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Are there console commands in The Stanley Parable: Ultra Deluxe?

 We tell you what you need to know about the possibility of using console commands in The Stanley Parable: Ultra Deluxe, the reissue of the classic indie game.

Are there console commands in The Stanley Parable: Ultra Deluxe?

The Stanley Parable: Ultra Deluxe brings back the story of Stanley and the Storyteller. In this reissue of the classic, there has been a visual fine-tuning, general content... and playable mechanics. One of the things that made the title interesting was, as usual for PC games, the ability to use cheats or console commands to activate special effects... but you may be a little disappointed with the Ultra Deluxe version.

Are there console commands or cheats in The Stanley Parable: Ultra Deluxe?

Short answer: no. The reissue of the game, both on PC and on Xbox and PlayStation consoles, dispenses with console commands and cheats of all kinds (at least, without the use of mods that may come over time). This means that the possibility of going to the Serious Room (and the ending associated with it) and other things directly related to the use of console commands are removed.
