Below, you can find a practical table in which all the cheats available for Warcraft III: Reforged are entered. Blizzard's real-time strategy video game may present some difficulty or, simply, you may want to unlock a building right away or easily win a battle to quickly progress through the game.
To insert a cheat in Warcraft III: Reforged, simply hit the enter key to open the chat window, type the code phrase (no spaces, capital letters don't count), and hit enter again. If successful, instead of seeing the transcribed message, you will see the words “Cheat Enabled”.
WhosYourDaddy | All units and buildings gain full invulnerability, units will be able to kill any opponent or enemy structure with 1 hit |
ISeeDeadPeople | The whole map is revealed, the fog of war disappears |
AllYourBaseAreBelongToUs | Instantly win the current mission |
SomebodySetUsUpTheBomb | Lose the current mission instantly |
ThereIsNoSpoon | All units gain infinite mana |
GreedIsGood | Obtain 500 lumber and 500 gold |
GreedIsGood (#) | Get the number (#) set of lumber and gold |
KeyserSoze (#) | Get the number (#) set of gold |
LeafItToMe (#) | Get the set number (#) of lumber |
IocanePowder | Enable fast death / decay of bodies |
PointBreak | Disable the food limit to create new units |
SharpAndShiny | Instantly enable all upgrades |
Synergy | Unlock the entire tech tree |
WhoIsJohnGalt | Unlock the quick search for upgrades |
WarpTen | Unlock the fast construction of structures |
TheDudeAbides | Unlocks the fast reload time of spells |
RiseAndShine | Set morning as game time |
LightsOut | Set evening as game time |
DaylightSavings | Switch from day to night, interrupt or restart the day / night cycle |
DaylightSavings (time) | Set the selected time of day (time) |
StrengthAndHonor | Disable the game over screen when you lose objectives in the campaign |
ItVexesMe | Disable the victory conditions |
Motherland (breed) (#) | Select a mission number (#) and the chosen race (race) to transform into |
TenthLevelTaurenChieftan | Play the special music track "Power of the Horde" |
Complete the Night Elf campaign on Hard and after the original ending, a Starcraft battle will take place using the Warcraft III 3D graphics engine.
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