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Diablo Immortal Class Guide - Choosing the Best Class

 We talk about all the classes in the game, their skills, attacks, and abilities; choosing the best class for beginners

Before choosing one or another class, you should understand what you would like to get from the experience of playing Diablo Immortal. Each class is unique in its own way, although some will require more skill and careful planning when choosing, while others will be more forgiving and forgive some of the mistakes you make. since Diablo Immortal is a mobile game, there is nothing surprising in the fact that there is less customization and flexibility here than in the same Diablo 3.

Diablo Immortal Class Guide - Choosing the Best Class

First, about the best classes for beginners:

  1. I think the barbarian class is the easiest to learn. As you might expect, the barbarian is brutal in combat and deals incredible damage with melee weapons. His first main attack allows him to regenerate some health points every few hits. Thus, the more you fight, the more you heal, especially when combined with the Immortal Fury skill. Combine this with a lot of sweeping area attacks and you have a class that can get through almost anything with natural aggression. And all enemies who try to keep their distance can be pulled by spears on chains. The barbarian can also close the distance using a quick jump attack.
  2. The crusader can safely be put in second place after the barbarian. Unlike the brutal warrior from the first line, the crusader prefers a defensive combat model. You will most likely be forced to act less aggressively compared to the barbarian, however, the bulky shield of the crusader will ensure survival for a long period. On top of that, a variety of ranged magical attacks will help you deal with any opponents trying to stay out of your sword's reach. The crusader has quite a few impressive area attacks that are good for taking out enemies near and far.
  3. The Wizard is a great choice for those who prefer to take out their enemies from a distance. Contrary to common practice, when playing as a mage in many action and role-playing games is more difficult, in Diablo Immortal this class is convenient in its own way and can be considered even among beginners. You will be able to use incredibly powerful magical attacks that will allow you to destroy enemies before they reach you (this is the main combat model, since the sorcerer's health is below average). Keep using skills like teleport to hide from danger and then counterattack your opponents with your magic. Rest assured, you will surpass any opponent you meet.

As for the other three classes, Necromancer, Demon Hunter, and Monk, they are still self-sufficient, but if you choose them, you will almost certainly encounter great difficulties. In particular, it will be difficult to determine the most effective combinations of skills, especially for newcomers to the series. The Demon Hunter stands out with his traps, but you'll have to figure out how to use them. When playing as a necromancer, you need to stay somewhere to the side while the creatures you have summoned are at war with enemies.


The Barbarian is one of the most familiar and easy-to-learn classes in Diablo Immortal. As in Diablo 2-3, the barbarian is good in close combat and acts as straightforwardly as possible, openly attacking opponents, and inflicting massive damage on them, thereby trying to heal himself from all the missed attacks. In Diablo Immortal, barbarians can only equip two-handed weapons.


Now let's talk about the main attacks and skills:

  • Main Attack: Rend (available by default) - A series of attacks that deal damage, with every third hit healing you for 15% of the damage dealt.
  • Primary Attack: Frenzy (unlocked at level 34) - An insane attack that deals massive damage. With each new hit, the attack speed increases.
  • Ability: Cleave (available by default) - A sweeping attack that damages and bleeds enemies in front of the barbarian.
  • Ability: "Hammer of the Ancients" (available by default) - A powerful blow with a hammer on the designated area, shaking the ground, dealing damage over time, and lifting some of the enemies into the air.
  • Ability: Chained Spear (Unlocked at level 4) - Throw three chained spears to deal damage and pull all targets hit towards you.
  • Ability: Whirlwind (unlocked at level 8) - The barbarian attacks enemies by spinning around its axis, dealing damage in all directions.
  • Ability: Sprint (unlocked at level 15) - A quick dash that deals damage to anyone the barbarian encounters along the way.
  • Ability: Furious Dash (unlocked at level 20) - Charge forward, knocking back and damaging enemies.
  • Ability: Leap Kick (unlocked at level 28) - Leap into an area, dealing damage to all nearby enemies and slowing their movement speed.
  • Ability: Demoralize (unlocked at level 38) - The barbarian lets out a loud scream that deals damage to all enemies in a large radius. All targets hit temporarily deal less damage.
  • Ability: Stomp (unlocked at level 41) - Another area of ​​effect attack that simultaneously damages and stuns all enemies around the barbarian.
  • Ability: Immortal Fury (unlocked at level 44) - When activated for a short time, the barbarian will become immortal. All your attacks restore up to 30% of the damage dealt.
  • Ability: Grab (unlocked at level 47) - The barbarian grabs a nearby enemy to use as a weapon, throwing them at other nearby enemies.
  • Ability: Wrath of the Berserker (unlocked at level 50) - Increases movement and attack speed for a short time.


The Crusader is a more familiar "tank" class. It uses certain holy magic spells to deal damage from a distance and is characterized by the increased defense. The crusader uses only one-handed weapons, while the secondhand holds a strong shield. These characters are capable of taking a lot of damage, and some of their skills focus on crowd control.


  • Basic Attack: Punishment (available by default) is a basic attack that deals damage to the enemy and increases the chance to block for a short time. Ultra Punishment - A counterattack that increases damage against all enemies in the area, as well as increasing the bonus to block chance. The shield absorbs up to 20% of your maximum health.
  • Primary Attack: Sweep (Unlocked at level 34) - A weapon's basic attacks are augmented with holy damage, causing enemies to take additional damage.
  • Ability: "Sweeping Attack" (available by default) - Uses a holy charged flail, attacking all enemies in front of him. You can use a charged attack that increases the damage and knocks enemies back.
  • Ability: Spinning Shield (available by default) - Throws a spinning shield that travels in a straight line and deals damage to all enemies. When the shield returns, it deals additional damage by pulling enemies. Can be used up to three times.
  • Ability: Radiant Shield (unlocked at level 3) - An arc attack that damages enemies and blinds them for a short time.
  • Ability: Falling Sword (unlocked at level 8) - Attacks with a holy sword at the target location, dealing damage to all enemies in the area. Can be re-activated to have the crusader rush towards the sword and deal additional damage when it is drawn.
  • Ability: Grab (Unlocked at level 15) - The Crusader mounts a Celestial Warhorse that removes any movement impairing effects and increases movement speed. While still mounted, you gain a boost to your main attack damage and bind the nearest six enemies with holy chains, dragging them behind you and dealing damage over time.
  • Ability: Sanctify (unlocked at level 20) - Blesses the ground around him, dealing constant damage to all enemies that enter the area of ​​effect.
  • Ability: Judgment (unlocked at level 28) - This skill allows you to attack all enemies in the selected area, dealing significant damage and slowing their movement. After a short time, an explosion occurs.
  • Ability: Sacred Banner (unlocked at level 38) - Plants a banner that increases the crusader's and his allies' critical strike chance, but reduces the critical damage dealt.
  • Ability: Shield Attack (unlocked at level 41) - Charge up your shield before dashing forward, dealing damage to any enemy in the crusader's path.
  • Ability: Holy Chain (unlocked at level 44) - Throws chains that move between enemies and stun them until they take repeated damage.
  • Ability: Condemn (unlocked at level 47) - A charged attack that causes an explosion and damages all enemies in the area.
  • Ability: Summon Light (unlocked at level 50) - Creates a holy beam that makes the crusader and his allies invulnerable for a short time.

Demon Hunter

The Demon Hunter is a nimble foe, capable of taking down hordes of demons with ease using dual crossbows and a variety of traps and devices. This is a warrior who prefers to stay one step ahead of his prey. Crossbows are the hunter's only weapon.

Demon Hunter

  • Primary Attack: Crossbow Shot (available by default) - Fires rapid-fire shots and arrows that hit the target and deal damage.
  • Primary Attack: Explosive Arrow (unlocked at level 34) - Fires explosive arrows at a slower speed, dealing AoE damage.
  • Ability: Knockback Shot (available by default) - Fires a bolt of energy that damages enemies and knocks them back.
  • Ability: Volley (available by default) - Shoots a large number of arrows to hit multiple targets ahead.
  • Ability: Rain of Vengeance (unlocked at level 3) - Fires arrows into the air that will fall in a target area, dealing damage to all enemies located there.
  • Ability: Barrage (unlocked at level 8) - for a short time, the hunter rotates around his axis, extending his crossbows, and shoot at enemies in all directions.
  • Ability: Pendulum of Death (unlocked at level 15) - Uses a rope to swing and jump to a new area, dealing damage to any enemies it encounters along the way.
  • Ability: Dagger Trap (Unlocked at level 20) - A knife trap that works like a mine and explodes when triggered, firing multiple knives at all nearby enemies. Can be set up to 3 times.
  • Ability: "Turret" (unlocked at level 28) - allows you to install a turret that automatically shoots at nearby enemies. Can accommodate up to 2 pieces.
  • Ability: Smoke Screen (unlocked at level 38) - Creates a large smoke screen around you that hides you and your ally from the eyes of enemies.
  • Ability: Throw Daggers (unlocked at level 41) - Throws multiple knives in one direction, dealing damage to all enemies hit.
  • Ability: Disengage (unlocked at level 44) - Throws forward with an attack and then dodges back. Simultaneously deals damage and reduces the movement speed of an enemy that cannot chase the hunter.
  • Ability: Spinning Chakram (unlocked at level 47) - Throws a chakram that then returns to the hunter's hands, dealing damage to all enemies in its path. Before cooldown, you can throw up to three times in a row (after the chakra returns to your hands).
  • Ability: Retribution (unlocked at level 50) - Fires three shots instead of one of the main attacks and adds a movement buff to all nearby enemies, which can stack up to 10 times.


The monk is capable of inflicting serious damage, but at the same time has weak protection. Thus, as a monk, you should quickly fly into enemy groups, dealing damage, and quickly move to a safe distance before they react in any way. Mobility is the only way to survive in battle with strong opponents.


  • Main Attack: Thunderfist (available by default) - A teleportation strike that teleports the monk to nearby enemies, allowing him to land three hits, after which the warrior can teleport back.
  • Primary Attack: Deadly Bunch (unlocked at level 34) - A ranged attack that deals damage to the target and then transfers additional damage to those behind the hit enemy.
  • Ability: Cyclone Strike (available by default) - A chargeable attack that allows you to pull enemies in and then deal heavy damage to them.
  • Ability: Volleyball (available by default) - A ranged attack that hits and knocks back all enemies the Monk encounters.
  • Ability: Seven-Way Strike (Unlocked at Level 3) - This allows you to quickly move within the target area to deal damage to all enemies in the area.
  • Ability: Wave Strike (unlocked at level 8) - An energy wave that can be charged. Carries enemies far away and then explodes, dealing significant damage.
  • Ability: Mysterious Strike (unlocked at level 15) - Charges forward, leaving a spirit behind. The spirit follows the monk, pulling enemies with it, which subsequently take damage.
  • Ability: Exploding Palm (unlocked at level 20) - A targeted attack that damages enemies and causes them to bleed. If an enemy dies, it explodes, dealing damage to everyone in the area.
  • Ability: Zen Shield (unlocked at level 28) - A shield that can be formed around the player or allies. Absorbs incoming damage for a short time. When used on allies, the monk first moves to them, and then sets up a shield.
  • Ability: Inner Sanctuary (unlocked at level 38) - Surrounds the target area in a protective circle that reduces all damage dealt to you and allies.
  • Ability: Wave of Light (unlocked at level 41) - Launches a large wave of light that damages all enemies in its path.
  • Ability: Imprisoned Fist (unlocked at level 44) - A powerful attack that immobilizes an enemy hit by a fist.
  • Ability: Flying Dragon (unlocked at level 47) - A flying attack that pulls enemies in and deals damage at the very end.
  • Ability: Mysterious Allies (unlocked at level 50) - A special skill that briefly summons two additional spirits to fight alongside the monk.


The Necromancer is less direct than the other classes, due to his propensity for indirect encounters. He uses curses and ranged attacks, although he summons skeletons and golems for most of the fight. Controlling summoned creatures is the key to survival. Minions will distract enemies while you wait for powerful skills to finish recharging that can destroy opponents.


  • Main Attack: Soul Fire (available by default) - Launches an explosive ball that explodes on impact with an enemy and deals area damage.
  • Main Attack: "Bone Spear" (unlocked at level 34) - Fires a bone spear that pierces through enemies. It can fly through the enemy and also hit targets located behind him.
  • Ability: Skeleton Master (available by default) - Causes your skeleton minions to attack the target area, increasing their attack speed for a short time.
  • Ability: Grim Harvest (available by default) - Attacks a wide area in front of him, dealing damage to all nearby enemies and turning up to two corpses into his minions.
  • Ability: Corpse Explosion (Unlocked at Level 3) - Explode all corpses in the target area, dealing damage to enemies caught in the area. If the enemy is in the area of ​​several explosions, he will receive additional damage.
  • Ability: "Bone Spikes" (unlocked at level 8) - allows the necromancer to summon bone spikes from the ground at a specified location. Can be charged up, increasing range and damage.
  • Ability: Incorporeal (unlocked at level 15) - Turns you into a ghost, increasing your speed and granting temporary invulnerability. But until you turn back, you will not be able to attack.
  • Ability: Skeleton Mage (unlocked at level 20) - Summons a stationary Skeleton Mage that fires Soulburn in a target direction. Something like a turret.
  • Ability: Bone Wall (unlocked at level 28) - Creates a wall of bones that blocks all approaching enemies and projectiles flying at you.
  • Ability: "Corpse Spear" (unlocked at level 38) - Creates a spear from nearby corpses, and then launches it at opponents.
  • Ability: Bone Armor (unlocked at level 41) - Creates a bone shield that protects you and your allies from damage.
  • Ability: Curse of Darkness (unlocked at level 44) - Places a curse on all enemies in the area of ​​effect. The Cursed take damage over time and become temporarily blind.
  • Ability: Bone Spirits (unlocked at level 47) - Summons a stream of spirits for a short time, dealing damage to all enemies they come into contact with.
  • Ability: Golem Master (unlocked at level 50) - Summons a bone golem that deals damage and stuns all nearby enemies. Can jump towards distant enemies.


Capable of inflicting massive damage, but at the same time practically unprotected. The sorcerer uses powerful ranged magic attacks, but he has little health and armor, so he won't last long in close combat. Can use teleportation or ice magic to keep enemies behind him and use various spells to destroy them from a safe distance.


  • Primary Attack: Magic Missile (available by default) - Fires a magical projectile that deals damage to a single target.
  • Primary Attack: Electroshock (unlocked at level 34) - Unleashes lightning bolts that deal damage and bounce from one enemy to another.
  • Ability: "Magic Whirlwind" (available by default) - Unleashes a gust of wind that deals damage and knocks enemies back in an arc. Can be charged for increased damage and range.
  • Ability: "Burn" (available by default) - Launches a fireball that can damage and knock back enemies while leaving fire in a way that can deal additional damage.
  • Ability: Lightning Flash (unlocked at level 3) - Fires ten balls of lightning in a circle, in one direction, which will damage all enemies they come into contact with.
  • Ability: Frost Beam (unlocked at level 8) - Fires a beam of ice in one direction, dealing damage and slowing enemies. Freezes targets on hit.
  • Ability: "Teleportation" (unlocked at level 15) - allows the sorcerer to teleport a short distance from the current location in the direction in which his gaze is directed. Can be used up to 3 times in a row.
  • Ability: Ice Crystal (unlocked at level 20) - An ice crystal appears at the target location, dealing damage and freezing enemies, then exploding for additional damage.
  • Ability: Fracture (unlocked at level 28) - Launches a beam of focused energy that accumulates damage over time. The longer it hits an enemy, the more damage it takes.
  • Ability: Black Hole (unlocked at level 38) - Creates a black hole at the target location that sucks in and damages nearby enemies.
  • Ability: Meteorite (unlocked at level 41) - Summons a meteor that falls from above, dealing damage and stunning enemies. Also sets fire to the ground in the fall area, and any enemies caught there take additional damage over time.
  • Ability: Ice Armor (unlocked at level 44) - Creates a protective ice barrier that breaks after a short time. Freezes and inflicts nearby enemies.
  • Ability: Arcane Torrent (unlocked at level 47) - Fires multiple magical projectiles that damage multiple enemies in an area.
  • Ability: Slow Time (unlocked at level 50) - Creates a zone of slow time around the target location that reduces the attack and movement speed of all enemies.
