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Complete walkthrough of As Dusk Falls. How to get the best ending


Complete walkthrough of As Dusk Falls. How to get the best ending

As Dusk Falls is an interactive drama in which the player will have to immerse themselves in the atmosphere of an interactive movie, get acquainted with a fascinating story and try to save all the characters. In this guide, we will describe a detailed walkthrough and note the consequences of major decisions.

Be careful: the material may contain spoilers.

Throughout the game, users will encounter QTE scenes. We recommend not to miss such events, so unless otherwise instructed by us, try to use the correct keys to achieve an identical result with the guide. We will also try to maintain warm and friendly relations with all the heroes.

It is worth noting that some decisions can drastically affect the storyline of the hero. In addition to indicating the possible consequences, we will highlight some choices in a separate color:

We will lead the player to the best ending and at the end of the guide, we will note the most important decisions that must be made to get the best ending.

Book 1: Collision

After the introductory video, choose any of the proposed options. We looked up at the sky. We quickly study the current location and, if necessary, use "I'm not ready" to get extra time. The girl will ask about the number of stars on her backpack. The correct answer is "Six".

We start the car and hit the road. In the conversation, select "Let's imagine that it's a vacation" . We agree with the wife using the option "Maybe it's true" . During the argument, we stop the grandfather - "Jim, that's enough. " After the collision, press the keys indicated on the screen in time to successfully stop the car.

Fast forward to another hero - Jay. We ask the question "Who lives here?" and remember the code "5926". We climb over the fence, throw a stick at the dog and successfully perform QTE to close it in the barn.

In a conversation, we use "Do not be distracted", examine any two objects, and apply the option "Maybe another time". As soon as Jay spots the sheriff's wife, the story will move on to Vince.

We are waiting for the administrator and do not press the bell. We use the "Please" option and get the keys to two rooms. We allow our daughter to watch TV.

After Jim arrives, we make the first important choice:

  • "Go with Jim." The man will tell him about his illness and ask him to stay with the hero and his family. We used this choice and alternately activated the lines “Fear of uncertainty”, “But now you are with us” and “I will talk to Michelle” to maintain a relationship with my father;
  • "Stay with Michelle." Vince learns the same information, but Jim will subsequently be offended by his son.

Upon returning to the motel, robbers will attack the heroes. From now on, the story will move on to Jay and the events of thirty minutes ago.

We don’t let the woman go to the panic button and activate the replica “We won’t touch you”. We check the picture, bookcase, and table. Check out the shelves again. Enter the code "5926". We answer the brother "This is for the family. "

When the sheriff returns, we successfully perform QTE and leave his house. If we fail at least one click, we make an important choice:

  • "Run to the door." The brothers will escape, but Dale will shoot the policeman;
  • "Fight off the sheriff." Jack will attack the cop, and the heroes will be able to get out of the brawl.

We return to the motel. We consistently select the replicas "Can you be trusted", "Try to negotiate", and "She's not joking". The player will have to go through a series of important choices, but not all will lead to significant changes in the plot. Let's do the first one:

  • "Throw". Vince will lower the sawn-off shotgun, Jay will distract Joyce, and Tyler and company will get their guns back;
  • "Aim". The same thing will happen, only this time Tyler will punch Vince in the stomach.
We use the replica “Can’t we live without it?”. We make one more choice:

  • "Calm down the dog." Vince will not be able to immediately calm the animal;
  • "Calm down Dale." The man will be even angrier.

Trying to calm the dog down again:

  • "Calm down Zeus." Vince will try to calm the dog down again. This will not work, and the animal will run away from the owner. So Dale will kick the dog to calm it down;
  • "Ask not to interfere." Vince will stop Joyce and Jay will be able to calm the animal down.

If the player tried to calm the dog both times, then Dale will force Vince to seal the girl's mouth:

  • "Close your mouth." Vince will follow Dale's instructions.
  • "Refuse". The robber will knock out the hero with one blow. This decision will not lead to serious consequences.
In the dialogue, we do not inform the robbers about all family members and use the replica "Together with my father." When Vince comes face to face with Tyler, activate the "You're wrong" option.

After the arrival of the policeman at the motel, the hero will have to make a choice again:

  • "Hide the evidence." Michelle and Zoya will come to the reception on their own. The girl will notice the brooch on the floor, and the officer will pay attention to it.
  • "Leave evidence." Dale will find Vince's family and bring them to the reception. After the conversation, the policeman will leave the institution.

In both cases, the player will have to answer several questions from the officer. Not all replicas will lead to important consequences, however, when activating the first option, it is not recommended to use the event "We are going and leaving", otherwise Tyler will shoot the policeman. We used replicas:

  1. "With Father".
  2. "Not my car."
  3. "We move".
  4. "Criminals on the run".
If the option is activated while the cop is leaving, the officer will leave the motel and call for help.

Tyler will want to leave the motel and take Michelle with him. Making a choice:

  • "Beg". Vince will try to swap with his wife, but this will not lead to anything, so one of the two remaining options will have to be used;
  • "Attack Tyler." After a successful QTE, Vince will grab a sawed-off shotgun and aim it at the mugger;
  • "Grab the gun." The same as in the previous version, however, this event will impress Tyler.
If Vince managed to take away the weapon, then one more decision will have to be made:

  • "Surrender." Vince will return the sawn-off shotgun to Tyler. The robber will point the weapon at the hero and pull the trigger;
  • "Shoot Tyler." Vince uses the trigger.

Do not worry - in all cases, none of the characters will die, since Tyler previously pulled out the cartridges from the magazine.

At the beginning of the episode, the police will arrive at the motel. If Vince didn't tell the officer important information, then Joyce will. A little later, she will tell the hero about this in a conversation.

To be continued...
