Matchmaking issues on Rumbleverse and an MM-10-1 error may occur. What to do if you encounter one?
Rumbleverse is the new Battle Royale from Epic Games available since Thursday, August 11, 2022. If the game seems simple at first glance, know that it is quite different and it will take you several hours to master it well. To help you, we have provided several guides to start Rumbleverse well. For example, it is interesting to know the best weapons on Rumbleverse or even recognize the best abilities with our Tier List of abilities.
The game was eagerly awaited by the Epic Game and Fortnite community since it brings something new to the Battle Royale world. However, like any early game, Rumbleverse is in high demand and already seems to be a hit with players. Lots of people want to play it and it can cause server saturation issues. If the worst-case scenario remains that of the crash of the servers, other problems in the game can be suffered by the players. This is currently the case with matchmaking, which seems to be experiencing technical problems. Players get an MM-10-1 error message when trying to restart a game. Is there a trick to fix it?
What to do in case of error MM-10-1 on Rumbleverse?
Unfortunately, it seems that you have to be patient and try again to find a game on Rumbleverse. It is possible that this is only a temporary problem and that by trying again to restart the game.
It seems the issue occurs when trying to restart a game using the Replay feature after losing or winning a game. It is advisable to leave the match and restart a game from the lobby. Users experience fewer technical hassles this way.
In any case, if the problem repeats, you can contact game support on Twitter @RumbleSupport.
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