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Cuphead: boss walkthrough (Aviary Action)

 A detailed guide to passing the bosses of the second game of world Cuphead: how to kill the crazed bird in the birdhouse

This time you have to fight with a crazy bird that lives in its birdhouse in the second part of the Inkwell Islands, behind the amusement park. When you get here, then move to the very top to find the right birdhouse. Interact with him to start another plane battle.

Phase 1 - Normal Form

Wally is a bird stuck in the clock instead of a cuckoo. The first stage of the fight with her is quite simple if you know how to position yourself correctly. To do this, you need to consider all the main attacks of the boss:

  • Breaking egg. Like all birds, Wally can use eggs by releasing one at a time from his beak. They fly to the left side of the screen, hit the edge, and break into two halves. The first flies in a straight line in the opposite direction, and the second flies diagonally down. The easiest way to avoid being hit is to stay near the left edge of the screen, either under or above the egg.
  • Minion birds. Wally will release small chicks with nails on their heads that will fly towards you. They are fairly easy to dodge, so either move out of their flight path or shoot at them. The fourth bird will always be pink, which means you can counterattack it to get a boost of energy.
  • Rockets - From time to time, Wally turns his head into a large glove with fingers spread apart to form a pistol. Three projectiles will fly from the glove - one in a straight line, and the other two - diagonally above and below. Just move between them to avoid the attack.

Phase 1 - Normal Form

Once you deal with Wally at this stage, the bird's head will turn into a huge whistle - this will begin the next stage.

Phase 2 - Birds attack

At this stage, Wally will have only one attack (although chicks will still appear periodically, they are easy enough to destroy). The bird will stop at the right edge of the screen, start whistling, and send a huge amount of feathers in your direction. At times like this, don't worry about attacking Wally.

Instead, focus your attention on the main character and dodge the feathers by moving up and down. After a few seconds, Wally will tire and stop any attacks, and you will be able to attack the bird. Keep fighting and eventually, Wally will die.

Phase 3 - Wally Jr.

When Wally dies, the son of a bird will appear in the arena. Wally Jr. is another crazy bird soaring in his flying saucer nest. He will always be surrounded by five spiked eggs, moving in a circle, as well as receding or approaching Wally Jr. When they move in a big circle, then fly closer to Wally while inside this circle, but as soon as the eggs approach, you will have to fly out of this circle and stay away from Wally.

Wally Jr. has another attack - he fires a pink projectile from his laser pistol. It is best to parry this bullet to get extra energy. As soon as you deal with the youngest, Wally Senior will reappear in the sky.

Phase 4 - Bird on a Stretcher

When fighting Wally in the last stage, it's best to switch to another attack - throwing a bomb in an arc. Stay in the upper left corner of the screen. Real madness will begin - you will be attacked with shoes, pills, a shooting heart - and both Wally himself and the two birds carrying him will fire shells.

Let's list all the attacks:

  • Pills. Paramedic birds will spit pills into the air. They break into two parts and fly in different directions. Follow them or parry the ones that are colored pink. To minimize the chance of being hit, stay away from birds' beaks.
  • The garbage from Wally's mouth. Wally's head from time to time will turn into a trash can, from which all kinds of garbage will fly. Dodge it, or parry those objects that are painted pink. Junk can make the fight more chaotic, so just hope Wally doesn't use it too much.
  • Heart attack. A heart will jump out of Wally and start shooting at you. When this happens, attack the heart itself, and use the small plane to dodge between projectiles.
Once you deal enough damage to Wally, he will die.
