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Warhammer 40k: Chaos Gate – 6 strategy game tips & tricks

 Do you want to effectively fight the chaos in Warhammer 40,000: Chaos Gate - Daemonhunters? We have 6 tips & tricks for the battles in the tactical game for you.

Warhammer 40k: Chaos Gate – 6 strategy game tips & tricks

In this tips guide to Warhammer 40,000: Chaos Gate – Daemonhunters you will learn:

  • Important tricks for the fights
  • How the Gray Knights' healing works
  • What you get destructible environments
  • What warp currents are

Main Battle Tip: For the Emperor!

Basically, you should use your Gray Knights the way Space Marines are expected to: charge forward and crush the Emperor's enemies! Your opponents mostly act passively and don't come too close to you. This is a problem if you prefer to be tactical and want the enemy to come to you. In Warhammer 40,000: Chaos Gate, however, this is hardly possible, you have to close in on your opponent. That means clever movements across the battlefield are required!

Action Points in Warhammer 40,000: Chaos Gate

The most important basic rule in the battles of Daemonhunters: Attacks and movements share a pool of points - a good distribution of the points is therefore important. At the beginning, each Space Marine has three action points per round, which you distribute to movements, attacks, or abilities. This gives you a lot of freedom and lets you adapt moves to your opponents. At the same time, however, this increases the importance of action points and makes abilities that give your Gray Knights more points very powerful.

Tip: Use all your knights' action points before fighting, because: As soon as you discover opponents, a fight ensues and it is the opponent's turn first. Then it is your turn and all your points will be replenished. This means you can position your Gray Knights perfectly beforehand and then start the fight with an advantage.

Use destructible environments to your advantage

There are a lot of destructible objects on the Daemonhunters maps. This ranges from plasma tanks that explode under fire to giant statues that your Gray Knights can knock over. Use these environmental details to your advantage, as much of it deals a lot of damage and can wipe out large groups of enemies quickly. However, watch out for friendly fire, because the explosions from plasma tanks can also damage your nearby Gray Knights.

Tip: You can trigger chain reactions with the destructible environment details. For example, you can throw a statue at a plasma tank and cause it to explode. If you're lucky, you'll get even more enemies.

How do I heal my Gray Knights?

If your Space Marines' health bars are reduced to 0, don't worry: your Gray Knights are only knocked down and get up again after 3 turns. They can then continue fighting, but their maximum life points are halved. If a fighter is then knocked down again, he is “dead” for that round.

After the round, he is transported to your ship and loses one of three resistance points. These points are the lives your Gray Knights own. When all are used up, the marine is finally out of the game.

Gray Knights returning from combat-wounded need time to fully recover from their injuries. The healing of the fighters often takes a long time. You can also send Gray Knights wounded on further missions. But then they start with fewer maximum life points. Assess how difficult the mission is and whether it's worth the risk.

Tip: At the end of a mission, heal your squad members using Servo Skulls or the Apothecary. Once fully healed, they are considered unharmed. So you avoid the long healing times of the most important Space Marines.

What do I get from critical hits?

Critical hits are very powerful in Warhammer 40,000: Chaos Gate - Daemonhunters. They increase the damage caused and when you get a critical hit you get another menu that your Gray Knights can use to perform various actions. For example, opponents can be executed directly. Or you take away their ability to use ranged or melee attacks.

How do I find the enemy's weak points?

Keep checking the Codex for more information on debuffs and your own abilities. In addition, you should familiarize yourself with the info cards of the opponents. To do this, select the enemy unit in the active battle - above its head you will get a small summary of life points and more. Below that is the info button. Click on it and you will see in detail what skills and weaknesses your opponents have.

The warp surge is making life difficult for you

The warp from which all demons emerge is not friendly to you during missions. In the top game menu, you get a display of how strong the warp is in the mission. Turn by turn the warp meter fills up until at 100 percent a lot of terrible things can happen.

Less willpower for your Gray Knights or more enemies on the battlefield are not uncommon. Important: Your psionic powers, which draw from the power of the warp, further increase the warp gauge. Therefore, only use your enhanced abilities against strong opponents.

Tip: If the Warp Surge definitely reaches 100 percent next turn, use your psi abilities as you please! The resulting percentages are not counted towards the next Warp Surge.
