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Guide Sniper Elite 5 - all collectibles in "Mission 06: Liberation"

 Locations of all personal letters, secret documents, items, stone eagles, and workbenches in the sixth mission of the game

Here's how to find all collectibles in the quest "Liberation", including personal letters, secret documents, hidden objects, stone eagles, and workbenches. In total, this mission can find 19 collectibles.

Personal letter #1: "They are there"

Personal letter #1: "They are there"

Obtained from an ordinary soldier in a green uniform. This is a bald guy standing in the courtyard of a farmhouse in the southeast of the map.

Personal Letter #2: "Take care of your back"

Personal Letter #2: "Take care of your back"

Outside of the estate in the western part of the map, where you need to find and kill Jaan Trautmann, the building is guarded outside by a soldier in standard uniform. Kill him and search his body for a second personal letter.

Personal Letter #3: "Barely Escaped"

Personal Letter #3: "Barely Escaped"

In the northern part of the map, there are trenches leading to a large artillery piece. On the black box, you will find the third personal letter.

Personal Letter #4: "Give Me Strength"

Personal Letter #4: "Give Me Strength"

In the northeastern part of the map, there is a green structure that looks like a barn and is filled with frame beds. In the northern part of the building, next to the doorway, look for the fourth personal letter.

Personal Letter #5: "Retribution Is Near"

Personal Letter #5: "Retribution Is Near"

Climb up the stairs in the abandoned outbuilding in the central part of the map. There is an exploded part of the roof that can be used as a sniper point, and next to the hole lies the fifth letter.

Secret Document #1: "Hold the Line"

Secret Document #1: "Hold the Line"

Behind the bridge in the southern part of the map, in the building guarded by the armored tank, go up to the upper room where you need to use the crowbar on the radio equipment. The opposite is a secret document.

Secret Document #2: "Incoming Armor"

Secret Document #2: "Incoming Armor"

There is a room that branches off from the trenches to the northern part of the map. In the central part, look for the room to which the trenches lead. On the transport, crates will be the second secret document, next to the explosives.

Secret Document #3: "Unfit for Service"

Secret Document #3: "Unfit for Service"

Head past the poppy fields at the beginning of the level to the abandoned barn on the western side of the map. Climb inside through the window and go into the room above, on the north side of the building. There is a third secret document on the table.

Secret Document #4: "Extra Bridge"

Secret Document #4: "Extra Bridge"

On the east side of the map, there are several burnt and bombed-out buildings. The fourth secret document lies on top of a wooden box in the yard.

Secret Document #5: "Resistance Fanatic Discovered"

Secret Document #5: "Resistance Fanatic Discovered"

There is a building in the northern part of the map, the second floor of which can be reached by several crates leading to a hole in the roof. There is a locked door next to the stairs that can be hacked. After opening the door, look for a chest of drawers with the fifth secret document.

Hidden Item #1: Lucky Bunny's Foot

Hidden Item #1: Lucky Bunny's Foot

In the central part of the map, either near the place where you need to disable one of the three anti-aircraft guns or next to the crashed plane, look for a bald Nazi. Kill him and search the corpse for a hidden item.

Hidden Item #2: Stolen Medals

Hidden Item #2: Stolen Medals

In the center of the map, in the building by the river. On the ground floor of the building, there are several floorboards that you can open. Do this and go down to the basement to find a room with a workbench and another hidden item lying on the table in front of the workbench.

Hidden Item #3: Engraved Lighter

Hidden Item #3: Engraved Lighter

In the very north of the map, in the area of ​​​​the Tiger tank. After blowing up the rubble on the bridge, enter the first house on the right, and in the bedroom upstairs in the bedroom, look for a cabinet with a briefcase. You are interested in a very small object that is difficult to see. When you get close to it, you will definitely see a hint.

Stone Eagle #1

Stone Eagle #1

Closer to the beginning of the level, moving towards the village, look for a windmill on the east side. A stone eagle is nailed to it.

Stone Eagle #2

Stone Eagle #2

In the northwest of the map, on the backside of the destroyed church in the middle of the city, where you also need to kill three snipers (on the main task).

Stone Eagle #3

Stone Eagle #3

On the northernmost edge of the map, in the area with the Tiger tank after the explosion of the rubble on the bridge (the main objective of the mission). It is located behind the Tiger tank, in the window of the destroyed building.

Workbench #1: Sniper Rifles

Workbench #1: Sniper Rifles

In the north of the map, where the yellow marker of the main objective is located. Here you need to place explosives on the road, but on the right, there is a building with a workbench on the top floor.

Workbench #2: Secondary Weapon

Workbench #2: Secondary Weapon

In the center of the map, in the building by the river. On the first floor of the building, there are some floorboards that you can open, then go down to the basement and find a workbench.

Workbench #3: Pistols

Workbench #3: Pistols

In the south of the map, where the yellow circle with the main task is located. You need to climb to the top of the tower and from the top floor get over to the roof, and then jump through the broken part of the roof into a secret room with a workbench.
