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Walkthrough Sniper Elite 5 - Mission 4. War Factory

 A detailed walkthrough of all story missions, side missions, the elimination of additional targets, a map with the location of all collectibles

Before setting out on your mission, take a look at the map below. It presents all the main points of view:

  • Yellow labels are the main tasks.
  • Red marks are targets for leaves.
  • Green marks are collectible items

The most interesting and important places on the map

Dam - No.2 on the map

Dam - No.2 on the map

Having approached the dam, you need to decide which way to go further, to the main part of the plant - you can either walk along the dam or use one of the available zip lines.

Central square, armored personnel carrier — No.4 on the map

Central square, armored personnel carrier — No.4 on the map

In the center of the map is enemy armored vehicles, it is problematic to avoid it. To destroy this machine, you need mines, explosives, or Panzerfaust (it can be found at the refinery).

Station office - No.7 on the map

Station office - No.7 on the map

This is one of the alternate starting locations for the fourth mission. Some of the mission objectives are located near the railroad tracks. For example, here is an additional target for elimination.

Refinery - No.8 on the map

Refinery - No.8 on the map

This is one of the buildings that will have to be sabotaged. You can enter the plant through one of the main entrances or via the upper footbridge. Inside you need to find the terminal, but the path to the right place is guarded by an elite sniper.

Warehouse - No.10 on the map

Warehouse - No.10 on the map

This is another must-see place. You must reach the safe on the top floor of the warehouse and steal the manifest. The safe can be opened with an explosion or with a key that an officer in the same building has.

Main oven - No. 11 on the map

Main oven - No. 11 on the map

This is the largest place on the map, your goal is to sabotage the furnace. Two main roads lead inside (north and south) and a secret passage from the side of the steel mill. To disable the oven, you need to overload it.

general information

The fourth mission will send you to a military factory. This level has a large number of main and side tasks, but they are not too difficult. Among other things, you will have to deal with an armored vehicle that patrols the central part of the factory - if you want to safely explore the map in search of collectibles, it is advisable to destroy it. Below we talk about all the possible ways to destroy an enemy armored personnel carrier.

The default starting location is a resistance hideout, but you can unlock alternate locations. In my opinion, the best location is the western railroad tracks, thanks to which you will be much closer to all the main objectives. As for the default starting location, first, you need to get to the main part of the factory either by the dam or by cable car - both options are equally difficult.

The fourth task has several main and side quests. We talk about all of them below:

  • Infiltrate and explore the plant. This is the first objective of the mission to attempt to infiltrate the facility. Exploration will be hindered by the APC, but you can destroy it.
  • Sabotage the factory. This task is divided into three main objectives. Two of them are related to sabotage ("Destroy the Furnace", "Destroy the Oil Refinery"), and the third - to find the Kraken's cargo manifest. On the way to the objectives, you will examine the three main rooms in the factory.
  • Side Objectives - There are two side quests to complete in the fourth mission, including turning off the generator and destroying the steel mill. Both goals are related to visiting unique locations.
  • Matthäus Ehrlich is a target on the kill list. You need to kill Erlich with the rat bomb. Below we will tell you how to get this bomb.
During this quest, you can find 19 collectibles, including three workbenches, notes, and documents. All of them are marked on the map above.

general information

Infiltrate and explore the plant

The default starting location is the resistance hideout in the northwest corner of the map. Before you leave the hideout, pick up the rat bomb - you need it to complete an additional task (to kill Matthäus Erlich). After leaving the shelter, take the first cable car. Approach the barrier and eliminate the first enemies. Here you have to select the path to the factory. There are three 3 different routes.

  • The first option involves crossing the dam to get to the northern part of the plant. There are a few guards on the dam, but they can be easily disposed of from a safe distance.
  • The second option is to use the eastern rope. With it, you will get to the western part of the plant, but there are many opponents in this area, so it will not work to act covertly.
  • The third option is to use the south rope. It will take you to a smaller area with enemies - some of them can be bypassed or killed by stealth. The route will take you to the train station office and it will be easier for you to complete all tasks in the southern part of the plant.

Plant research and enemy armored personnel carrier

When exploring the plant, you should, first of all, beware of the APC patrolling the central part of the map. If you just want to get around it, we recommend marking the vehicle with binoculars so you can track it and know when it's approaching. If you plan to destroy an armored vehicle, we recommend the following tactics.

Plant research and enemy armored personnel carrier

Study the route of the armored personnel carrier and place a plate mine or explosive on it. An explosion of mines or explosives (you will have to shoot at the right moment at the explosives) will not be able to completely destroy the vehicle, but it will be immobilized. Now you can sneak up to the car, plant explosives on it, and fire from a safe distance (in this case, prepare armor-piercing ammo).

The plant also has Panzerfausts. For example, one of them lies on the roof of the oil refinery in the eastern part of the map (this building is one of the main objectives of the mission). You can also pick up the Panzerfaust from one of the soldiers.

Plant research and enemy armored personnel carrier

You can use different methods of destroying armored personnel carriers at the same time. For example, plant a mine, immobilize an armored car, and finish it off with a rocket.

Another potential difficulty when exploring the plant is the observation towers, although only one of them will have a sniper (the tower next to the building with a target to destroy). You can eliminate enemies from afar. You can also aim at the spotlights mounted on the towers.

Plant research and enemy armored personnel carrier

Factory sabotage

Destroy the Furnace

The main furnace, one of the largest places in the plant, is located in its southeastern part. The building has several entry points. There are a few enemies guarding the south entrance, but you can get through the train cars and surprise them with a flank attack.

Destroy the Furnace

An interesting idea is to get into the furnace from the side of the steel plant, which is adjacent from the north. Exploring the main steelworks building (side quest location) will allow you to find the entrance to the large pipes on the upper level. You can go through them and get to the sniper position. This is a good starting point and at the same time a good place to eliminate the guards and employees inside the building.

Destroy the Furnace

You need to reset the oven. To do this, you need to find a valve. It is located on the highest balconies surrounding the blast furnace. Then look for the control panel, which is located in the control room on the middle level of the building.

After you deal with both objects, a cut-scene will start in which you will be shown the explosion of the furnace.

Destroy the Furnace

Destroy the refinery

The plant is located on the eastern edge of the map. It has several entrances, and the best of them is a bridge connecting it with a building located to the west of the refinery. Following this route, you will immediately enter the territory of the refinery, one of its higher levels.

Destroy the refinery

Inside the refinery, you should pay attention to a sniper with a night vision device. Try to mark the enemy with binoculars (you can find it on one of the highest balconies), sneak up unnoticed and eliminate it.

Destroy the refinery

To finish with the plant itself, you need to disable the melting pot. This is easy to do: you need to interact with the device on the upper balconies. After interacting with him, a cut-scene will start.

Find the transport manifest "Kraken"

The cargo manifest is stored in the transport warehouse located in the southern part of the map. You can enter the warehouse from the north or south. Regardless of the entrance you choose, look for the stairs leading to the top floor, to the logistics office. The document you are looking for is in the safe. You can:

Find the transport manifest "Kraken"

  • Find the code for the safe - from the officer found in the room in the northern part of the building.
  • Use explosives - be careful, you may be detected.
Opening the safe will complete the quest.

side quests

Destroy the generator

Destroy the generator

The generator is located in a building in the northern part of the map, between the dam and the dump. Initially, this goal is not in the task list. You need to approach the building with the generator to find out about the possibility of destroying it. It's easy to get inside. You can use one of the upper windows.

Destroy the generator

First, get rid of the enemies on the footbridges, and then start exploring the lower floor of the building. There are two ways to destroy a generator:

  • The first option is to use explosives. It can be found at the factory. Install directly on the generator. This method is easier, but you can be detected.
  • The second option is to overload the pressure pipes. To do this, you need to find two separate valves. Interact with each of them.
Destroy the generator

Destroy the steel mill

The large steel mill building is located in the central part of the map and has several entry points. For example, you can go through the eastern entrance, but first, you have to kill all the guards. Preferably from afar.

Destroy the steel mill

At the steel mill, you can find, eliminate and search Reyhart, who has the key to the crane control room. This opponent wears white clothes. The key opens a room on the upper level of the steel mill. But that's not the only way to get into the room, as you can also use explosives (one explosive can be found at the other end of the steel mill).

Destroy the steel mill

In the control room, get rid of the guard and interact with the control console. A cutscene will play, confirming the successful sabotage.

Destroy the steel mill

Matthaus Erlich

To pass the test to eliminate the target, Matthäus Ehrlich must be destroyed with a rat bomb. You will not have a bomb by default, but you can get it during the mission. This is much easier to do if the Resistance hideout is chosen as the starting position (default). The bomb lies on the furniture next to the exit from the hideout.

Matthaus Erlich

In addition, there is a second bomb that can be found in the northeast part of the plant. To do this, get to the basement where the workbench is located. To gain access to the basement, break open the building (with a lockpick, wire cutters) and use the internal stairs. The bomb is hidden in one of the chests.

Matthaus Erlich

Find Matthäus

Matthaus Ehrlich stays in the same place throughout the mission - in a building in the southern part of the plant. You can sneak up there on the western railroad tracks. It is not necessary to kill Erlich, but if you decide to go for it, you need to do everything right. In this case, with the Rat Bomb. If you succeed, get a new weapon - Machine Pist.44.

Find Matthäus

You may face several dangers. First, a sniper sat on the observation tower. This place is near the target. You can try to sneak up to the tower. Secondly, an armored car patrols the surrounding roads. Do not approach the road and do not stand close to it (especially in a standing position). Earlier, we told you how to destroy enemy armored personnel carriers.

Find Matthäus

Elimination of Matthaus Ehrlich

Approach the building with a target from the north. From Erlich's comments, you'll learn that he has a rat infestation problem. Wait for the soldier to go to the next room. Prepare a rat trap in one of the three available places in the pantry.

Elimination of Matthaus Ehrlich

You have to bring Matthäus to the area - you can throw a bottle (so that it falls next to the trap) or whistle. Quickly exit the building and reach the side entrance. You can open it with a pick or wire cutters.

Elimination of Matthaus Ehrlich

After opening the side door, sneak up from behind and stand in the place where you can see the rat bomb. The bomb will not explode on its own, you must attack it. Use a silenced weapon for this and wait for the target to stand next to the bomb. The explosion should kill Erlich. Mission completed.

Elimination of Matthaus Ehrlich


Escape is extremely easy. You can do this immediately after completing all the main tasks of the mission. If desired, you can linger to carefully study the entire area and complete side quests.


The evacuation point is located in the southern part of the map. There are several common enemies in the area. You can bypass them or, for example, disable the generator and then kill the enemies with silenced weapons.
