Passage of all story missions, tests, location of secrets, tactics, and strategy of the battle with bosses
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Shredder's Revenge is a co-op action platform game inspired by the 1987 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. In this guide, you will find a complete walkthrough of the game.
Episode 1
Location: Channel 6 Studio
Defeat 15 infantry with last-hit combos
The very first challenge in the game is simple: you need to defeat 15-foot soldiers using the last combo attack. We are talking about four clicks on the "square". Count everything correctly and finish off the enemies with the fourth hit. In case you didn't know, foot soldiers are masked enemies that you encounter at every stage of the game. They have different colors, but absolutely all are suitable to complete the test.
Defeat 4-foot soldiers using traps
Pretty simple. Below is a list of all objects that are trapped at this level. Use them to defeat the foot soldiers and complete the challenge with ease. Please note that many traps allow you to destroy several enemies at once.
Complete a level unharmed
Another pretty clear challenge. I strongly recommend that you repeat the level later, having previously gained more gaming experience. It will be much easier.
All secrets on the level
In total, two secrets can be found in this level:
- Once you pass the first set of computer desks, you will see a large "6" behind a bush and a door next to it. This door can be moved. Hit it a couple of times to open it. Inside you will find Bern. Be sure to release it.

- As for the second secret, when you pass the booth with the word Weather 6, you will find a wooden box with a trail. Destroy it to find a secret item.

How to beat the boss: Bebop
It feels like I haven't seen Bebop in 30 years! Since this is the first boss in the game, it's pretty easy. The foot soldiers will help him, so you will have to deal with both the boss and them at the same time (however, all the bosses will have reinforcements). Bebop's attacks are fairly easy to predict, but if you don't want to risk it (to pass the challenge), avoid his attacks until he performs a charged lunge, then attacks in every way until he's on his own.
- Direct strike: strikes in front of him. You can press "circle" to do a backflip and dodge the attack.

- Dash: Moves to the corner of the arena and attacks (along the direction line), and once it reaches the top/bottom of the screen, continues until it hits the edge of the screen. He gets dizzy for a while. This is the best chance to attack!

- Pistol: Draws a pistol and fires at you, releasing a sphere. It moves in a straight line, so when you see him reach for the weapon on his back, move up/down.
Episode 2
Location: Streets of New York
Defeat 4 Marines using Super Attacks
It's very simple. Super attacks are activated by clicking on the "triangle" after the scale above the health bar is filled (at least one full scale is needed). These Supers usually have a much larger range than regular Supers, so just walk up to a group of enemies and press the triangle to use your Super and complete this challenge.
Perform 5 throws
The throw is when you grab an enemy and throw them towards the screen. To do this, you need to grab the enemy (approach him without pressing anything) and, while holding him, press "down" + "square".

Defeat 4 enemies using traps
Below is a list of all traps in this level. Use any of them (highly recommend using traffic cones) to defeat at least four enemies. Traffic cones bounce so you can reuse them (as long as they stay on screen).

All secrets on the level
In total, three secrets can be found in this level:
1. At the beginning of the stage, you will eventually reach a sushi restaurant. Beyond it is a TV shop called TV Zone. Outside is a trash can with a secret.
2. For the second secret, look for the green building right behind the first secret (when the game tells you to go down). The door to the building can be broken, so hit it to open it and meet Irma.
3. As for the third secret, when you walk down the street after meeting Irma (above), you will cross the garage, from which three-foot soldiers will jump out. Next to it is a blue mailbox. Destroy it to get a secret diary.

How to beat the boss: Rocksteady
Bebop's best friend. However, unlike Bebop, Rocksteady acts much more dangerously. I recommend staying close to him and being prepared to dodge when he throws his grenades because they drop randomly. Annoying will be constant reinforcements - yellow foot soldiers who throw wrenches. Don't forget about them, but for the most part, focus on Rocksteady.
- Strike: strikes in front of him. Click on the "circle" to do a back flip and avoid damage.

- Pistol: He draws a weapon and jumps towards the screen. Then he shoots his pistol three times, once from below, in the middle, from above. Each time he shoots, three spheres fly out of the gun. You can run towards where he is and jump over him as he approaches.
- Grenades: Grabs a bunch of grenades and hurls them around him. They explode about a second after landing, so keep an eye on them and stay clear.
Episode 3
Location: Broadway
Take damage from obstacles no more than two times
Throughout the level, you will encounter obstacles. Large colored "exclamation marks" will appear around the edges of the screen. You can jump over a lot of obstacles, but there are some that you can’t overcome like that. Just go around them all! In general, watch what you see on the screen (there are always hints) and get ready to dodge. Not as difficult as it seems at first glance, but you will probably have to repeat the passage of the level at least a couple of times.

Complete a level unharmed
Another pretty clear challenge. I strongly recommend that you repeat the level later, having previously gained more gaming experience. It will be much easier.
Defeat 15 enemies using jump attacks
A very simple test. There are 2 jump attacks, the first one is by pressing the "square" while jumping (to do a jump kick), but there is also an enhanced version where you can jump in the air (but only while moving) and attack. I recommend using the second attack to defeat the required number of enemies.

How to beat the boss: Jeep
Now we're fighting Bebop and Rocksteady in a car... Anyway, the most annoying thing about this fight is that we'll have limited mobility. Try not to rush into this fight and mostly stay at a medium distance - neither far nor close. Note that after performing a full combo, be sure to back off. Don't try to keep attacking after the combo or you will definitely get counter damage.
- Bebop Attack: Bebop leans out the window and uses a chained turtle shell to attack us. This attack has quite a long-range, but you can perform a backflip.

- Rocksteady Attack: Like Bebop, Rocksteady leans out the window and starts firing his guns. Luckily, it only fires one bullet at a time, so jump over the live projectile when you see it coming.
- Bounce: When Rocksteady and Bebop pop out the windows at the same time. In this attack, the jeep will start to bounce from one side of the wall to the other for a few seconds. If possible, be prepared to run across to the other side, and if not, then try to jump over it.
- Grenade: Rocksteady looks out the window and throws one of his grenades. It explodes on contact, so be careful.
Episode 4
Location: Central Park Zoo
Complete a level without being grappled more than 3 times
At this point, we're introduced to the enhanced purple infantryman, who looks pretty much the same as regular purple ones. These guys have a whip and when they attack they can grab you. You'll have to press the buttons (or hold them down depending on what you've chosen) to get out of the grip, but you can't even fall into their trap to complete this challenge. There will also be some small robots on the level that can grab you with their rope, so be careful with them.
Take damage from obstacles no more than three times
Throughout the level, you will encounter obstacles. Large colored "exclamation marks" will appear around the edges of the screen. You can jump over a lot of obstacles, but there are some that you can’t overcome like that. Just go around them all! In general, watch what you see on the screen (there are always hints) and get ready to dodge. Not as difficult as it seems at first glance, but you will probably have to repeat the passage of the level at least a couple of times.
Defeat 5 infantrymen using Throw Strikes
The throw is when you grab an enemy and throw them towards the screen. To do this, you need to grab the enemy (approach him without pressing anything) and, while holding him, press "right" + "square". This attack deals some damage but can hit multiple enemies. I recommend killing enemies with such techniques. And do not forget that you can grab the enemy again.


All secrets on the level
In total, four secrets can be found in this level:
1. The first secret can be found right after you meet the purple foot soldiers who are eating ice cream. Destroy the trash can next to the bench to get your first secret - the diary.
2. Just behind this secret is a pair of blue mailboxes. Destroy them to find Attila.
3. As for the next secret, after you see the two characters running, you will find yourself in an area with caged monkeys. There is a trash can nearby that can be destroyed to get the secret. You will find a disgusting beetle that is meant for Attila and his gang.
4. Behind the monkeys you will see Rocksteady. Right after that, in the corner, look for a brochure rack with the final secret, another classic headline.

How to Defeat the Boss: Groundchuck and Dirtbug
Now you have to fight with two enemies at once. Don't worry, because they are not that dangerous. Both have independent health bars, they do not join forces and fight separately, which makes the fight much easier. As with all boss fights that have more than one enemy, I suggest putting them together and using super attacks to attack both at the same time.
- Punch: A simple punch like Rocksteady.

- Homing Missiles: Launches three missiles from its head (more specifically, from its horn). Four sets of three rockets, so I recommend moving away from him as far as possible and passing between the rockets.
- Dash: This attack is similar to Bebop's, but Groundchuck will jump from one side of the screen to the other.
- Digger: digs under him and goes underground. Then it starts chasing you (you can see a slight bulge on the ground) and poking a shovel out of the ground. Keep moving and you can avoid damage.
- Shovel Attack: Pulls out a shovel and swings it like a baseball bat. If you are in front of him, you will get hit, but escape is easy - perform a back flip.
Episode 5
Location: New York Sewers
Defeat 3 enemies using traps
Perhaps the most obvious test. Simply kill three enemies with traps, which are of course listed below. Oddly enough, there is only one type of trap per level, but there are enough of them to kill the required number of enemies.
Defeat 5 robots using charged attacks
Hold the "square" for a second (actually a little less) and release to deal a lot of damage. This is easy to do as you can simply charge up the attack and release the button when the enemies get close.
Take damage from obstacles no more than two times
Throughout the level, you will encounter obstacles. Large colored "exclamation marks" will appear around the edges of the screen. You can jump over a lot of obstacles, but there are some that you can’t overcome like that. Just go around them all! In general, watch what you see on the screen (there are always hints) and get ready to dodge. Not as difficult as it seems at first glance, but you will probably have to repeat the passage of the level at least a couple of times.
All secrets on the level
In total, three secrets can be found in this level:
1. The first one is at the very beginning of the mission. After walking a couple of steps to the right, you will see a brochure rack. Destroy it to get your secret - the diary.
2. Eventually, you will leave the subway area and enter the sewers. Soon you will reach an area with a giant safe in the background. Turn the red wheel to open it and release the character.
3. Immediately after rescuing the frog, continue to the right (past the area with hot air valves) and break the box with the foot to find the last secret - the disgusting bug.

How to Defeat the Boss: Rat King
Probably the most annoying boss in the game. The rat king is eager to jump onto the roof of a wrecked car and summon a swarm of rats which makes the task more difficult. I recommend grouping the rats with the boss and using your super attacks to hit all opponents at the same time. In general, the fight is not difficult, but the enemy is annoying. You cannot damage the king while he is in the car, so you have to wait until he jumps down.
- Rat March: He jumps to the car and uses his flute to summon a horde of rats that run around the arena. You need to jump over them, but some will jump and try to bite you, so be careful.

- Grab: grabs and spins you, and finally throws you across the screen. You will understand that he is going to do this when he runs in your direction. Jump over the enemy and attack from behind.
Episode 6
Location: Crystal Palace shopping center
Throw enemies by breaking two clothes hangers
Pretty simple. As soon as you enter the mall itself, you will see that several stores have clothes hangers. Take your time, grab the foot soldiers and throw them into the clothes hangers to break them. You only need to break two racks, and it's not uncommon for them to spawn in twos.
Defeat 10 enemies using glancing attacks
Another easy task. You need to kill enemies with glancing attacks. If you have not used them before, you can do it by running up and clicking on the "X" as if you are going to jump. Instead of jumping, your character will slide. Of course, you MUST run for this to work, and to do this, double-tap left-right (depending on the direction you want). This attack can stun enemies.
Complete a level without using Super Attacks
The easiest challenge. Just don't hit the triangle. Super attacks make life easier, but this time just don't use them.
All secrets on the level
A total of five secrets can be found in this level:
1. As soon as you break the brick wall at the beginning of the level to enter the building, destroy the trash can (on which the tray of food lies) to find the first secret - the diary.
2. When you get to the second part of the mall, look for a trash can in the center with a couple of plants, one on each side. Destroy it to find the videotape.
3. Next to the previous secret, you will see a paper stand with frogs. Hit it to find Napoleon's frog!
4. After rescuing Napoleon, you will eventually encounter large robots controlled by foot soldiers. Right after that, you will enter the arcade room. Destroy the popcorn stand to save Vernon.
5. Finally, to the right of these little galleries, there is another popcorn stand. Destroy it to find a disgusting beetle.

Boss fight
This boss is completely different from the rest. Mainly because it does almost nothing. However, she summons other enemies to attack you. There are two opponents to summon: an enemy that looks like a turtle and someone that looks like a werewolf. As soon as she summons them, she will turn into a hologram and disappear, and you will be forced to fight these enemies. As for the summoned enemies, they only have one attack (besides the normal melee attack), so it's not that hard. Also, at first, she will only summon one enemy at a time, but as her health decreases, she will begin to summon both at the same time.
- First attack: puts her hands at her sides and releases electricity that hits everything around her. It has a small hitting range, so a back flip will save you.
- Werewolf Attack: Releases a green cloud, and if you touch it, you will be temporarily stunned. Stay away from the cloud.
- Turtle Attack: Starts to rotate and move from one side of the screen to the other. You could see the attack earlier, but it's slower, so it's easier to jump over.
Episode 7
Location: Rooftops
Complete a level without falling into the pit
Since we're running on rooftops, it's possible to fall off every building. Be careful, because in addition you can be knocked down by opponents.
Drop 5 enemies into pits
Everything is the same, only in reverse. The best way to push enemies into the pits is to grab and throw them there. Of course, you can also knock them down with normal combos, but it's a bit more difficult in my opinion.

Defeat 3 enemies using traps
Traps are easy. You need to kill the listed number of enemies using the trap that we have indicated below. There are plenty of them, so you will not experience significant problems.

All secrets on the level
In total, three secrets can be found in this level:
1. At the very beginning, after defeating the first foot soldiers, go to the right and destroy the toolbox to find a secret diary inside.
2. The next secret is not one of the three that you must find on the challenge, but it is a secret nonetheless. You will eventually reach an elevator that goes down and you will have to fight several enemies. Focus on destroying the console at the top of the elevator. For this you will receive a plate of food, which will give you +10 points.
3. After the area with the elevator, you will find yourself at a construction site. Walk forward, sticking to the top of the area, and come across another toolbox with a videotape hidden inside.
4. Keep following this route and you will reach another toolbox, which contains the third, final secret - a disgusting beetle.

How to beat the boss: Bebop and Rocksteady
This time you will have to fight against both guys at the same time. They use basically the same attacks as before, with the only change being that they now work together. We have listed their attacks below, but you should still memorize them. What I can tell you is that you need to focus 100% on one of the opponents. Personally, it was convenient for me to kill Bebop first, because, in my opinion, he is weaker. And then it will be easier for you to fight against Rocksteady with his grenades.
Bebop attacks:
- Direct strike: strikes in front of him. You can press "circle" to perform a back flip and avoid damage.

- Dash: Moves to a corner of the arena and attacks (along the direction line), and once it reaches the top/bottom of the screen, continues until it hits the edge. Temporarily stunned.

- Pistol: Draws a weapon and fires a sphere at you. It moves in a straight line, so when you see him reach for the weapon on his back, move up or down.

- Strike: strikes in front of him. Click on the "circle" to perform a back flip and avoid damage.

- Pistol: Draws a weapon and jumps towards the screen. Then he shoots the weapon three times - from below, in the middle, from above. Each shot fires three orbs. You can run to the side where the enemy is and jump over as you approach.

- Grenades: Grabs a bunch of grenades and throws them around. They explode about a second after landing, so stay clear.
Episode 8
Location: Manhattan "Skyline"
Take damage from obstacles no more than two times
Throughout the level you will encounter obstacles. Large colored "exclamation marks" will appear around the edges of the screen. You can jump over a lot of obstacles, but there are some that you can’t overcome like that. Just go around them all! In general, watch what you see on the screen (there are always hints) and get ready to dodge. Not as difficult as it seems at first glance, but you will probably have to repeat the passage of the level at least a couple of times.
Complete a level unharmed
Another pretty clear challenge. I strongly recommend that you repeat the level later, having previously gained more gaming experience. It will be much easier.
Defeat 3 enemies using super attacks
If you forgot, the super attack is activated by clicking on the "triangle", but a special scale must be filled. It's not uncommon for a single super attack to kill multiple enemies at the same time, so give it a try.
How to defeat the boss: Shizolet
Time to get rid of that mutated bat! The fight itself isn't all that difficult, but the problem is the lack of land. You need to get close to her, do a full combo, and backflip to avoid her wing attack. You can linger a bit while the enemy fires rockets from behind, but don't overdo it.
- Wing Attack: The boss draws his wings close to his chest and spreads them out, releasing a small shockwave that hits everyone around. You can perform a back flip to avoid damage.

- Missiles: Chisolet starts firing multiple missiles from the back. They move around the screen in several rows. Each row has a hole that you can go through, but I recommend jumping over the rockets.
- Impact Attack: Runs across the screen several times, trying to hit you. The blow can go from above and below the screen, so be prepared for dodges in different directions.
Episode 9
Location: Coney Island
Defeat 2 enemies using traps
Traps are easy. You need to kill the listed number of enemies using the trap that we have indicated below. There are plenty of them, so you will not experience significant problems.
Perform 5 throws
For this task, you need to complete the throws of enemies. If you do not remember what it is, then you need to grab the enemy and throw them to the screen by pressing "down" + "square". Note that there is a new green Naginata grunt that can't be grabbed, so focus on those enemies first and then roll other grunts.

Defeat 6 Enemies using Enhanced Pizza
There is only one pizza in this level and you will find it at the very beginning. Before you pick it up, make sure there are enemies and there are enough of them.


All secrets on the level
In total, two secrets can be found in this level:
1. Look for the very first secret right after the first fight, when you cross the wooden floor, you will see a rack with hot dogs. Destroy it to save Rasputin.
2. As for the second, last secret, keep going through the level until you see a new soldier on the game stands. It has a brochure rack and a trash can next to it. Destroy the first one to get the Secret Abominable Bug.
3. Although it's not a secret, look out for the big balloons. Destroy one of them to get a plate of food and score 10 points.

How to defeat the boss: Leatherhead
Leatherhead is perhaps one of the easiest bosses in the game. The funniest thing about this fight is that the frogs in the background are on a roller coaster and often throw pizzas, explosive barrels, etc. In general, you need to avoid his jump attack, and when he pauses, attack the combo and do a back flip.
- Sewer Jump: Hides in the sewers and then leans out of one of them and tries to jump on you.

- Also, the enemy will try to hit you with his tail. This is a melee attack, so do a backflip to avoid damage.

- It may also try to bite you and hold you.
Episode 10
Location: Silicon Alley
Throw enemies by breaking two crates
Remember that mall challenge where you had to throw enemies to break clothes hangers? We have to do the same here, but this time we have to break the boxes. Slowly advance through the level and whenever you see a box, focus on destroying it, and then finish off the enemies.

Defeat 6 robots using super attacks
As stated in the test, you need to use super attacks ("triangle") to destroy the robots. These can be any robots, but I recommend attacking them at least once first, and after that apply a super attack, because one super attack may not be enough.
Take damage from obstacles no more than two times
Throughout the level, you will encounter obstacles. Large colored "exclamation marks" will appear around the edges of the screen. You can jump over a lot of obstacles, but there are some that you can’t overcome like that. Just go around them all! In general, watch what you see on the screen (there are always hints) and get ready to dodge. Not as difficult as it seems at first glance, but you will probably have to repeat the passage of the level at least a couple of times.


All secrets on the level
In total, two secrets can be found in this level:
1. At the very beginning of the level, you will meet the first foot soldiers riding a bicycle. Immediately after that, you will see an open trailer on the right. Next to him there is an infantryman in a car and a trash can. The first secret is hidden in this trash can - a disgusting bug.
2. In the end, when you go to the right, you will find trains. When the camera starts to rise, break the boxes on the left side to find your secret - a videotape.

How to defeat the boss: Metalhead
Time to fight the turtle robot! Another easy boss fight. His main attacks are kicks and punches, but the boss sometimes fires missiles from behind. Nothing complicated.
- Kick: Performs a small uppercut by kicking in front of him. Try jumping over your leg, although a backflip might be the best solution.

- Punch: first jumps back and punches in front of him with his hands. Perform a back flip, or even try to jump over. It can also jump into a corner and attack diagonally.
- Rockets: Jumps to the center of the screen, creates a small shield around him and starts shooting rockets that fly at you. You need to run around the arena dodging missiles. The frozen rocket explodes after a while. You can get close to the boss so that the explosion hurts him.
Episode 11
Location: Natural History Museum
Defeat 3 enemies using traps
Traps are easy. You need to kill the listed number of enemies using the trap that we have indicated below. There are plenty of them, so you will not experience significant problems.
Defeat 10 Triceratons using ground attacks
Triceratons are a new enemy in this level, which you will recognize right away, of course. They are easiest to destroy with jumping attacks, but you need to defeat 10 with ground combos (square+square+square+square). I propose to lure them to me, stun them and incapacitate them.
Perform 10 flying attacks
As the challenge suggests, you need to defeat 10 enemies with flying attacks. You must have thought about jumping. But no, we are talking about a roundhouse kick that you perform by pressing the "square" during the back somersault ("circle"). Keep using this move until you complete the challenge. At what from the very beginning of the level, so that you can go through the rest in the usual way, without haste.

- Museum stand with information

All secrets on the level
In total, four secrets can be found in this level:
1. When you go to the right, you will see triceratons. At this point, you will also see a brochure rack. Destroy it to get a videotape.
2. Keep moving and you will soon reach a room with props. Here you will find a box with a secret inside that can be destroyed. There will be a disgusting beetle.
3. After the previous secret, you need to go down. Break the box to your right during the descent to find the third secret - a crystal shard. A new kind of collectibles.
4. Again, right after the previous secret you need to move to the right. In the end, you will reach the red tents with a box outside, which contains the last secret. You will save another character.

How to defeat the boss: Captain Zorax
Probably the most annoying boss. The difficulty of the fight with Zorax is due to the fact that he uses a panic attack when several Triceratons run across the battlefield, and you have to dodge them. I write about this below, and I will repeat here: focus on avoiding attacks and avoiding damage, and do not try to attack the boss itself. In addition, you will have to use flying round attacks, just like in the challenge.
- Drill: Fires a drill bullet like regular triceratons. It moves slowly so you can avoid it or even jump over it. Can shoot diagonally and in different directions.
- Shield: Uses a shield like green Triceratons.
- Stampede: Summons several Triceratons. Most of them run across the screen, but one will stay and attack. It's annoying, but try to avoid fighting him and focus on dodging enemies at all costs.
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