11 Newbie Tips to Make Exploring Arrakis Easier and Achieve Your First Victory
Dune: Spice Wars is a new 4X global strategy (abbreviation 4X is translated as "explore, expand, use and destroy") in real-time from Shiro Games. Perhaps there is nothing completely new in it, some unexpected mechanics, but this does not take away the fact that the game is worked out in detail and is generally quite complex. The developers did not particularly bother with the training system, which is why it will not be easy to get accustomed to the world of Dune!
In this Dune: Spice Wars guide, we've put together some practical tips and information you need to know before setting foot on Arrakis.
Starting small
Below are a lot of tips for passing Dune: Spice Wars, which will acquaint you with political, and economic subtleties, and reveal the secrets of government, but the first piece of advice we would like to give is to start small. Take it literally. Once you've selected your faction and advisors, look for the Settings option next to the "Start Game" button. Here you will be able to select various options, including map size, AI difficulty, and the number of opposing AI sides (along with a bunch of other options). There is so much to learn and manage in Dune: Spice Wars, so consider playing the game for the first time as self-learning. Pick the smallest map, the easiest difficulty, and only one enemy faction to make your first run easy. Relatively, of course.
Speaking of simplification...
Know where to use automation
Since there are many different processes in the game, the developers decided to simplify your task a bit, so some functions can be automated. There are only two mechanics that can be automated: the recall of harvesters when sandworms are detected, and exploration by ornithopters.
Your ornithopter acts as a scout and explorer. By clicking on the ornithopter (or selecting it from the list of units on the right side of the screen), you can tell it what to do and explore. Alternatively, you can choose "Auto Exploration". Thanks to this, he will move around on his own and explore everything he finds. It sounds pointless, but such a task can be assigned to at least one of them.
Every time you build a processing plant in a settlement that has spices, you get a harvester (miner). Only one harvester is assigned to each processing plant. When harvesting spices, the harvester may stumble upon a sandworm. And if nothing is done, it will be destroyed. By clicking on the harvester, you can click on the similar "Auto recall" button. Activating this feature will cause the harvester to return to safety whenever a sandworm appears. However, in this case, the harvester receives a 5% penalty to the amount of spices collected, and you will have to return the harvester to work when the situation calms down and the sandworm disappears.
Keep an eye on the spices to pay your taxes on time
Every 25 in-game days you will have to pay taxes for the Space Guild. We'll have to give spices. The amount you have to pay will increase with each next time. This means that the spice tax (or bribe if you're playing a non-House faction) is a ticking time bomb. You will not be able to cover the tax if you do not expand the territory and do not provide reserves.
Find deposits of spices and arrange their production. This is the first thing to do when starting another Dune: Spice Wars session. No wonder it's called that. To extract spices, you need to find a field with spices. One of them will be marked with a marker automatically when you start the game, and your ornithopters will help you find new ones. Then you need to capture a settlement in the region with spices (probably there will be military units) and then build a processing plant. Finally, you will have to keep an eye on the harvester so that it does not become easy prey for sandworms (read above). Do not forget that you will have to pay for the maintenance of the settlement, combat units, processing plant, and harvester at the same time. You can, and even should, think of it all as one ecosystem. Only not ecological, but economic.
For all this, you need to manage resources. And there are a lot of resources in Dune: Spice Wars.
All resources matter
According to my calculations, in Dune: Spice Wars you will have to manage 12 types of resources or currencies. Perhaps some of them are more important than others, but in reality, they are all necessary. More importantly, if even one of them ends, it can lead to disastrous consequences.
Let's take a closer look at the resources in Dune: Spice Wars:
- Spices. If you're familiar with the Dune franchise, then you're well aware of what spices are. In Dune: Spice Wars, spices are used in two ways: to pay a monthly tax and to trade with other factions. You can get spices by creating processing plants in settlements located next to spice fields.
- Solarium is the main monetary unit. The solarium is needed to train combat units, expand your own base (but not to add new buildings to settlements) and pay for almost everything else. You get a solarium by converting some of the collected spices into money, by building processing plants near deposits of rare elements, or by controlling villages that have merchants.
- Plast concrete is a building resource. To create each building, plast concrete is needed, it is also necessary for its maintenance. You get plastic concrete by creating factories for its production.
- Labor force is a measure of how many people can be sent to work. Manpower will be needed to train the militias in the settlements and combat units, adding brigades to the spice pickers in order to increase production. You will get the workforce by setting up recruiting offices.
- Fuel cells are what you need to keep your vehicle running. They will be needed to power spice harvesters (both for construction and maintenance) and to create new ornithopters. You will get fuel cells by building factories for the production of ... fuel cells.
- Obviously, in the desert world of Arrakis, water is no less valuable resource than the same spices. It will be needed to capture and maintain settlements, to train combat units. You will get water by building wind traps in settlements. Wind traps will produce 3 units of water for each level of wind strength in a particular settlement.
- Authority is the measure of your leadership. For lack of a better word, let's call it to influence. To take control of a settlement, you need influence or prestige. You will gain prestige by sending agents (spies) to different parts of Arrakis.
- Hegemony is like experience points. Hegemony opens up access to new buildings to expand the base (as certain levels are reached). You can earn hegemony for just about anything, from voting on decisions in the Landsraad Council to paying taxes and defeating enemy units. Or for the construction of workshops.
- Knowledge is a resource that determines how quickly you research new developments. Think of development as a skill in a skill tree. Research centers need to be created to gain knowledge.
- Influence (yes, I remember mentioning it above) is a resource that can be used in addition to your votes in the Landsraad Council. Something like extra votes to give more weight to your decisions. You will gain influence by creating listening posts or appointing agents to the Landsraad (Council).
- Intelligence, or simply data, is a measure of the performance of your spy network. You will spend data to create operations - one-time events that will help or harm your enemies. You gain information by building data centers and infiltrating agents into enemy (or neutral) factions.
- Command points determine how many combat units you can have in your army. Each unit spends a certain amount of command points. For example, soldiers need 3 points, and auxiliary drones need four. If the unit is destroyed, command points are returned to the general piggy bank. You can increase the limit of these points by researching certain developments such as Ground Command and High Command.
Proper conversion of spices to solarium
Maintain production, and don't rush to expand
In special regions, you can produce more!
- Rare elements (yellow-orange stone) allow you to build a processing plant that produces a solarium.
- Minerals (grey stone) increase the production of plastic concrete in the region by 50%.
- Energy sources (three vertical red waves) increase the output of the fuel cell plant by 50%.
“Non-special” regions will also benefit
Council vote - what to do?
Agents, espionage, missions, operations and destruction
Three ways to win
- Dominance. To do this, you must destroy all enemy factions with the help of combat power or successfully eliminate their leaders through espionage operations.
- Governorship. One of the charters (a special kind of resolution) that is voted on by the Landsraad Council is the governorship of Dune. If you can vote for your faction in this charter and hold it for 60 days, you will win a political victory.
- Hegemony. Victory through hegemony requires the accumulation of 50,000 units of hegemony. This victory can only be earned through patience. You will achieve Hegemony victory by doing just about everything Dune: Spice Wars has to offer. From destroying enemy units to collecting spices, but keep in mind that it will take a lot of time to get 50,000 Hegemony units.
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