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How to celebrate Valentine's Day in Youtubers Life 2

How to celebrate Valentine's Day in Youtubers Life 2

 In Youtubers Life 2, in addition to being able to establish a circle of friends, you can also have a romantic relationship with someone from the city, even legally marrying the laws of the Mayor. One of the special days where this is very important is Valentine's Day, which is also celebrated in NewTube City, and it is the best time to have a good time with your partner or make that person you love fall in love.

Although there is not a calendar where we can visualize all the events that happen during the year, there are several ways to find out about them if you pay attention to the details. Over time, you will learn how they work and be aware of the events that arise daily in the city. In this case, with our complete Youtubers Life 2 guide, you can see how Valentine's Day is carried out so that you can enjoy it properly.

When is Valentine's Day in Youtubers Life 2

In the game, time unfolds in a very different way, where the year lasts practically 4 months in total, which represents each season (summer, autumn, spring, and winter). These contain mostly 30 days, and the events that take place at certain times of the year are defined through trends. For example, when Valentine's Day is celebrated, a trend is activated during that day of the event (#SanValentin), however, it is better known for being the 14th of spring, which would simulate the month of February.

Where to buy Valentine's stuff in Youtubers Life 2

Valentine's Day is not Valentine's Day without gifts and special outings between friends and couples. In NewTube City when the trend of this event is active you can buy objects in front of the town hall, between the small stores of Retro World and Organic you will see a store that has a gift with a giant heart and roses for sale. From there you can buy it directly, but it is important that you know that you can only buy what is available, so you must choose very well who you are going to give it to because you will not be able to buy more things.

It is recommended that you give it to the person you like, or with whom you have already established a relationship, as this helps increase hearts so that they trust each other more. It should be noted that Valentine's Day only lasts those 24 hours of spring 14 . After this day, the gift shop and the trend completely disappear and you will have to wait until next year to celebrate it.
