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Diablo Immortal: How to hide the chat and configure its settings

Diablo Immortal: How to hide the chat and configure its settings

 Does it annoy you that the message chat appears all the time while playing Diablo Immortal or do you want to customize it to your liking? Here we explain how you can do it.

As a multiplayer title based on cooperation between users, Diablo Immortal has a chat system that is very present in the games from the moment we pass the tutorial. In the mobile version, this chat appears right at the bottom of the screen by default and for some players, it can be a bit annoying.

You may be wondering how you can hide it or change it to your liking. If so, keep reading because we explain it to you in this section of our guide.

How to hide the chat during the game or change it?

Obviously, if you want to change how the Diablo Immortal chat looks while you play or if you want to hide it completely, what you have to do is access the game options to configure this aspect of the title.

To do this, follow these steps while in-game:

  • Click on the button at the top right of the screen that has three horizontal lines.
  • The main menu will be displayed; Now you have to click on the Options button, which is the one with a gear wheel (next to the messaging).
  • When opening the options menu, among the sections on the left, select the one titled "Chat".
  • Once you get here, look at the first section, the one in the "Channels in the chat preview" section.
  • By default, the game has the World, Zone, Group, Adventurer, Clan, Warband, and Raid chat channels activated.
  • If you want to directly hide the chat so that it doesn't appear while you play and doesn't bother you, you can deactivate all these channels that are marked by default (just click on them to remove the activated check; the one you see often while playing is the one from "Adventurous").

In any case, as you can see, in this chat options menu you can configure how you want the chat to work the most. You may want to see chat messages from your group or clan while playing the game, but not from everyone. To do this, do not hesitate to fiddle with the settings until you leave it as comfortable as possible.

If you go down in this chat menu you will also be able to activate or deactivate more options such as automatic voice playback for messages or the size of the chat interface while you play (it is already configured with the smallest size).
