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Guide to all the survivors in Evil Dead: The Game

 How to unlock all survivors, a description of their skills and abilities

In Evil Dead: The Game, there are two outcomes in the fight against the Kandaria Demon - victory or death. In this guide, we will show you how to win in Evil Dead The Game by controlling a survivor. The asymmetric horror game from Saber Interactive has a lot of different mechanics and actions that can be a bit confusing.

First of all, you will need to choose who you will play as. There are 13 characters available from the very beginning in the list of survivors of Evil Dead: The Game. Once you choose your current hero, you will find yourself in a dark forest along with three other survivors and will be forced to confront the Candarian demon and other dead people. Let's figure out what needs to be done to defeat him.

Survivor Victory Conditions

To earn the victory, you have to complete several consecutive tasks:

  1. Find map fragments
  2. Find the lost pages of the Necronomicon
  3. Find a Kandarian dagger
  4. Fight the Dark
  5. Close gap/portal
  6. Protect the Necronomicon

The map consists of several fragments, and before you start looking for the lost pages of the Necronomicon and the Kandarian dagger, you have to find all of them. The dagger is needed to defeat the Dark Ones and close the gap, and the book will allow you to perform a ritual to exorcise the demon. Doing all these actions, do not forget to follow the scale of fear.

When you collect all the necessary tools, you can use the map to find the place of the fault. Closing it is not easy, but the more you interact with it and the more Dark Ones you can kill, the faster the otherworldly portal will close. After you close the Rift, you will have to survive for two minutes. You must confront the player controlling the demon and trying to destroy the Necronomicon. If you survive, then win. If you die or the demon destroys the Necronomicon, he will win.

Below we have prepared a complete list of all survivors in the game. We have attached background information about the character and his abilities to each of them. Right now there are 13 different survivors in Evil Dead: The Game. Most of them are unlocked from the very beginning, however, some will require you to complete several tasks to get them. In addition, each survivor belongs to one of four classes. They have their own unique abilities and perks.

All leaders

Leaders are the core of any team. They generate a special aura that provides all survivors within its range with various positive effects. For example, it reduces incoming damage, increases outgoing damage, reduces the growth rate of fear, and much more. This role is for team players who want to stick together with their comrades and are ready to take on one task after another together.

All leaders

Ash Williams (comedy horror film Ash vs Evil Dead)

This iteration of Ash Williams from the latest installment in the franchise. He is armed with a chainsaw and is wearing a denim shirt. Can anyone resist such a formidable force? Ash vs Evil Dead takes place 30 years after the original trilogy, so Ash has been in this version for many years.

How to get the character: To unlock the hero, you must complete the tutorial (survivor or demon) and the first quest, "If you love someone, free them...with a chainsaw."

  • Came, Seen, Exploded: An active skill that causes an explosion, reducing the balance bar of enemies.
  • Chief. An aura that affects all Survivors within range, increasing their fear resistance and damage dealt.
  • Faithful companion. From the very beginning of the game, you get a chainsaw.
  • Grand Chef. Amplifies the effect of your aura when you land a finishing blow or dismember an enemy.

Annie Knowby

Annie Knowby is another leader in Evil Dead: The Game. Knowby first appeared in Evil Dead 2, but is returning here as a great support character to build a team around.

How to get a character: available by default.

Annie Knowby

  • Active skill "Hit the sick." Activating this skill increases the ranged damage of Annie and any allies near her.
  • Howitzer. You and all teammates within this aura deal more damage with ranged weapons.
  • Hammer (level 10). Annie's and your teammates' attacks within this aura deal more damage to the balance bar of base enemies (25%).
  • Shooting projectiles (level 25). Annie's and your teammates' attacks within this aura deal more damage to the balance bar of Elite (25%) and Demon Boss (100%) enemies.

Lord Arthur

First appearing in the Army of Darkness, Lord Arthur is the king of Kandar Castle who lived in the Middle Ages. This is where Ash went at the end of Evil Dead 2. His enemy is Henry the Red, but the two soon team up to confront the Army of Darkness.

Lord Arthur

How to get the character: To unlock this character, you need to complete five tasks. It will become available after the "Return of the King" mission.

  • God's wrath. When activated, this ability increases the damage dealt by your melee attacks and those of your nearby teammates, in addition to lowering your fear level; if Lord Arthur has a sword, it deals extra damage
  • Weapon Master: Heavy Attacks - You and your team members within the aura deal more damage with powerful melee attacks, and also gain a sword at the start of the match.
  • Weapon Mastery: Weak Attacks - You and your team members within the aura deal more damage with weak melee attacks.
  • More fire. Landing a finishing blow while the Wrath of God's active skill is active causes the ability to last longer.

All warriors

These are melee-oriented characters. Warriors have skills and abilities designed for hand-to-hand combat, so they are used primarily to destroy the dead with shovels, bats, hammers, knives, axes, and other similar weapons. Among their abilities are those that strengthen the shield or even provide complete invulnerability (albeit temporary). This role is for those who crave more battles and want to be in the thick of things.

Ash Williams (Army of Darkness)

Another variation of Ash Williams. This time from the movie "Army of Darkness". Distinguished by tattered and torn clothing.

Ash Williams (Army of Darkness)

How to get a character: available by default.

  • Potion of the Sage. When activated, this ability will grant you health regeneration, fear reduction, increased damage dealt, or reduced damage taken.
  • Shield explosion. Whenever your shield loses a charge bar, it causes an explosion that deals damage to any nearby enemies. Default is 200 damage.
  • Strong End (level 10) - When Ash kills an enemy with a finishing blow, a portion of his shield gauge is filled. The shield scale is restored at a time by 40 units (by default).
  • Weapon Master: Chainsaw (level 25). The Chainsaw deals increased damage and dismemberment damage, attacks faster, and has an increased balance bar.


    Ash's friend and Shelly's boyfriend from Evil Dead. It was Scotty who organized the fateful trip to the cabin and started the entire franchise.

    How to get a character: available by default.

    • Thunderbolt. When activated, this special explosive move deals damage to all nearby enemies. The cooldown is 30 seconds and the damage is 100.
    • Collateral damage. Your powerful melee attacks deal additional damage to nearby enemies.
    • Treatment of anxiety disorders (level 10). Partially reduces your fear level for each enemy you kill. Reduces fear by 5 by default.
    • Weapon Master: Woodcutter's Ax (Level 25). The Woodcutter's Ax deals increased damage and dismemberment damage, attacks faster, and has an increased balance bar.

    Henry the Red

    Henry the Red is Lord Arthur's nemesis in the Army of Darkness. However, then the heroes decided to unite and fight against the dead. The Duke of Sheila, Lord of the Northlands and its people, Henry may seem similar to Arthur. However, this is a warrior, and Arthur belongs to the class of leaders.

    Henry the Red

    How to get a character: available by default.

    • Rampancy. Activating this ability temporarily blocks health or shield damage for 7 seconds by default. The cooldown is 60 seconds.
    • Raise shields. You start the match with an extra shield bar.
    • Ricochet (level 10). Returns a portion of the damage you received to the attacker (30% by default).
    • Battle-hardened (level 25). Increases maximum health and default shield bar length by 10%.

    All hunters

    Unlike Warriors, Hunters are weak defensive characters that specialize in using ranged weapons and try to stay away from enemies. Hunters can have more ammo than other roles. Their abilities improve the collection of loot - they will find much better items. A great option for those who like to shoot and beat off the limbs of the enemy, while remaining at a safe distance.

    Ash Williams (Evil Dead 2)

    This version of Ash comes with a long shotgun and complete clothing. This is the Ash you might have seen before the hero was dragged into the Middle Ages.

    How to get a character: available by default.

    • Exorcist. Activating this ability banishes the demon from any survivor or normal fighter. When used on an Elite or Boss, this ability drains some of the demon's infernal energy.
    • Treasure hunter. At close range, you can see supply crates through the walls.
    • This is my shotgun (level 10). You start the match with a double-barreled shotgun.
    • Weapon Masters: double-barreled shotgun (level 25). The Double Barrel deals increased damage and dismemberment damage, attacks faster, and has an increased balance bar.

    Ed Getley

    Ed Getley from Evil Dead 2 is a researcher for Raymond Knowby, the man who found the Necronomicon. Ed and his friends meet Ash at the cabin after the events of the first Evil Dead movie.

    How to get a character: available by default.

    • It is a trap. When activated, this ability allows you to use a unique flashlight that can be used to locate and temporarily disable demonic traps.
    • Unquenchable light. Increases the battery capacity of your flashlight.
    • Weapon masters: a crossbow (level 10). The crossbow deals increased damage and dismemberment damage, attacks faster, and has an increased balance bar.
    • Collector (level 25). Increases the chance of items dropping from defeated enemies; also increases the chance of finding crates of higher rarity.

    Kelly Maxwell

    Kelly is one of the latest characters in the franchise, having first appeared in the pilot episode of Ash vs Evil Dead. Her parents were killed by the Deadites and now she seeks revenge, which explains why she is classified as a hunter.

    How to get a character: available by default.

    • Tangential shot. When activated, you do not waste stamina while dodging, and your ranged attacks cause the target to bleed for a short time. The cooldown lasts 60 seconds and the effect lasts 5 seconds.
    • Weapon Master: Chop Hammer. Chop Hammer deals increased damage and dismemberment damage, attacks faster, and has an increased balance bar.
    • Countershot (level 10). Your next ranged attack after a successful dodge causes the target to bleed for a short time.
    • Battle Frenzy (level 25). The longer you fight, the higher your melee damage.

    Amanda Fisher

    A police detective is obsessed with finding Ash for a crime he didn't commit. Amanda Fisher first appeared in Ash vs Evil Dead. Once she finds out the truth, she instantly sides with Ash.

    Amanda Fisher

    How to get the character: To unlock the character, you will have to complete the first three tasks. Amanda will be available after completing the "Kill Everyone" quest.

    • A ton of shells. When activated, this ability allows you to temporarily fire a ranged weapon without using up ammo.
    • Weapon Master: Pistol. The pistol deals increased damage and dismemberment damage, attacks faster, and has an increased balance bar.
    • True weapon. You start the match with a pistol.
    • Accuracy matters. The damage dealt by your ranged weapons increases with each successive hit.

    All helpers

    Helpers specialize in healing the team, using shields, and reducing fear. Support characters also start the game with additional consumables. While it seems like most of the support role is dedicated to helping out teammates, you will also have opportunities to attack the undead as well.

    Ash Williams ("Evil Dead")

    The youngest and freshest version of Ash Williams. Helper Ash is based on the character's original appearance from the Evil Dead movie. Young Ash, still unaware of what awaits him ahead, looks chic and is ready to give up all his strength to help his teammates.

    Ash Williams ("Evil Dead")

    How to get a character: available by default.

    • Encouraging atmosphere. When activated, this ability reduces the fear level of you and nearby team members.
    • Alternative medicine. Successful heavy melee attacks partially heal you and your nearby allies.
    • Marked Target: Damage (level 10). Headshots leave a mark on the target. A follow-up shot from a team member deals additional damage (30% by default).
    • Marked Target: Healing (Level 25). Headshots leave a mark on the target. A team member's subsequent shot at a target restores their health for a fraction of the damage dealt.

    Cheryl Williams

    Cheryl first appeared in the original Evil Dead movie. She is Ash's little sister and the first person in the cabin to turn into a deadite.

    Cheryl Williams

    How to get a character: available by default.

    • Healing touch. Activate this ability to create a healing zone for you and your team members.
    • With cola for life. You start the match with an extra Shemp's cola in your inventory and can carry more cola with you during the match.
    • Contact courage (level 10). Drinking Shemps will partially reduce fear in you and your nearby team members.
    • Contact healing (level 25). Nearby team members will also recover some of their health when you drink Shemp's Cola.

    Pablo Simon Bolivar

    Working alongside Kelly at the diner in Ash vs. Evil Dead, Pablo idolized Ash even before he knew of his fighting prowess against the Evil Dead. He made Ash's prosthetic arm!

    Pablo Simon Bolivar

    How to get the character: To unlock this character, you need to complete four tasks. It will become available upon completion of the mission "We have nowhere to go!".

    • El Brujo Especial. Activate this skill to start crafting an amulet that will then fall to the ground.
    • Hellish camouflage. Demons can no longer detect you with demonic vision.
    • Shaman protection. Your shield bar will gradually regenerate until you completely fill at least one bar.
    • The Legacy of El Brujo. You start the match with an amulet.
