Saint's Row (2022) Find all discoveries (Secret Stories, Photo Treasure Hunts, Drug Palettes, etc.) - Game guide
There's plenty to find in Santo Ileso, the town of Saints Row reboot. These include the 265 discoveries that are marked as yellow symbols on the map. At this point, we show you the exact locations for all containers, drug pallets, secret stories, photo treasure hunts, missing carts, shooting galleries, weather stations, and roof access.
All 265 Discoveries in Saints Row
If you want to complete all districts in Saints Row, which is relevant for trophies and achievements, among other things, you have to find all discoveries. These are marked as yellow icons on the map, but only when you are very close to them.
Unlike projects (purple), threats (red), side businesses (blue), and businesses (green), which are automatically marked on the map as the game progresses, some of the discoveries are very well hidden and you have to track them down yourself. Especially in the extensive outskirts of Santo Ileso, this can turn into a tedious search.
Discoveries include the following types of collectibles:
- Drug Pallets: Always appear in groups of three to four pallets and are difficult to spot as they are not marked on the map until you are in close proximity to them.
- Containers: dumpsters that glow like golden treasure chests.
- Secret Stories: In a marked area you need to find and activate 5 info panels to complete the secret story.
- Photo treasure hunts: In a marked area you have to photograph the motif you are looking for with your camera app.
- Fast Travel Photos: Works like the Photo Treasure Hunt, but unlocks fast travel points marked with a train icon.
- Missing Carts: Interact with the pinwheels, unique to the four outskirts, to collect vehicle parts. This is how you gradually unlock new vehicles in the garage.
- Shooting galleries: There are also only in four outer districts. In a marked area, you have to shoot down all hidden targets.
- Weather Stations: Serve as jump-off points for your wingsuit. You don't have to interact with them. They will be marked as discovered when you are near them.
- Rooftop Access: Only found in Lakeshore to access the skyscraper rooftops. These discoveries are also counted just by being near them.
West Old Town
- 1x container
- 2x Secret Stories
- 3x drug pallets
- 2x photo treasure hunts
East Old Town
- 1x container
- 1x Secret Story
- 6x drug pallets
- 1x photo treasure hunt
- 1x weather station
East Providencia
- 2x containers
- 1x Secret Story
- 2x photo treasure hunts
- 1x weather station
West Providencia
- 1x container
- 1x Secret Story
- 10x drug pallets
- 2x photo treasure hunts
- 1x weather station
- 1x fast travel photo
- 1x container
- 9x drug pallets
- 2x photo treasure hunts
- 1x weather station
East Smelterville
- 1x container
- 7x drug pallets
- 2x photo treasure hunts
- 2x weather stations
West Smelterville
- 1x container
- 1x Secret Story
- 3x drug pallets
- 2x photo treasure hunts
- 1x container
- 1x Secret Story
- 10x drug pallets
- 2x photo treasure hunts
- 1x weather station
- 1x fast travel photo
Eastern flats
- 1x container
- 3x drug pallets
- 2x photo treasure hunts
Western flats
- 1x container
- 6x drug pallets
- 2x photo treasure hunts
South Lakeshore
- 1x container
- 2x Secret Stories
- 3x drug pallets
- 3x photo treasure hunts
- 3x roof accesses
- 1x fast travel photo
North Lakeshore
- 1x container
- 6x drug pallets
- 2x photo treasure hunts
- 2x roof access
Lake Sabastian
- 2x containers
West Marina
- 2x containers
- 1x Secret Story
- 6x drug pallets
- 2x photo treasure hunts
- 1x weather station
- 1x fast travel photo
East Marina
- 3x drug pallets
- 2x photo treasure hunts
- 1x weather station
Monte Vista
- 9x drug pallets
- 1x photo treasure hunt
- 1x weather station
Northern Rojas Desert
- 1x container
- 8x Vanished Carts (pinwheels)
- 2x Secret Stories
- 12x drug pallets
- 3x photo treasure hunts
- 3x weather stations
- 2x shooting galleries
- 1x fast travel photo
Southern Rojas Desert
- 7x Vanished Carts (Pinwheels)
- 1x Secret Story
- 9x drug pallets
- 1x photo treasure hunt
- 1x weather station
- 1x shooting gallery
Northern Badlands
- 7x Vanished Carts (Pinwheels)
- 1x Secret Story
- 10x drug pallets
- 2x photo treasure hunts
- 1x container
- 2x weather stations
- 1x shooting gallery
Southern Badlands
- 8x Vanished Carts (pinwheels)
- 1x Secret Story
- 10x drug pallets
- 2x photo treasure hunts
- 1x container
- 5x weather stations
- 2x shooting galleries
- 1x fast travel photo
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