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Unit guide in Starship Troopers: Terran Command

 We talk about all the units of the Mobile Infantry available in the game: their advantages, characteristics, traits and available abilities

Studio The Aristocrats, who created the tactical Starship Troopers: Terran Command based on Starship Troopers, offers a wide range of units that are capable of performing various tasks. Each unit plays a specific role and can drastically change the tactics you use in combat to fend off the bug threat.

submachine gunners

This infantry, armed with Morita assault rifles, form the backbone of the Mobile Infantry. They are effective in close to medium-range firefights against unarmored targets.

Submachine gunners are your primary infantry on the front lines and can be requested to land at any radio station. They are equipped with basic automatic rifles and are excellent for suppressing lightly armored targets at medium ranges. One unit can accommodate 12 machine gunners, so they are excellent at holding positions and taking on the main burden of attack.

submachine gunners

They can throw a small grenade that acts as an AoE skill that deals damage to all enemies and stuns armored targets. By leveling a unit to level three, you can further upgrade them with a shotgun salvo that stuns enemies at close range, or a powerful demolition charge with a large area of ​​effect.


  • Health units - 3/5
  • Range - 3/5
  • Suppression - 3/5
  • Damage - 1/5
  • Armor-piercing - 1/5
  • Shooting in the air - 3/5
  • Unit can clear beehives

Special abilities:

  • Available by default - "MX-90 Grenades". Throws a hand grenade that has a small killing power radius but also stuns enemies in a wider area.
  • You can choose at the third level - "Fire from shotguns." Fires heavily with Morita underbarrel shotguns. These volleys are able to stop or even completely destroy the onslaught of arachnids.
  • You can choose at the third level - "Infernal parcel". Throws an impromptu bunch of grenades over a short distance that produces a very powerful explosion. Better get out of here before it explodes!

military engineers

Military engineers can install various defensive fortifications and weapons. For defensive and offensive purposes, they are equipped with short-range flamethrowers capable of stopping and burning everything in their path.

military engineers

Military Engineers - A three-man support squad armed with flamethrowers that can deal damage and slightly stun targets at close range. Engineers are most valuable for their active ability to throw a fire grenade that blocks movement and the ability to mount turrets. They can place heavy machine gun turrets, as well as rocket and grenade launcher turrets, but for the latter you will have to set up a missile depot and ammo depot respectively (on a free construction site).

In order to call both engineers and signalers, you will need a "Help Center" located on the construction site. At the third level, engineers will be able to either place powerful charges or direct a powerful stream of flame, damaging armored opponents.


  • Health units - 2/5
  • Range - 1/5
  • Suppression - 4/5
  • Damage - 1/5
  • Armor-piercing - 1/5
  • Unit can clear beehives
  • Unit's rate of fire does not depend on casualties

Special abilities:

  • Available by default - M7 Incendiary Grenade. Throws an incendiary grenade that sets fire to the target area and impairs movement.
  • You can choose on the third level - "Explosive Charge". Places a powerful bolt that can be detonated for 10 or 30 seconds.
  • You can choose at the third level - "Burning Spear". Unleashes a stream of high pressure, high temperature flames that incinerates everything in its path.


Radio communications are vital to the operation of the Federation Armed Forces. The signalman is able to call for reinforcements to the position on the battlefield in which he himself is.

Communications team of two people. This is another important support unit that keeps the rest of the squads out of your vital radio stations. All this is due to the active ability of the signalman to place the landing zone of the landing craft in almost any place. This drop zone can be used to resupply squads in the field or move to another drop zone. At the maximum, third level, signalers can either request a warship that hovered in a designated area for a short time, or activate a loudspeaker system that cheers nearby troops, improving their performance, as well as attracting nearby bugs.


  • Health units - 1/5
  • Range - 3/5
  • Suppression - 0/5
  • Damage - 0/5
  • Armor-piercing - 1/5
  • Shooting in the air - 0/5
  • Unit can be used to call for reinforcements

Special abilities:

  • Available by default - "Assign drop zone". Places a drop zone that can be used to call for reinforcements.
  • You can choose at the third level - "Transport of fire support". Summons a vehicle to hover over the target area and provide defensive fire support.
  • You can choose at the third level - "Inspirational Broadcast". Increases nearby friendly units' rate of fire and suppression resistance. Loud sounds also attract the attention of enemies in a large radius.


Snipers are trained in long-range precision fire. They are excellent against vulnerable targets like spitters and jumpers, but can also be used for reconnaissance.

To unlock snipers and combat officers, you need to build a command center. The two-man sniper team consists of soldiers equipped with scoped rifles capable of hitting lightly armored targets at great distances and providing direct line of sight on the battlefield.

Their basic ability allows them to move quickly and shoot for 10 seconds, but the range is significantly reduced for the duration of the ability. Tier 3 upgrades include a crippling shot that can stun even huge targets, or a reconnaissance missile that can distract arachnids and give friendly forces line of sight.


  • Health units - 1/5
  • Range - 4/5
  • Suppression - 1/5
  • Damage - 2/5
  • Armor-piercing - 0/5
  • Shooting in the air - 3/5
  • Unit can clear beehives
  • Unit's rate of fire does not depend on casualties
  • The unit does not block the line of fire
  • Unit can shoot through friendly units
  • Unit never misses its target
  • Increased rate of fire when firing from high ground

Special abilities:

  • Available by default - "Speed ​​mode". Increases movement speed and rate of fire, but greatly reduces radius.
  • You can choose at the third level - "Cripple Shot". Fires at an enemy's vulnerable point, dealing high damage and periodically stunning the target.
  • You can choose at the third level - "Sensory Beacon". Fires a special sensor that detects enemies covered by the fog of war. This device also angers and attracts nearby arachnids.

combat officer

A Mobile Infantry officer, trained in the finer points of military command and Federation values, is able to increase the productivity of other soldiers.

The combat officer is equipped with a rifle and grenade launcher and is primarily intended to support friendly troops. He can throw a flare to increase friendly damage in the target area, while after fully leveling up, officers can buff one unit, increasing its accuracy or rate of fire, or increase the experience of the targeted unit.


  • Health units - 1/5
  • Range - 3/5
  • Suppression - 0/5
  • Damage - 0/5
  • Armor-piercing - 1/5
  • Shooting in the air - 0/5
  • The unit does not block the line of fire
  • Unit can shoot through friendly units
  • You cannot land more than one such unit

Special abilities:

  • Available by default - "Destination". Friendly units deal more damage to enemies in the target area.
  • You can choose at the third level - "Aggressive tactics". Temporarily increases the power of a friendly unit: gain x3 experience, increase movement speed, increase shooting accuracy, increase armor-piercing damage.
  • You can choose at the third level - "Defensive Tactics". Temporarily increases the power of a friendly unit: gain x3 experience, reduce movement speed, increase rate of fire, improve resistance to suppression.

rocket launchers

Their M55 rocket launcher is equipped with armor-piercing warheads to deal with heavily armored threats. Additional types of warheads are also available to experienced rocket launchers.

The Rocket Launchers are a critical two-man team with heavy weaponry designed to take out heavily armored targets and provide heavy fire support against large swarms of bugs. They require the Depot Missile Depot, which is unlocked only after the combat level is increased to 2 units.

These soldiers can fire high-explosive rockets, dealing massive damage to light targets in the middle area. By leveling them up, you can get a cluster warhead with a large area of ​​effect or a firestorm warhead that can drop flames in a medium-sized area, thereby blocking movement.


  • Health units - 1/5
  • Range - 3/5
  • Suppression - 1/5
  • Damage - 3/5
  • Armor-piercing - 4/5
  • Unit's rate of fire does not depend on casualties
  • Unit can shoot over other units and elevations

Special abilities:

  • Available by default - "High explosive warhead". Launches a rocket that deals high damage in a medium radius area. Effective against armored targets.
  • You can choose at the third level - "Warhead with buckshot". Launches a warhead that deals damage in a large area but is ineffective against armored targets.
  • Can be selected at the third level - "Fire Rain Warhead". Launches a warhead that creates an impenetrable wall of blazing fire on impact.

Infantry Mk II

Although the Morita Mk II rifle equipped with an underbarrel grenade launcher provides excellent fire support at medium to long-range against targets with light and medium armor, these units are still vulnerable in close combat.

Unlike conventional rifle squads, Mk II soldiers are focused on increasing damage and firepower, and not on holding the front line, since they are only six soldiers armed with powerful rifles and underbarrel grenade launchers. You can recruit them by unlocking the ammo depot at combat level 2.

The active ability allows them to bombard a medium-sized area with grenades at medium to long range. As upgrades, they can be equipped with anti-aircraft grenades to deal with air targets or cluster shells for a shotgun to cut through hordes of units at close range.


  • Health units - 2/5
  • Range - 4/5
  • Suppression - 2/5
  • Damage - 2/5
  • Armor-piercing - 2/5
  • Shooting in the air - 2/5
  • Unit can clear beehives

Special abilities:

  • Available by default - Frag Grenades. Provides indirect fire support with a sustained salvo of frag grenades. Effective against lightly armored targets.
  • You can choose at the third level - "Anti-air grenades". Fires a volley of anti-aircraft grenades that hit all air units in a medium radius.
  • You can choose at the third level - "Cutting volley". Fires a volley of cluster ammo to clear an area of ​​enemies. Very effective against lightly armored targets at close range.

Infantry with E-Pulse

E-Pulse 44 rifles cannot fully replace the time-honored Morita designs, but soldiers armed with them are much more effective at close range against targets with light and medium armor.

Close combat soldiers. Improved version of regular submachine gunners. Infantry with E-Pulse are armed with energy weapons that can easily penetrate light or medium armor of beetles. The squad consists of ten people, and they can only be hired after a power plant has been built at combat level 3.

Their main active ability is related to the E-Pulse weapon buff, where for 10 seconds they gain a boost in fire rate and damage, but then the weapon overheats and the infantry needs to reload it. Tier 3 upgrades include either a short-range blast that stuns nearby allies and enemies, or increasing their line-of-sight by reducing their rate of fire.


  • Health units - 3/5
  • Range - 2/5
  • Suppression - 1/5
  • Damage - 3/5
  • Armor-piercing - 2/5
  • Shooting in the air - 3/5
  • Unit can clear beehives
Special abilities:

  • Available by default - "Reloading Rifles". Temporarily increases the rate of fire, damage, and armor-piercing of weapons. After the effect ends, the overheated weapon becomes disabled for a short time and is unable to fire.
  • You can select on the third level - "Battery Flash". Shorts out an E-Pulse battery, causing a bright flash that stuns all targets in the area.
  • You can choose on the third level - "Illuminate the path." Temporarily ignores all vision reduction effects, sacrificing 20% ​​rate of fire.

Fleet Adjutant

This officer, who provides direct communication with the Fleet, is able to call for reinforcements, air strikes and other support measures for the Fleet.

In many ways, the Fleet Adjutant is similar to the signalman in that he can also set up drop zones anywhere to increase squad numbers, but is even more useless in combat as he only carries a short-range pistol. However, the adjutant may call for airstrikes in order to destroy beetle clusters. But be careful not to call these airstrikes on your units.

They can only be recruited with an active Fleet Relay, which is unlocked at Combat Level 3. In addition to calling in an airstrike, the Fleet Adjutant can be upgraded to request a detachment of Marines or an orbital bombardment of a large area.


  • Health units - 1/5
  • Range - 3/5
  • Damage - 1/5
  • Unit can be used to call for reinforcements
  • The unit does not block the line of fire
  • You cannot land more than one such unit
Special abilities:

  • Available by default - "Assign drop zone". Places a drop zone that can be used to call for reinforcements.
  • Available by default - "Strike TVK". Calls in a squadron of TEC fighters that will drop bombs along the specified line. Click and drag to choose the direction of the strike.
  • You can choose on the third level - "Reset Marines". Delivers a detachment of marines to the specified position.
  • You can choose at the third level - "Orbital strike". Causes a long and powerful, but inaccurate bombardment of the target area.


The Federation Marine Corps is the elite infantry commanded by the Navy. Marines are armed with Morita carbines with a shorter range than standard MP rifles, but this shortcoming is compensated by their impeccable training and experience in military operations.


  • Health units - 2/5
  • Range - 2/5
  • Suppression - 1/5
  • Damage - 2/5
  • Armor-piercing - 2/5
  • Shooting in the air - 2/5
  • Unit can clear beehives
  • The unit does not block the line of fire
  • Unit can shoot through friendly units
  • This unit cannot be stunned
  • This unit does not gain experience.

M-11 Marauder (Gatling)

The upright fighting vehicle M11 Babar ("Marauder") is the pinnacle of human military technology. When equipped with a rotating cannon, the M648 Volcano can effectively deliver dense fire to suppress the enemy.

The pinnacle of Terran military engineering, the Marauders are veritable tanks, single-handedly capable of holding back and destroying hordes of bugs. They come in three different types depending on the weapons installed: a flamethrower, a Gatling gun or a howitzer. However, all are equipped with machine guns for suppression.

They don't have a base active ability, but they can be upgraded at tier three with a grenade launcher for mid-to-long range fire or a short-range explosive pulse, which is especially useful if the Marauders are surrounded by a swarm. To create them, you will have to increase the combat level to 4 and build the engine room.


  • Health units - 5/5
  • Range - 3/5
  • Suppression - 2/5
  • Damage - 3/5
  • Armor-piercing - 4/5
  • Unit cannot capture radio stations
  • The unit does not block the line of fire
  • Unit can shoot over friendly units
  • Unit can shoot over 1 level of hills
  • This unit cannot be stunned
  • Damage dealt by a unit decreases as health points are lost.
  • The machine gun overheats after a long fire
Special abilities:

Available by default - nothing.

  • You can choose at the third level - "Fire Mortar". Bombard the target area with shoulder-mounted mortars.
  • You can choose at the third level - "Incendiary projectile MX-113". Drops a powerful high-tech incendiary charge that deals high damage to everything around the Marauder.

"Marauder" (Howitzer):

  • Health units - 5/5
  • Range - 5/5
  • Suppression - 1/5
  • Damage - 5/5
  • Armor-piercing - 2/5
The rest is all the same.

Exoskeleton Infantry

These elite infantrymen are clad in mechanized armor that provides superior protection, mobility, and the ability to carry a variety of heavy weapons.

The best mobile infantry has to offer. Soldiers in powered suits form squads of eight and quickly move across the battlefield using the latest deadly ballistic rifles. They can easily run away from bugs, so they are great for quick position changes, raids and emergency evacuations in case of unpleasant situations. Upgrade combat level to 5 and build a special headquarters to request support from exoskeleton infantry.

Thanks to their active abilities, they can throw basic grenades from rifles (like their lightly armored comrades), but have a much better set of abilities at level three. On the one hand, you can upgrade their weapons to deal higher true damage and provide better suppression. On the other hand, to fight against heavy targets, you can also provide these infantry with a rocket launcher or an engineering kit to repair Marauders or install turrets.


  • Health units - 4/5
  • Range - 2/5
  • Suppression - 3/5
  • Damage - 2/5
  • Armor-piercing - 2/5
  • Shooting in the air - 2/5
  • Unit can clear beehives

Special abilities:

  • Available by default - "MX-90 Grenades". Throws a hand grenade that has a small killing power radius but also stuns enemies in a wider area.
  • Available by default - "Machine gun Morita Mk III". Equips soldiers with powerful Morita Mk III machine guns, allowing them to eliminate targets with light and medium armor at the cost of reduced mobility.
  • You can choose at the third level - "Shoulder rocket launchers". Arms soldiers with shoulder-mounted rocket launchers designed against heavily armored targets. Effective only with line of sight.
  • You can choose at the third level - "Engineering tools". Provides soldiers with the capabilities of combat engineers by adding tools for building and repairing equipment to their equipment.
