We talk about all the ways to get wings in the game
Wings are one of the Diablo Immortal customization items. Many players, especially new players, will be surprised to see characters with wings in Sanctuary. And it is far from obvious where other gamers got these wings since the process of obtaining them is unique in its own way. In this guide, we describe the entire process in detail, but we immediately emphasize that significant financial investments will be required from you.
To earn a pair of wings, Diablo Immortal players must level up to a certain resonance level. For the uninitiated, gamers can increase Resonance by earning and upgrading Legendary Gems, and wings become available at 1000 Resonance. However, for 1000 resonance you will get the most common wings, and they are not the only ones in the game: there are advanced versions that can be unlocked at the resonance level of 3000 and 5000 units.
Due to such resonance requirements, it is difficult to imagine that gamers who do not want to donate can get wings. Fans who need these customization items must purchase the special orbs from the shop with real money and then purchase the legendary glyphs. These glyphs can then be used in Ancient Portals for a guaranteed drop of Legendary Gems. Players who repeat this process multiple times will eventually build up enough Resonance to wear their first wings.
The exact amount you need to spend to unlock the wings will vary from player to player, but it's reasonable to expect to spend around $400. It is noteworthy that this figure can grow to tens of thousands of dollars if you want to get wings for a resonance of 5000 units. Of course, this is a significant expense, so most gamers are unlikely to be able to get wings. At least for the foreseeable future.
PS Perhaps in the future the developers will reduce the resonance requirements for obtaining wings. Or they will increase the chance of legendary gems falling out.
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