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Fall Guys: how to win in the final balance test

 As we have already mentioned in other guides, in Fall Guys you can get a wide variety of tests, which make this game not repetitive and thus more exciting. One of these tests is the final balance test, which we will be talking about in this article.

What does it consist of and how to win in the final balance?

This test is in the race mode and basically consists of running, keeping your balance on the seesaws, and thus reaching the finish line. The game mode consists of running, always balancing on the platforms, jumping from one to another, and thus making sure you reach the goal.

The first thing you should do is stay calm since if you are among the first you will not have much complexity, since the platforms will be located in a straight line and therefore they are balanced.

Fall Guys: how to win in the final balance test

But if you happen to be among the last ones, the platforms will be unbalanced and therefore you will have to wait for them to settle down and thus be able to move forward, until you reach a safe place. In case you find yourself far behind the others then you can try to jump on the platforms to balance them , but you must calculate the jump very well.

Finally, we hope that this information has been useful to you.
