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Guide to opponents in Starship Troopers: Terran Command

 We talk about all the bugs and arachnids that you will encounter in the game

In the tactical game Starship Troopers: Terran Command, you have to control several units of Mobile Infantry fighting against an army of arachnids, represented by various individuals. Our current guide will be dedicated to them.

Guide to opponents in Starship Troopers: Terran Command


Warriors are unremarkable, but dangerous melee fighters, available to Arachnids in almost infinite quantities. They rush into battle to crush the enemy with numbers.


  • Health units - 2/5
  • Armor - 1/5
  • Suppression - 2/5
  • Damage - 2/5
  • Armor-piercing - 1/5
  • Speed ​​- 4/5
  • Unit can climb walls of outposts


Phaetons are a species occupying a low position, performing the functions of scouts and porters in arachnid colonies. They do not pose much of a threat in combat due to their low defenses, low speed, and weak bites.


  • Health units - 1/5
  • Armor - 1/5
  • Damage - 1/5
  • Speed ​​- 1/5
  • Unit can reopen and repopulate empty hives

tiger beetle

Tiger beetles are a stronger subspecies of warriors. Their durable exoskeletons are less amenable to light weapons, so armor-piercing shells are required to effectively combat them.


  • Health units - 2/5
  • Armor - 3/5
  • Suppression - 2/5
  • Damage - 2/5
  • Armor-piercing - 1/5
  • Speed ​​- 4/5
  • Unit can climb walls of outposts


Spitters are a relatively fragile species, firing jets of acid from a gland located in their thorax. This corrosive substance causes severe damage and can be fatal in large quantities.

Spitters work effectively in conjunction with warriors: some provide barrage fire, while others form a human shield and go on the attack.


  • Health units - 12/5
  • Armor - 0/5
  • Range - 3/5
  • Suppression - 3/5
  • Damage - 1/5
  • Armor-piercing - 0/5
  • Speed ​​- 4/5
  • Unit can climb walls of outposts


Jumpers are flying arachnids that provide aerial support and constantly attack the enemy for suppression. These creatures are fast and agile, but their light armor makes them vulnerable to concentrated fire.


  • Health units - 2/5
  • Armor - 0/5
  • Suppression - 3/5
  • Damage - 1/5
  • Armor-piercing - 0/5
  • Speed ​​- 5/5
  • This unit cannot be stunned


Drones are a caste of arachnids that look like young warrior beetles. Their exoskeletons are not yet fully hardened, which makes them more vulnerable, but also faster.


  • Health units - 1/5
  • Armor - 0/5
  • Suppression - 0/5
  • Damage - 1/5
  • Armor-piercing - 0/5
  • Speed ​​- 5/5
  • Unit can climb walls of outposts


The evolution of each arachnid corresponds to a strictly defined role, and in the case of tankers, this is something like an assault tank. They are covered with the strongest shell and can shoot a stream of liquid that burns everything in its path.


  • Health units - 5/5
  • Armor - 3/5
  • Range - 2/5
  • Suppression - 2/5
  • Damage - 2/5
  • Armor-piercing - 1/5
  • Speed ​​- 2/5
  • This unit can only be slowed down or stunned by certain abilities and special weapons.
  • Spilled caustic liquid remains deadly for some time

hive growth

This threat report indicates that the strength of all beetle hives and tunnels is increased by 1. During the same operation, this event can occur repeatedly, each time increasing the strength of the arachnid colonies.

scorpion beetle

The so-called scorpions are deadly assault bugs that can fire a beam of concentrated plasma from their tail, capable of penetrating most targets. The streamlined shape and relatively thick armor protect them well from light weapons.


  • Health units - 3/5
  • Armor - 3/5
  • Range - 3/5
  • Suppression - 1/5
  • Damage - 3/5
  • Armor-piercing - 3/5
  • Speed ​​- 3/5
  • Unit can shoot over other units


These small beetles can roll up into a ball to move faster. When they get close to enemies, these creatures open up, activating a biochemical reaction, and self-destruct, causing a massive explosion.


  • Health units - 1/5
  • Armor - 1/5
  • Suppression - 4/5
  • Damage - 3/5
  • Armor-piercing - 1/5
  • Speed ​​- 3/5
  • Self-destructs when attacked
  • This unit cannot be stunned

royal guard

The royal guards are a highly developed variety of warriors. They get their name from being often seen defending colonies containing brainbugs or queens. These arachnids are exceptionally well-armored and are known for becoming even more dangerous when they take lethal damage.


  • Health units - 1/5
  • Armor - 1/5
  • Suppression - 4/5
  • Damage - 3/5
  • Armor-piercing - 1/5
  • Speed ​​- 3/5
  • Unit enters a rage when it loses all health points
  • When entering a rage, all health points are restored and movement speed is reduced
  • Dies when the rage timer expires or health points are restored

Plasma Thrower

Plasma Throwers, which serve as mid-range artillery in the Arachnid army, are capable of firing deadly but relatively inaccurate plasma blasts at ground targets. Although they are covered with fairly strong carapaces, at close range they are practically defenseless.


  • Health units - 2/5
  • Armor - 2/5
  • Range - 4/5
  • Suppression - 4/5
  • Damage - 2/5
  • Armor-piercing - 1/5
  • Speed ​​- 2/5
  • Unit can shoot over other units and elevations

Plasma Bug

The Plasma Bugs act as both long-range artillery and anti-aircraft weapons. They can fire huge balls of unstable plasma from their abdomens at distant ground targets and ships in orbit.


  • Health units - 2/5
  • Armor - 2/5
  • Range - 4/5
  • Suppression - 4/5
  • Damage - 2/5
  • Armor-piercing - 1/5
  • Speed ​​- 2/5
  • Unit can shoot over other units and elevations
