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What to play with a friend in 2022. Best co-op games


What to play with a friend in 2022. Best co-op games

Looking for a co-op game that you are not ashamed to fly into in 2022? In this compilation, we've collected the top gaming hits where you can shoot, jump, solve puzzles, and even plow fields - all with a friend. Fly in and choose projects for joint passage!

Ready or not. Become a special forces team

Ready or Not was released at the end of 2021 and immediately flew to the top of the Steam charts. Probably, gamers simply yearned for tactical shooters, in which thinking is much more important than shooting straight.

The game tells about a detachment of special forces, ready to deal with the most dangerous terrorists. They have to go on missions and free the hostages, defuse bombs and clean up terrorist bases. Moreover, each sortie is dangerous, and it will not be easy to survive it.

To cope with the mission, the fighters must act extremely carefully: control the space, monitor the rear, and take the terrorists by surprise. Tactical skill is the only thing that will save a life.

Ready or not. Become a special forces team

If warehouses with many entrances and exits are visible on the map, it is worth hanging a shield on your back that will save you from shots from the rear. Noticed a lot of doors? Take the camera - it will let you know if there is an ambush in the next room. And the room blocker is also useful - it will make some paths impassable. If at least something is not foreseen, the evil terrorists will inevitably kill the squad.

In addition, Ready or Not constantly throws surprises. The detachment can open the door and explode - it turns out that it was mined. Or stumble upon a criminal who makes it clear with all his appearance that he is giving up, and then abruptly pulls out a gun and starts shooting. Or go to a locked door, start fiddling with a master key there and catch an olive from a terrorist standing on the other side - he probably heard a suspicious noise.

It’s not worth going through the creation of VOID Interactive in a team with bots, and outside players can be more of a hindrance than a help. But if you fly into the game with a friend, it will give a lot of vivid emotions.

It Takes Two. A co-op game that blows the tower

It Takes Two was named the biggest hit of the year at The Game Awards 2021 for a reason. If you are looking for something to play with a friend, the game can be a real revelation.

At release, we praised every aspect of the project. A touching story that could well replace a trip to a family psychologist for a couple of lovers. A chic visual design that constantly sends the characters to new enchanting places. Gameplay, every now and then throwing something new.

It Takes Two. A co-op game that blows the tower

In one level, It Takes Two can become a shooter, platformer, puzzle, racing, and even a classic fighting game. When Josef Fares claimed that he would give a thousand dollars to a gamer who gets bored during the passage, he was not bluffing - the brainchild of Hazelight entertains like no other game.

a way out. best jailbreak

A Way Out is another Yousef Fares project in the selection. If the visual or story of It Takes Two didn't grab you, or if you've already gone through it and are craving more, feel free to fly into the game about criminals.

A Way Out tells about two prisoners who intend to escape from prison and deal with the offender. Alas, on the way they will have to face many problems: they will fall under heavy fire more than once, take part in chases, fight with villains and much more.

At the same time, there are also enough peaceful episodes. Leo and Vincent can swing with a partner on a children's swing, compete in pull-ups, arrange a concert with a balalaika and piano, and so on.

a way out. best jailbreak

Plus, the story is intriguing. It lacks the stars from the sky, but still impresses with drama and a touching finale. A Way Out is an absolute must-have for fans of cooperative games.

Far Cry 6. Mad Revolution

In Far Cry 6, gamers will have to play as revolutionaries who are tired of the tyranny of El Presidente. To give the villain a breath, the heroes will burn plantations, capture outposts, drive around the island in tanks and fly helicopters - in general, do everything that fans love the series for.

Far Cry 6. Mad Revolution

The sixth part works according to a familiar formula, but there are enough innovations in it. The main character learned to speak again, and indeed the character from Dani Rojas turned out to be curious. From now on, the Supremo backpack hangs behind the back of the brave partisan, capable of flooding the area with fire, delivering a powerful electric discharge or firing a dozen missiles. Plus, a lot of special weapons appeared, like a cannon that simultaneously shoots and loses to the Macaren.

By tradition, you can have fun on the island with a friend. If alone the gameplay can get boring, then with good company the fan will continue until the very end.

Dying Light 2 Stay Human. stay human

Dying Light 2 Stay Human is another new feature that you can play with a friend. The co-op mode opens immediately after the prologue and is available until the end credits.

The plot of the second part tells about a brave hero who arrives in the last major city in search of his sister. Alas, the zombie apocalypse has taught people nothing: they continue to squabble with each other, build cunning plans and resolve issues with violence. The gamer will have to choose a side, build relationships with many characters and ultimately decide the fate of humanity.

The main feature of the title is parkour. The hero deftly jumps, climbs the roofs, runs along the walls and performs other spectacular tricks. All this will help both while moving around the world and in battle. Skills are especially useful at night, when the most dangerous creatures crawl out onto the streets.

Dying Light 2 Stay Human. stay human

You can find fault with Dying Light 2 for the roughness in the plot, bugs, and an abundance of running around, but it's still fun to play through.

Farming Simulator 22. When you and your friend are tractor drivers

Farming Simulator 22 cannot be recommended to everyone - the genre is too specific for the game. However, it is also impossible to deprive her of attention: after all, at the peak, 105 thousand gamers were cut into the farming simulator, and 88% of the reviews on Steam are positive.

Farming Simulator 22. When you and your friend are tractor drivers

The idea of ​​the project is simple: players find themselves in a huge location and must buy fields and equipment, grow crops, harvest crops, establish production, and trade - this is just a small part of the responsibilities. It sounds strange, but it is worth imbued with the process, as it will drag on with your head.

Beginners can be put off by the high threshold of entry. To grow at least something, you have to be puzzled. The field must be limed, cleared by removing stones that spoil the equipment, plowed, and cultivated - only after that you can start sowing and planting.

After the seeds are already in the ground, you should not relax either. Fields need to be weeded, getting rid of weeds, fertilized, mulched, and rolled. 

The main advantage of Farming Simulator 22 is the cooperative mode. Flying on a map full of fields, sharing responsibilities, and ensuring the prosperity of the farm is a sticky process.

Valheim. Survivor who blew up the Steam charts

Few had heard of Valheim prior to release, but co-op survival from the humble studio Iron Gate AB was a huge hit among gamers and became one of the biggest hits of 2021. At its peak, more than 500,000 gamers survived in the perilous Scandinavian world.

Valheim's success is well deserved. The world is drawn beautifully, fighting mythical creatures is fun, and turning a house into a fortress is exciting - especially if you do it with a friend. But the game also has a plot: brave Vikings need not only to survive but also to challenge powerful bosses, each of which has its own strengths and vulnerabilities.

Also, the project should be praised for the physics. If you go to cut a tree, make sure that it does not fall directly on the hero. Are you building a house? Take care of the supports, otherwise, the structure will break. Placed a hearth in the house, but forgot about the chimney? Soon the character will have nothing to breathe.

Valheim. Survivor who blew up the Steam charts

You can fight in Valheim with up to ten people, so gather your friends and get ready to do the will of Odin.

Project Zomboid. Zombie Apocalypse You Can't Survive

Project Zomboid was released back in 2013 but gained great popularity only last year. All because of a large-scale patch that introduced a lot of new mechanics and made the co-op as comfortable as possible.

The game tells about a mysterious virus that led to a zombie apocalypse. The protagonist turns out to be a rare survivor in a huge city - now he needs to take care of food, water, medicines, and at least some of the joys of life. And, of course, do not let yourself be bitten, because there is no cure for infection.

Keep in mind that Project Zomboid is a hardcore game with a lot of mechanics. To open a tin can, you need a special knife. Products will quickly disappear if they are not stored in the refrigerator. If you are planning to relax, do not forget to make curtains and cover the windows, otherwise, the zombies will notice the poor fellow and devour him. There are many such little things, and each is important to consider.

At the same time, the level of complexity increases over time. The player finds the apocalypse at the very beginning when the houses still have electricity, and water flows from the tap. Over time, the benefits of civilization will disappear, forcing the hero to create generators and look for drink. However, no matter how many gamers survive, the end will always be the same. The developers immediately warn that Project Zomboid tells "the story of your death."

Project Zomboid. Zombie Apocalypse You Can't Survive

Surviving in the world of zombies with friends is the most thrill. At the same time, on some servers, gamers turn the game into The Walking Dead. The map is divided by groups, the most serious danger is people, and you can only survive with someone united. 

police stories. Cops have a dangerous job

Police Stories is a game about two police officers who must fight crime, free hostages, defuse bombs, and do other good things. The concept is very similar to Ready or Not, only the camera is isometric here, and the gameplay is more dynamic. However, successfully completing the task is still not easy.

police stories. Cops have a dangerous job

The main characters are law enforcement officers, which means they have no right to shoot thoughtlessly in all directions. It is better to act thoughtfully and analyze the situation.

It's not worth it to quickly fly into the hall where a couple of bandits can stand - first it's better to throw a flash drive there. If there are hostages in the room, plan your actions so that the unfortunate ones do not get hurt. And not every criminal needs to be shot - some may surrender. The main thing is to always stay alert, otherwise, the heroes die quickly.

Despite the retro graphics, Police Stories turned out to be a decent game that impresses with the leveling and tactical mechanics. Flying into it with a friend will definitely be fun.

Travelers Rest. The happy life of an innkeeper

Travelers Rest is a game about an innkeeper from a fantasy world. He runs a dilapidated establishment and must turn it into a magical place where a crowd of happy customers always hangs out.

Travelers Rest. The happy life of an innkeeper

To become an influential innkeeper, you will have to equip the area, grow ingredients in the fields, and study magic. And all in order to build a fantasy tavern of dreams.

Travelers Rest relies on micromanagement - a wise manager should be aware of all the little things. Monitor cleanliness, control customers and prevent them from making a fuss over politics, hire bartenders and cleaners. If you like this, do not pass by the co-op hit.

Travelers Rest is definitely worth recommending to gamers with older computers. Even if you and your friend have ancient laptops with 500 MB of RAM and at least some kind of vidyuhi with shader support, the game will start.

Heavenly Bodies. space adventure

Heavenly Bodies is a project about astronauts who find themselves in a difficult situation. They need to make the space station work, and only the laws of physics and advice from the mission control center can help.

Heavenly Bodies. space adventure

The main feature of Heavenly Bodies is in the physical model. For example, each key on the keyboard is responsible for one limb, so you have to separately control the left and right hand, left and right legs, and also the palms. The system is confused, but you should not forget about weightlessness either - without the force of gravity, the world works according to special rules.

As a result, gamers will constantly have to think in which direction the object will fly, and with which hand to catch it. But you can’t cope with most tasks without a partner, so you need to rely not only on yourself but also on a friend. All this regularly creates funny situations that will be remembered for a long time.

At the same time, Heavenly Bodies should not be treated as a hardcore game. You quickly get used to the mechanics, and the complexity of control can always be reduced.

Outriders. A gift for lovers of driving shooting and meat

Outriders was developed by the People Can Fly studio, which gave gamers Painkiller and Bulletstorm. The last project of the Polish developers also turned out to be successful - only problems with the servers on the release upset them. Otherwise, we are talking about a dynamic shooter where you need to shoot crowds of opponents, use abilities, and do not forget about shelters.

Outriders. A gift for lovers of driving shooting and meat

Outriders is full of merit. Flirting with the timeline and smart staging, the story of earthlings who are looking for a new planet is intriguing. Exploring the mysteries of an unexplored world is fun. Shooting from any barrels is implemented well. There are several classes with unique abilities to choose from. There are plenty of build options, and the perks complement each other.

The visuals in the game are also decent: we are talking about both the technical component and the diverse design of locations with snowy peaks and scorched fields. In general, there is no reason to deprive Outriders of attention - except that the difficulty with the wrong build can sometimes seem too high.

You can pass the creation of People Can Fly in a co-op up to three people. Perhaps, it is in this format that the game manifests itself from the best side.

Animal Crossing: New Horizons. The cutest co-op

Animal Crossing: New Horizons is one of Nintendo's top exclusives and has been helping gamers relax and connect for two years now. If you and a friend have a hybrid console, take a look at the project.

Animal Crossing: New Horizons. The cutest co-op

Animal Crossing: New Horizons takes players to cute islands where you can grow turnips, improve the landscape, and do other cute things. At the same time, if you want to take a walk, you can always visit other gamers - they will definitely be happy to trade or just chat.

Perhaps there are many projects with more dynamic gameplay and picturesque locations, but Animal Crossing does much more. It offers a world where you can comfortably hide from any worries.

New Horizons has become almost the main time-killer of recent years: it can also captivate your friendly company. 

Gears 5. Brutal gears of war

Among co-op projects, you rarely see such high-budget titles as Gears 5 . We are talking about an expensive, colorful and exciting game that continues the glorious traditions of the series and brings relevant innovations to it.

Gears 5. Brutal gears of war

As in the previous parts, the main advantage of Gears 5 is fun shooting. Hiding behind covers, chopping enemies apart, and throwing grenades at them is just as fun as ever. This time there is even more meat and variety - all thanks to locations with a semi-open world, where you can drive around in vehicles.

By the way, the cooperative mechanics has also changed: from now on, there is an option to play the action with three players. True, someone will have to become a drone.

If you and a friend are looking for an epic blockbuster, Gears 5 is the game to beat. No wonder gamers rated it so highly.

Serious Sam: Siberian Mayhem. Siberian adventures of Serious Sam

Cool Sam is an outstanding man who has saved the Earth more than once. In Serious Sam: Siberian Mayhem, he will have to clear frosty Siberia of aliens. Impressive expanses with snow-covered trees, small churches with beautiful iconostases, ruined huts with red carpets on the walls - and all this is overflowing with crowds of aliens. Cool!

Serious Sam: Siberian Mayhem. Siberian adventures of Serious Sam

Russian developers, who previously dealt only with mods, were responsible for the creation of Siberian Mayhem. Despite the modest experience, they managed to create a suitable project and in some ways even surpass the numbered parts.

If we compare the spin-off with the last part of Serious Sam, our craftsmen worked out the design of locations better, perfectly balanced dynamic episodes with exploration, skillfully presented humor, and made the best boss fight in the series. Croteam has a lot to learn from beginners.

You can play Siberian Mayhem with a friend. This will especially help in the battle with paired bosses - it is convenient to separate powerful monsters and fight each with his own.

Tiny Tina's Wonderlands. The craziest version of Borderlands

Tiny Tina's Wonderlands is a mixture of the familiar concept of Borderlands and a role-playing board game. The trick is that the master is the insane Tiny Tina. She sends the characters to a fantasy world and offers many crazy tasks.

Tiny Tina's Wonderlands. The craziest version of Borderlands

Wonderlands has retained and even increased everything that fans love about the series. A huge variety of enemies, amazing guns, chic humor, an abundance of memorable characters - all this is in place. At the same time, the locations became even more pretentious, and the magical setting allowed the developers not to limit themselves in anything.

Considering that the new game has a huge world, quests are handed out at every corner, and the variety of guns, classes, and abilities does not get bored, Wonderlands will easily captivate for 50 hours. 

Trine 4: The Nightmare Prince. Who are you today: mage, archer or warrior?

The Trine series has been entertaining gamers for 13 years now. All this time, the developers have been pumping mechanics and coming up with new puzzles. It was in Trine 4 that they polished the formula to perfection and earned 91 percent positive reviews on Steam.

Trine 4: The Nightmare Prince. Who are you today: mage, archer or warrior?

The main advantage of the platformer is in talented puzzles that can only be solved using the strengths of the characters. Fire, air, light, magnets, electricity - only skillfully managing the elements can pave the way forward.

Diversify the gameplay of battles with enemies, some of which turned out to be huge. In battles with mighty monsters, one cannot survive without mutual assistance: for example, a wizard can set fire to an archer's arrow and help make a deadly shot.

Due to these mechanics, Trine 4 will easily charm a company of up to four people with its lightness and originality. If you like the game, you can pay attention to the past parts.

Overcooked 2. Sticky Cooking

Overcooked 2 transforms gamers into chefs who must rush to prepare frilly customer orders to save the world. It would seem that cutting cabbage, frying meat, and washing dishes are not the most fun activities, but Team17 even made them exciting.

Overcooked 2. Sticky Cooking

It all starts with the simplest assignments that even a loner can handle. However, with each new level, the dishes become more unusual, and cooking begins to require well-coordinated work. One cook should fry the meat, the second should cut the tomatoes, the third should wash the dishes, and so on. As soon as someone makes a mistake, chaos will begin.

Locations also present surprises. You will have to cook either between two constantly moving trucks, or on a slippery ice floe, or onboard a ship swaying on the waves.

You don’t even have to try to go through Overcooked 2 alone - the game was created with an eye on co-op. But in the company of a friend, the passage will be fun.

Resident Evil 6. Bad horror, but good co-op shooter

A series about zombies and viruses embarked on the path of cooperative shooters back in the fifth part, but it reached its maximum drive in Resident Evil 6. Of course, sometimes the game is overly crazy, but it's still fun to play through.

Resident Evil 6. Bad horror, but good co-op shooter

Feature of the sixth part in the variety of gameplay. When playing as Leon, you can feel the suspense, just like in the original parts. Chris Redfield never ceases to famously mow down zombies in droves. A descendant of Wesker prefers not to shoot at all, but to swing his fists. All this looks strange but well entertains.

If you want to turn your head off and shoot in a good big-budget game, pay attention to Resident Evil 6. The game is not as bad as many people think.

Left 4 Dead 2 Zombie Shooter Classic

Despite the recent release of Back 4 Blood, which was inspired by the cult series, it is Left 4 Dead 2 that remains a must-have zombie survival game. Although it is not so beautiful, but the gameplay in it is great.

Left 4 Dead 2 Zombie Shooter Classic

The mechanics of Left 4 Dead 2 are not outdated at all. Eight players are divided into two teams: one four must make their way through the crowds of zombies and get to the shelter, and the second takes control of especially dangerous zombies and hunts the unfortunate. Whichever side you play for, only cohesive teamwork will lead to success.

At the same time, the authors tried to diversify the gameplay to the maximum, throwing up interesting tasks or letting the Tank down on the survivors. As a result, the gameplay did not tire - it is not surprising that some gamers spent hundreds of hours in the shooter and continue to return to it.


There are enough good cooperative games. And which ones hooked you the most? Write in the comments!
