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Cuphead boss walkthrough (Dramatic Fanatic)

 A detailed guide to passing the bosses of the third game of world Cuphead: how to kill the ballerina in the theater

Sally Stageplay is one of the final bosses in the third Cuphead game world. You will find her in the farthest part of the island, inside the theater. When you're ready for a simple and fun battle, then "buy a ticket" and go to the VIP box!

Phase 1

When the fight begins, the curtain will rise, and Sally will rip off her wedding dress. She has several attacks:

Cuphead boss walkthrough (Dramatic Fanatic)

  • Throw. Sally will periodically throw fans onto the stage. Avoid contact with them or attack them and you shouldn't have any problems.
  • Teleport. Sally's umbrella will sometimes eat her, and she will disappear. Run across the stage so that it doesn't fall on you. After a few seconds, she will return. As long as you move, you remain completely safe.
  • Kiss. Sometimes Sally will try to kiss the main character, creating a pink heart that flies towards you. Dodge or parry it.
  • Spin. Sally will periodically jump into the air and slowly descend at an angle. Step to the side or use a dash.

As soon as you deal enough damage to Sally, she will teleport and go after her husband.

Phase 2

Sully will continue to use her attacks with fans and an umbrella. In addition, she will drop bombs from an umbrella. They will move towards the edges of the screen and then fall down, so don't let them touch you. Sally's other new attack at this stage is an annoying baby who will throw bottles at you from the windows. Be careful and everything will be fine!

Apart from these two attacks, in all other respects, the battle remains the same as before. Do everything the same as the first time, and Sally will die.

Phase 3

This is perhaps the easiest stage of the fight. Sally will appear to your left - shoot at her while dodging her attacks. Fortunately, thanks to a special sign on the left side, you will know exactly which attack Sally will perform at any given moment:

  • Meteorites. Sally will throw a meteor. Avoid getting hit and shooting him. Parry the stars that fly at you.
  • A big wave. Sally leads the parade on stage, causing a big wave to appear. Jump up and use your dash to fly past her.
  • Lightning. Small cardboard lightning bolts will fall from the sky and chase you. They move randomly, so forget about Sally for a while and avoid getting hit by lightning.

Phase 4

When the curtain opens again, the angel Sally will fly out, and it's up to you to defeat her one last time. Avoid the roses that the audience throws on the stage and jump over Sally's umbrella chasing you.

Deal enough damage and finally see the final curtain of this picture.
