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How to build your own castle in V Rising

 We talk about how to build a castle, where it is best to put it, how to move the castle to another place, and so on.

Building a well-fortified castle is one of the first important things you have to do in Stunlock Studio's new survival MMORPG V Rising. However, before you build the gothic castle of your dreams, there are other tasks to complete. And it's not as easy as you think. At the very beginning, you can build a few wooden walls at most, but such a building is far from what we used to call a castle.

Since building a castle is one of the main quests in V Rising, we will walk you through everything you need to know step by step. In this guide, we not only explain how to build a castle but also give some tips on how to improve and protect it.

How to build a castle

In order to start building a castle in V Rising, you must place the Heart of the Castle in the desired location. This is a small fountain of blood that feeds all objects inside the castle and allows you to mark the boundaries of your territories. After all, every vampire respects their privacy. With this in mind, select the best area for building a future castle. This can be done on the "Basic" tab in the construction menu, which is opened with the B key.

How to build a castle

After setting the boundaries, check out the other options in the build menu. You need walls, floors, gates and other items to decorate the interior. You will also gain access to crafting stations, which are unlocked by killing certain bosses. They will allow you to create better materials, including boards and stone bricks. These crafting stations must be placed within the boundaries of your castle and will only work if there is an essence of blood in the Heart of the Castle. Otherwise, the Heart of the Castle will gradually collapse.

After creating a few crafting stations, you will want to build walls that will allow you to protect the castle. While you can use a private server or join a PvE lobby to avoid running into other players, V Rising has a variety of dangerous enemies that will attack your territories. The standard wooden palisades that you have access to from the very beginning of the game do not apply to the castle. To build a real castle, you must create a research table and interact with it. Look for the table in the construction menu.

To build a castle, you need to use fortified walls and floors, which can be found on the same Castle Building tab. Their construction requires more resources (compared to wooden palisades). So, for each reinforced wall, 6 planks and 10 stone bricks are required, so building several rooms will have to collect a lot of materials. You cannot install the roof yourself. Instead, as soon as you circle the room with walls, the roof will automatically appear.

What if you need to move the castle

For the first few hours, you probably won't even think about the fact that sooner or later you will have to transfer your base. The early quests will gradually teach you how to build key crafting stations and you will also spend a lot of time killing the bosses located in Farbane Woods.

However, as you upgrade your equipment and become stronger, you will spend much more time in other areas of Vardoran. The Danlí Farmlands is a key region for players between levels 20 and 50, while higher-level gamers will want to explore the Silverlight Hills. It will take a lot of time to get to these locations from Farbane Forest, so we recommend building a full-fledged castle somewhere in the center. For example, on the farmlands of Danlí.

You can install the castle on a hill, which will provide additional landscape protection. However, you should also consider placing your base as close as possible to an iron mine in the Danlí Lands or a silver mine in the Silver Hills. The more of these resources, the faster you will create high-level equipment.

Use smoke braziers outside

Although the interior of the castle will probably take up most of your territory, you can also use the open space. If you create such an area, we recommend placing smoke braziers around. These braziers cast a shadow that protects you from sunlight while the character is outside, so scatter a few braziers around the base. Keep in mind that Fog Braziers consume bones as fuel, so don't activate them if you're out hunting.

Place a gate to prevent intrusion

If you want your castle to be a private space, you need to put a gate at the entrance. This will prevent other players from getting inside. On PvE servers, players will only be able to get through your castle gates if you agree to let them in. On PvP servers, hostile players can use explosives to blow up gates. On the other hand, this explosive still needs to be opened.

The gate must be found in the construction menu. However, they are installed exclusively at the entrance, so you will have to place both objects.

Use servants to defend the castle

As you progress through the V Rising quests, you will unlock the Servant's Coffin Recipe and the power of Imperious Presence. You can use this power to enslave people and send them to your castle where they will perform your various tasks. If you are on a PvP server, I suggest using servants to protect your base. You can have them patrol the region so that they are always alert and ready for any attack if they spot another player.

On the other hand, even a novice vampire can easily tear apart ordinary peasants. In order for your servants to provide good protection, be sure to provide them with the best weapons. In addition, you will also need a throne from which you can issue orders to servants. You will unlock it according to the story of the game.

The Best Places to Build a Castle in V Rising

Here are the best places to build a base in V Rising:

  • Farbane Woods West (Southeast of Glittering Meadows)
  • Center of Farbane Woods (West of Forgotten Graveyard)
  • Farbane Woods East (West of the Sacred Mountains)
  • Danley Farmland South (West of Haunted Iron Mine)
  • Danlí Northeast Farms (North of Dunlí Bastion)
  • Northeast of the Cursed Forest (east of Spider Cave)
  • Silver Light Hills Reserve (North of Brighthaven)

West Farbane Woods

West Farbane Woods

Why you should build a castle here:

  • Easy access to Danlí farmland
  • Proximity to iron mine
  • Easy to defend

Between the bandit camp and the Glittering Meadows, in the western part of Farbane, you will find an amazing three-level platform that longs to be towered over by a majestic gothic castle. An ideal location for the early-to-mid game transition due to its proximity to Danlí Farms and in particular the Wraith Iron Mine, which will allow you to mine iron.

It's also a great place to build on early-game PvP servers because there are only two paths to this area, and they're both close to each other, allowing you to easily reach the choke point and fend off an enemy attack.

Central part of the Farbein forests

Central part of the Farbein forests

Why you should build a castle here:

  • The best place to collect resources at the beginning of the game
  • Spacious building area
  • Easy access to Danlí farmland
The best thing about building a base in the middle of Farbane Woods is the perfect location to go in any direction in search of supplies and materials. This location is next to the Forgotten Graveyard, giving you easy access to bones and grave dust. You have passages to the east and west, and again, you will be close enough to one of the paths leading to the Danlí farms. This is very important in the mid-game when you need to find iron and other high-level materials.

East Farbane Woods

East Farbane Woods

Why you should build a castle here:

  • Huge building area
  • Proximity to Danlí farmland and the Sacred Mountains
  • Proximity to the portal (vampire gate)

This place may not be the best option for PvP servers, since you will have to build on a flat surface, and high ground is a natural defense. But there is no better place to create a vast and magnificent castle in the Farbane Woods.

This flat and vast area is located close to two other regions: Danlí Farms and the Sacred Mountains. At the moment the mountains are an unfinished region, but over time the developers are going to significantly expand it, so in the future, you can benefit from it. Even during the endgame.

Danlí Farmland South

Danlí Farmland South

Why you should build a castle here:

  • Large elevated construction site
  • Not far from the ghostly iron mine
  • Located in the center of the map
If the geocentric model of the universe appeals to your vampire ego, you'll love this potential base building site, which is as close to the center of the V Rising map as possible. This is a fantastic place to build with two levels of elevation - great for defending against attacks on PvP servers.

But perhaps the best thing about building in this area is that you are literally next to a giant iron mine, so you won't have any problems with iron.

East of Danlí Farmland

East of Danlí Farmland

Why you should build a castle here:

  • Compact space for a forward base
  • There are resources everywhere
  • Easy access to the Cursed Forest
There are a few of these uplands in the central part of the Danlí farms, but this piece of land, towards the northeast, is my favorite. It offers decent but not massive building space, which will appeal to anyone who likes compactness.

The site is also surrounded by the Church of the Damned and Danlí Bastion, which can be raided for useful materials, including grave dust, grindstones, sulfur ore, and more. The location is also within easy reach of the Cursed Forest region.

Eastern Cursed Forest Base

Eastern Cursed Forest Base

Why you should build a castle here:

  • Large, spacious plot of land for construction
  • Easily defended on PvP servers
  • Close proximity to the Cursed Forest, which is important in the later stages of the game

If you like to build on the outskirts, in the corner of the map, then you will not find anything better than this first-class real estate plot in the northeast of the Cursed Forest. Situated next to the Spider Cave and the Ancient Settlement, this gorgeous lot has just a couple of natural chokepoints, making it easy to defend against raids even on PvP servers, and is a great late-game base location where you can collect the rarest materials, including scales, ghost yarn, spectral dust.

West of the Silver Light Hills

West of the Silver Light Hills

Why you should build a castle here:

  • Huge building area
  • You only need to protect from one direction.
  • Proximity to Sacred Silver Mine and Brighthaven
This fantastic place to build will satisfy all your needs for silver ore, which will come in handy in the late game. Like the location above, it will take some time before you're ready to build, but once you're done, you'll be grateful for the close proximity to the most important resources stored to the east at the Sacred Silver Mine and to the south at Brighthaven.

Another key advantage of this area is that it can only be attacked from the east. So on PvP servers, you can plant one Castle Heart on the east edge to block the narrow passage and then place your actual base around the second Castle Heart on the high ground in the northwest corner.
