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Map interactive V Rising, where to find the complete map of the game?

Map interactive V Rising, where to find the complete map of the game?

 An interactive map of V Rising listing the location of many materials is available! We explain how to find it and use it.

A brand new survival game in a universe of vampires has just been released! This is V Rising and it is only available on PC. You can get it through Steam, for the sum of € 19.99 if you only take the base game.

When you play you will need many resources and items necessary for your survival. You will also have to face bosses or creatures in very specific places. But how to find all these locations easily? An interactive map already offers the majority of them, we present it to you below!

Which interactive map to use for V Rising?

If you want to find your way easily on V Rising or find resources without any difficulty, you can use an interactive map which will be very useful for all that! It is the v rising-map site that offers them, many resources to check or uncheck to make them appear:

By going to this interactive map, you can click on the different names appearing on the left, to make them appear or disappear. You will thus have access to the precise location of many resources , but also of bosses or creatures present in the game. With this map, you should easily find what you are looking for in V Rising!
