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Everyone knows that although World of Tanks is a team game, your individual performance and the great Belarusian randomness decide very much here. What map you will be thrown on, how you will read the team setups, what position you will choose, and how you will interact with allies - it's all skill and luck.

But there is something in World of Tanks that can give you a guaranteed advantage even before the start of the battle - this is the right choice of tank. And no matter what map you get on, and what kind of allies you turn up, you will still bend down. That is why we want to tell you about the best current tier 10 tanks in World of Tanks that are worth upgrading in 2022.

Object 430U is an ideal tank for a random house

Object 430U is an ideal tank for a random house

Nation the USSR
Type medium tank
Role Medium assault tank

The Soviet tier 10 medium tank Object 430U opens our list. Its distinctive features are incredible armor, a large supply of 2000 points of durability, and alpha from a shot.


Looking at the armor of the Object 430U, one can quickly come to the conclusion that even heavy tanks of tier 10 are nervously twitching on the sidelines because 160mm of armor on the top armor plate and 300mm of armor on the forehead of the turret is the best indicator among all CT10s and one of the best among TT10s. The ability to tank from the turret, VLD, and side makes the Object 430U easy to play for beginners because it is these tanks that forgive the most mistakes.

When disassembling the weapon of this vehicle, the eye immediately falls on the alpha from a shot of 440 units, as well as armor penetration with a cumulative 340mm, which creates comfortable conditions for the tank to shoot head-on against heavy loads and at a distance without losing armor penetration.

Helpful Hints

The tactics of playing the Object 430U is quite simple. First, we take an aggressive position, stand from the side or turret and meet slower tanks on the slide to the position. We shoot them and maintain the defense in position. As soon as the general level of HP of the tanks on the flank decreases, you can counterattack. If the enemy is not substituted, then it is better to change position and try to win back from the other flank, because speed and disguise allow.

When it comes to equipment sets, there are three different options to consider. The best standard kit would be ventilation, a stabilizer, and a rammer. Of the captured equipment, it is better to put an improved sight, rammer, and stabilizer. The same set can be placed for bonds. So we improve poor accuracy and mediocre stabilization, which reduces all the minuses to nothing.

Field upgrades can be customized to suit your play style. The screenshot above shows the option for an aggressive game.

STB-1 - a tank with a wild PDM

STB-1 - a tank with a wild PDM

Nation Japan
Type medium tank
Role Medium tank universal

Japanese Samurai STB-1 is a versatile CT10 that can play on any map at any stage of the battle, fulfilling its role with maximum efficiency. There are several reasons for this.


First of all, the STB-1 is the best CT10 for rough terrain. Possessing a hydropneumatic suspension that allows the gun to drop as much as -14 degrees down, and a sufficiently armored turret that allows firing from corners, the tank pushes the enemy out of position and does not allow him to play the first number, from which he is forced to roll back. Therefore, maps, where you can stand from the tower on the hills of the railway tracks and the folds of the terrain, are ideal for this tank. But that's not all.

STB-1 is also versatile due to its gun. 4200 damage per minute is the best among all STs. A reserve of 2000 hit points and a speed of 50 km/h with an incredible specific engine power of 26 hp/t allow you to quickly reach the enemy in a matter of seconds and inflict damage even through the exchange of HP. This is especially effective at the end of the battle.

Helpful Hints

We download field modernization to improve stealth, speed, and accuracy. And we recommend installing the following equipment: in order to maximize DPM and accuracy, we put ventilation, a rammer, and a stabilizer on all maps, except for urban ones. But in urban areas, it is necessary to maximize the strength of the Japanese, so improved hardening, rammer and stabilizer will be a cool set.

Leopard 1 - German sniper assassin

Leopard 1 - German sniper assassin

Nation Germany
Type medium tank
Role Medium tank sniper

Leopard 1 is the most accurate medium tank in World of Tanks in 2022. Unlike the STB-1, it does not have word armor at all. In addition, the low HP pool does not allow you to play from the exchange of shots in a firefight, which makes the playstyle for this tank turn into a thoroughbred sniper and the best in the game.


The Leopard 1 cannon can be pumped up to an accuracy of 0.23 dispersion per 100 meters, like the Grille 15 tank destroyers. And the maximum speed of 70 km/h allows you to literally teleport to different points of the map, and at every moment of the battle, shooting enemies from all sides. 3600 damage per minute, 35% concealment, and 480 meters of vision make this car a real killer.

Helpful Hints

The style of play for this car is very simple. Initially, we arrive at a position where we can give primary shots at luminous LTs or ST rolls. After that, analyzing the mini-map, see where the pressure from the enemy begins in case of a losing situation, and move there. In the case of your team dominating, you should immediately go as the second number behind your assault STs or the third number behind the LTs and shoot damage from the flanks.

We recommend installing the following set of equipment: ventilation, stabilizer, and rammer on all cards, except for open ones, with a large number of LTs. In this case, we recommend taking a stabilizer, a low-noise exhaust system, and a rammer. But we are downloading field modernization to improve accuracy, engine power, and camouflage. We take the slot under the category of equipment for stealth.

60TP Lewandowskiego - new era superheavy

60TP Lewandowskiego - new era superheavy

Nation Poland
Type Heavy tank
Role Heavy breakthrough tank

The Pole is the most sought-after super-heavy tank among World of Tanks players. A favorite of extras who can perform any task thanks to his balanced performance characteristics. Required for 2022.


A 750 alpha weapon per shot and the best accuracy among TTs with similar damage allow you to break through hatches to enemy vehicles, target weak enemy zones at a distance, and throw impressive back-and-forths. Also, good elevation angles, combined with an armored turret, allow you to dominate the terrain.

Another distinguishing feature of 60TP is speed. 44 km / h with a pumped field upgrade with a turbocharger. This is the fastest superheavy in the history of World of Tanks, which is why it is not inferior to the assault TT10 and shoots damage even in turbo battles.

Since the Pole is primarily a heavy tank, let's talk a little about the armor, because it is really good. An angular VLD, which cannot be taken by any projectile in the game, as well as very small command hatches, which are almost impossible to penetrate in the forehead. But at the same time, recesses under the turret breakthrough at any turn of the side, and the driver’s hatch is extremely vulnerable when playing in the clinch.

Helpful Hints

The NLD area, though small, is vulnerable. And the skating rinks make their way regularly. Therefore, the tactics of the game is as follows. We go to the flank of heavy tanks and first we destroy rapid-fire vehicles and drums that can put you on the rink and target weak areas. We play from the board only if you have the right of the first shot, otherwise, we go to the exchange or play from the terrain at the expense of the tower and UHN.

We recommend installing the following equipment: ventilation, stabilizer, and rammer on the map, where you need to implement PDM and shoot accurately. And on the map, where it is important to take an aggressive position, we recommend taking improved hardening, a turbocharger, and a rammer. Therefore, in the field of modernization, we take the category “equipment for mobility” and improve the speed, stabilization, accuracy, and strength of the rollers.

Super Conqueror is the tank everyone needs

Super Conqueror is the tank everyone needs

Nation United Kingdom
Type Heavy tank
Role Heavy tank universal

This is a tank with a minimum number of disadvantages and a maximum number of advantages. With the basics of field upgrades, we can improve the stability, speed, accuracy, and strength of the rollers, allowing for perfect balance and a speed of 40 km/h. The only drawback of the tank is the huge lower armor plate, which requires playing from the side, or from the terrain thanks to the UVN. Super Conqueror firefights are second to none, allowing you to pressure the enemy as soon as the tank gets into position.

Helpful Hints

First, you need to correctly evaluate the setup of the enemy team and understand if they have heavy tanks faster than yours with cumulative. If there is, then you need to play carefully and try to find a position higher than the enemy tank so that you don’t get punched into the commander’s hatch. If there are none, then we play more aggressively, take a position from the corners of the vertical aiming or side and begin to methodically deal damage.

As soon as the opponents start to retreat, drive forward and exchange your durability points because you have a higher rate of fire, which means victory is yours.

Of the equipment, we recommend installing: for open and city maps, improved hardening, ventilation, and a rammer. For maps where it is important to move between positions and pick them up at the beginning of the battle, hardening, turbocharger, and rammer. We are downloading field modernization, improving the already strong basic characteristics of the Briton.

Kranvagn - it is impossible to pierce it in the forehead

Kranvagn - it is impossible to pierce it in the forehead

Nation Sweden
Type Heavy tank
Role Heavy support tank

The most popular tank in Ranked Battles is the Swedish heavy drum tank Kranvagn. It has very interesting and unique gameplay, which at first is not suitable for everyone.


Let's start with the key features of the Kranvagn relative to other TTs. The main advantage of this tank is its -12 degree elevation angles and 400mm turret forehead armor, which allows you to just stand and look at the enemy, which is what the gameplay for this vehicle is based on. You come into position from the embankment, the corpse of the tank, the terrain, drive up the hill and that's it - it's impossible to defeat you, except just to rush with the crowd.

How does the Swede deal damage, you ask? And here everything is also very cool, but it requires a lot of skills and dexterity. Kranvagn has an excellent weapon in terms of accuracy, and even with a drum mechanism that has 3 projectiles. Alpha 440 units and cooldown 19 seconds - looks very cool, but not so clear. The Swedish TT has poor penetration with the main sub-caliber and gold cumulative, which often causes problems with penetration, so you need to know in advance what target you will shoot at and load the appropriate shells into the drum.

Also, the Swede has a cardboard hull and turret sides, which is why he is only able to play while looking directly at the enemy. This is the gameplay of the best drum TT10. But that's what makes him cool.

Helpful Hints

First, you need to correctly evaluate the setup of the enemy team and understand if they have heavy tanks faster than yours with cumulatives. If there is, then you need to play carefully and try to find a position higher than the enemy tank so that you don’t get punched into the commander’s hatch. If there are none, then we play more aggressively, take a position from the corners of the vertical aiming or side and begin to methodically deal damage.

From the equipment, we recommend to install: hardening, turbocharger and stabilizer for city maps, and trophy sight, turbocharger and stabilizer for other maps. This will allow you to quickly take up positions, as well as dominate thanks to pumped field upgrades for speed and reload.


This concludes our list of current World of Tanks tanks worth downloading in 2022. Summing up, I would like to note that this list is not a panacea. This does not mean that having pumped out these machines, you will begin to bend over in all battles. This is not true. These tanks greatly increase the experience gained from the game, but only if you have straight arms and a desire to develop.
