the next door in the adit. In addition, in the same flooded adit, on the right side, you can find a fossilized relic.

Open the grate with the Shrine Key. Kill the enemies and turn into the room on the right, with the cages. Look for the first lever here. You need to pull three levers to open Shelby Cross' secret room. Killing him, as it were, is optional, but desirable, otherwise, the abductions will continue. There is a stage in another room on the right. Kill the enemy and take the bridge key from him. Move to the left, finish off the enemies and open the grate on the right. Behind it you will find a lever that allows you to lower the bridge. So you get to Alonzo, the husband of the main character. You can go down into the blood-flooded room with rats and find another ward of the righteous on the corpse. It increases damage depending on your reputation (the higher, the better).

Now it remains to either get out of the quarry or find two more levers and kill Shelby. Look for the second lever behind the red curtain next to the cell where Alonzo's husband was sitting. Jump to the ledge against the wall above and run to the left. Open the curtain and pull the lever. Return to the flooded room and go left if you look at the grate, which was opened with the key to the sanctuary. See the third lever on the ledge? Climb to another hill nearby and jump to Shift + "Space". It will be a long jump and you will be able to reach the lever. You can go into the cache to Shelby and kill him (the cache is located in a straight line from the grate, which was opened with the key of the sanctuary).

As soon as you get into the cache, go to the right. The chest contains a golden ace of spades. Fight Shelby. The ability for a revolver with electric bullets helps a lot! There are many books and records in the secret room. When you're ready, leave the location. The last choice is to betray Flora or hide from the marshal that she is a siren. The chapter will end, and you will see the results.

Our results of "The Headhunter's Journey":

  • You brought Albright's assistant with you.
  • You've uncovered Mayor Weeks' secret.
  • You freed Quickband from the Stillwater Gang.
  • You freed the captives from the Great Gorge Mine.
  • You accepted Sheriff Albright's help to save your loved one.
  • You didn't give Sheriff Albright's secret to the marshal.
  • Sheriff Albright survived.
  • You killed the bastard Shelby Cross and put an end to the horrific deeds of the Stagnant Water Gang.

Other locations of the first chapter

The savage and the closed box. At a certain point, you will encounter a savage (a random event on the map). Chat with her. She will give you a locked box and ask you not to look inside. I didn't open it, so I don't even know what's inside.

Location "Golden Ridge". There will be a bandit base here, and you will need to catch the criminal under the contract. It's north of Skvorechne. There is a beautiful chest in the far right corner inside the building. It holds the golden ace of spades. If there are lockpicks, look for a carved chest in the next large building. One lockpick will be enough to open the chest and get the second golden ace of spades.

Horn location. On one of the corpses, there will be a treasure map. Examine it in inventory to get a point. Go there and dig out the mound, which you will have to discover on your own. Also in this location, there is a small cemetery, where there is a cursed figurine. Interact with her to pick up the Crime and Punishment side quest. In one of the graves, you can find a golden ace of spades. In another building, another treasure map is hidden, and in the room on the left is a fossilized relic.

Fur. Climb to the very north, on the assignment "The Right Tools". Chat with Gao Xie and give him the tools. The task will be completed and you will receive $50.

Location "Yev's Fist". Kill the bandits outside and go down the shaft on the lift. Clear the mine itself. Inside will be the usual resources. Surely you will come here under one of the contracts. I didn't find any aces or relics.

Brooktown. No relics or aces found.
