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What class should you start playing in Allods Online?

 Guide for choosing a game class for new players.

Allods Online has 11 classes with their own unique playstyles. In addition, choosing a character's race unlocks certain additional abilities for the class. When playing in a group, all characters take on a role. Conventionally, there are four roles in Allods Online: defense (tank), attack (damager), healing, and support (buffs, debuffs). Each class in the game can fill two or more roles depending on the specialization.

It can be very difficult for a beginner to understand all this diversity, and this guide is designed to help just such players.


The warrior specializes in hand-to-hand combat. Probably the best tank in the game. This class has a bunch of abilities to help with damage absorption and can also deal some pretty good damage, even though that's not the main role of the Warrior.


Playing as a Warrior is relatively easy in PvE, but the need to keep melee range creates some challenges in PvP. The self-healing abilities of the Warrior are very limited, so for PvP, it is better to make friends with the healer and not go far from him. However, if you have a group played, then the Warrior performs well in 3v3 and 6v6 battles.


This class is suitable for those who love close combat but do not want to be limited to any one role in the group. The Templar can be both a tank and a damage dealer, dealing a large amount of damage in a short amount of time. The latter makes him a particularly dangerous opponent in PvP.


A good Templar must be able to use all his rich arsenal of abilities, which requires a certain skill from the player. However, the basics of the Templar will not be difficult to grasp, so this class is great for a beginner.


When a group needs a healer, the choice immediately falls on the Priest. However, in addition to healing, this class is able to specialize in dealing damage. The priest-damager is in demand both in PvP and PvE, so the adepts of holy surgery are not doomed to remain, healers, all the time.


This versatile class is perfect for all those who like to play as casters. When recruiting into a guild, good Priests are in great demand, so you will definitely never be left without a group.

The weakness of the Priest is his rather low survivability, especially if he is attacked in melee, so for an effective game, you will have to learn how to keep your distance.


One of the most popular damage dealers in Allods. The Scout is capable of dealing high damage both from a distance and in close combat. Relatively simple mechanics allow you to quickly get your hand in the game as a Scout and feel comfortable in any situation. The main difficulty in playing as a Scout is to properly manage your Equipment, which is spent on using various abilities.


In defense, the Scout is much inferior to the Warrior, but he compensates for this with high mobility, which allows him to escape from dangerous situations. If you want to deal a lot of damage in both PvP and PvE, then the Scout is a great choice for the first class.


The Pagan is one of the best damage dealers and healers in Allods Online, the commander of the natural elements. Unlike the Priest, the Pagan relies not only on his spells but also on a loyal pet, the type of which can be freely chosen in the change room. This class has access to a large number of regeneration abilities, including those that work on the whole group at once.


A large and varied arsenal of spells means that this class will take some practice to realize its full potential. However, after familiarizing yourself with the abilities, playing as a Pagan becomes quite simple, so this class can be safely recommended to a beginner.


If you want to deal as much damage as possible from a safe distance, if you are only interested in big numbers and are willing to sacrifice everything else for them, then Wizard is the class for you. In Allods Online, no one can throw fireballs and turn opponents into ice statues as painfully as the Wizard.


Despite low defense and lack of healing abilities, the Wizard can protect himself by moving quickly across the battlefield thanks to the Shift spell.


The necromancer is never alone. And do not look that next to him there are always only creepy-looking walking corpses - they are much more faithful than any living friends. The Necromancer is one of the most sought-after damage dealers in any game mode, including PvP of all sizes.


Due to this, the Necromancer shows himself perfectly when pumping solo.


This class is for those who like to direct the course of the battle, not allowing the enemy to take a step freely. Mystic specializes in debuffs and control of opponents, plus he can support his allies with buffs and deal good damage. A distinctive feature of the Mystic is his main resource - Stress. As Stress accumulates, Mystic begins to suffer from negative effects, so the player needs to find a balance between accumulations and timely release of Stress.


The Mystic is quite difficult to master and will require the player to shed a lot of pixel blood and sweat in order to learn how to play for him at a high level. Recommended for experienced gamers or those who prefer interesting and non-standard play styles.


One of the best classes for those who primarily think about their allies. A bard is needed in any group, since no one else has such powerful buffs, and can even slightly heal allies in difficult times... However, Bard also knows how to deal good damage, especially when it comes to fighting groups of opponents.


Bard's difficulty lies in his relatively low survivability and mobility. Positioning will be one of the core skills required to play this class, especially when it comes to PvP.


Tired of fantasy with swords and magic? The Engineer enters the battle with a huge cannon in his hands, shooting and undermining opponents from a comfortable distance. Engineer is a support class that can deal massive damage. The main "chip" of this class, in addition to the gun, is the Temperature system. The ability to properly manage the heat of the reactor will be essential for optimal play.


Engineer is one of the most difficult classes, requiring perfectly straight arms from the player. However, those who can master this class to perfection will find a place for themselves in any group in both PvE and PvP.


Unusual melee fighter, able to both tank and deal good damage. Instead of dressing in armor and wielding a sword, this class transforms into various demons, each with its own strengths and weaknesses. The main resource is Obsession, which is gradually accumulated in battle and spent on certain powerful abilities.


Playing as this class is not easy, as you need to skillfully switch between different forms in order to use the full potential of the Demonologist.
