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How to get the free PlayCon ticket in Youtubers Life 2

 PlayCon is the biggest video game conference of the year in NewTube City, an event that most YouTubers attend to find out about new titles that are coming soon. This is an experience you should enjoy whether you are a popular content creator or not, as it helps you engage with other people and always stay on top of trends.

When this event approaches, your main goal is to find a ticket to access before the PlayCon date arrives. There are several ways to obtain it, so in our complete Youtubers Life 2 guide we show you each of the methods and the entire process involved in obtaining this type of ticket.

How to win a free PlayCon ticket in Youtubers Life 2

How to get the free PlayCon ticket in Youtubers Life 2

If you are just starting out, it is very likely that you will not have the monetary capacity to acquire a PlayCon ticket by buying it, but that can be solved with the #DesafioFreeTicketPlayCon. This trend is activated when the date of the conference approaches, it is a challenge in which content creators can participate to get a totally free ticket.

The challenge is activated when someone from the community comments on Instalife that they have been able to obtain a free ticket by doing certain activities. This will explain to you that it is necessary to travel to the 3 neighborhoods of the city in order to find 3 people who have a black t-shirt that says "PlayCon", above them the "#DesafioFreeTicketPlayCon" will appear, and there is no specific place to which you must go because they are positioned randomly by the Center, Port and City Hall. You have to find them, something that is relatively easy, and takes a photo with them to upload it to Instalife before the time runs out.

Normally, this type of challenge lasts only 1 day, so ideally you should complete it in less than 24 hours. By posting the 3 photos on Instalife the mission will be completed and you will be awarded the PlayCon ticket for free (you can verify it in your profile).

How to buy a PlayCon ticket in Youtubers Life 2

The alternative to the previous method is to buy the PlayCon ticket by going to the venue of the event that is in the Center. In the background is the receptionist who sells the tickets, you have to interact with her and select "Buy!", it has a price of 500 Coins and you receive it immediately. Without a doubt, it is the easiest way to acquire the entrance ticket for the conference.

How to attend PlayCon in Youtubers Life 2

Once the ticket is obtained, the next thing is to finally attend the PlayCon. Many players usually let the date pass because they forget it, so you have to know that the event lasts 4 days, from the 26th to the 30th of the first season of the year. To be sure that the trend of ##EmpartidaLaPlayCon is going to become fashionable, you can verify it by opening your mobile or entering Instalife.
