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Walkthrough "Love, money, rock and roll" - game guide

 A detailed guide to the passage of the game "Love, money, rock, and roll": all choices and consequences, branches of Eli, Katherine, Kagome, and Himitsu, all the rues and endings of the game, a list of songs from the soundtrack

Love, Money, Rock'n'Roll is a visual novel from the creators of the popular Everlasting Summer game. As in the previous game from Soviet Games, we have to build relationships with several girls and depending on the decisions we make, we will get one or another ending with each of them. Below we will look at the general walkthrough of the game and the impact of your actions on each girl. The routes of Himitsu, Katherine, Kagome, and Eli will be dismantled, all endings. As a bonus, we will give a list of songs that are included in the soundtrack for the game.

Walkthrough "Love, money, rock and roll" - game guide

All choices and consequences

The plot of the game covers 4 weeks, but there are certain stages, after which the girls seem to be eliminated.

Beginning (all routes are open)

Choice 1:

  • Intervene: Improved relationship with Kagome
  • Stay Out: Deteriorating relationship with Kagome

Choice 2:

  • Take a Walk - Improved relationship with Kagome
  • Go to lunch with Himitsu: Improved relationship with Himitsu

Choice 3:

  • Run for Katherine: Improved relationship with Katherine
  • Do Nothing: Deteriorating relationship with Katherine

Choice 4:

  • Say we've met before: Improved relationship with Katherine
  • Say you don't know her: Worsening relationship with Katherine

Choice 5:

  • Hide: Improve relationship with Eli
  • No Hide: Deteriorating relationship with Eli

Choice 6:

  • Say you were with Katherine: Deterioration of relations with Himitsu, Improvement of relations with Katherine
  • Lie: Deteriorating relationship with Katherine

Choice 7:

  • Go to Himitsu: Improving relations with Himitsu
  • Go to the Rooftop: Improved relationship with Kagome

Choice 8:

  • Go to Himitsu: Improving relations with Himitsu
  • Search for answers: Improved relationship with Kagome

If "Search for answers":

  • Call: Improved relationship with Himitsu
  • Do not call: this choice does not affect anything

Fifth, sixth, and seventh days ("Go to Himitsu"), Himitsu and Katherine routes opened

Choice 1:

  • Check out Katherine's old apartment: Improved relationship with Katherine, Deteriorated relationship with Himitsu
  • Try to find her mother: Improved relationship with Katherine, Deteriorated relationship with Himitsu
  • Go Home with Himitsu: Improving relationship with Himitsu

Choice 2:

  • Go for a walk - Significantly improved relations (+2) with Himitsu
  • Stay at Home - Greatly improved relationship (+2) with Katherine
  • Second week (“Go to Himitsu”), Himitsu and Katherine routes are open
  • Stay at Home: Improved relationship with Himitsu
  • Go to Katherine: Improved relationship with Katherine
Choice 3:

  • It's none of your business: Improving relationship with Himitsu, Deteriorating relationship with Katherine
  • I'm going through a difficult period in my life right now: Improved relationship with Katherine, Deteriorated relationship with Himitsu
Choice 4:

  • Go for a walk: Improved relationship with Himitsu
  • Go to the movies: this choice does not affect anything
Choice 5:

  • It Doesn't Concern Me: Deteriorating Relationship with Katherine
  • I can't say anything right now: Improved relationship with Katherine

Fifth, sixth, and seventh days ("Search for answers"), Kagome and Eli's routes are open

Choice 1:

  • Tell the Truth - Significantly improved relations (+2) with Kagome
  • Lie - Significant deterioration in relations (-2) with Kagome
Choice 2:

  • Agree: Improve relationship with Eli
  • Refuse: Deteriorating relationship with Eli
Choice 3:

  • Support Kagome: A better relationship with Kagome, worse relationship with Eli
  • Support Eli: Improve relationship with Eli, Deteriorate relationship with Kagome
  • Second week ("Search for Answers"), Kagome and Eli's routes are open
  • About you! Improved relationship with Eli
  • Yes, nothing: this choice does not affect anything
Choice 4:

  • Escape: Deteriorating relationship with Kagome
  • Stand Your Ground: This choice does not affect anything.
Choice 5:

  • Telling the Truth: Improved relationship with Eli and Deteriorated relationship with Kagome
Choice 6:

  • Try not to interfere with Kagome: Improving relations with Kagome
  • To tell the truth: this choice does not affect anything
Choice 7:

  • Saying I'm Ready to Support Her: Improved relationship with Kagome
  • Saying the Risk is Too Great: Deteriorating relationship with Kagome
Choice 8:

  • Saying I'm going to protect Kagome: Improved relationship with Eli
  • To say that I have not thought about it yet: this choice does not affect anything
Choice 9:

  • Agree with her: Improved relationship with Eli
  • Continue to Protect Kagome: Deteriorating relationship with Eli

Choice 10:

  • Reply that I'm sure: Improved relationship with Kagome
  • Show Caution: Deteriorating relationship with Kagome
Choice 11:

  • Don't, I'll Call You: Improving Your Relationship with Eli
  • Good: this choice does not affect anything
Choice 12:

  • Hint serious plans for Eli: Significant improvement in relations (+2) with Eli
  • Denying Everything: Deteriorating relationship with Eli

Last Weeks (Himitsu route only)

You need to complete two weeks of Katherine and Himitsu's route, and after 13 days, Himitsu should have more points.

On the 21st day, if you score less than 6 points, you will get a bad "From a Clean Slate" ending.

Choice 1:
  • In the Park: Deteriorating relationship with Himitsu
  • At the bar: this choice does not affect anything
Choice 2:

  • Reject: This choice does not affect anything
  • Agree. Get the bad ending "Behind the Seven Locks"
If you've made it to the end:

  • If you scored less than 8 points, you will get a bad ending "Exit the friend zone"
  • If you scored 8 points or higher, you will see a good ending "2 teas to that gentleman!"

The Last Weeks (only on Katherine's route)

You need to complete two weeks on the Katherine and Himitsu routes, and after 13 days, Katherine should have more points.

On the 22nd day, if you score less than 6 points, you will get the bad ending "Procrastination".

On the 24th day, if you score less than 7 points, you will get the bad ending "Showdown in Little Tokyo".

Choice 1:

  • Stand up for Himitsu: Deteriorating relationship with Katherine
  • Silence: this choice does not affect anything
If you reach the very end:

  • If you scored 7 points or less, you will get the bad ending "Full Breasts"
  • If you scored 8 points or higher, you will see a good ending "Behind America!"

Last Weeks (Kagome route only)

You need to complete two weeks of Kagome and Eli's route, and after 13 days, Kagome should have more points.

Choice 1:

  • Listen to Kagome: this choice does not affect anything
  • Free Eli. With this choice, you will get a bad ending "Exit to the astral plane"

Choice 2:

  • Standing Your Ground: Deteriorating Relations with Kagome
  • Sorry: this choice does not affect anything
If you get to the very end:

  • If you scored 7 points or less, you will get the bad ending "Union of Labor and Capital"
  • If you scored 8 points or higher, you will see a good ending "Serious business"

Last Weeks (Eli route only)

You need to complete two weeks of Kagome and Eli's route, and after 13 days, Eli should have more points.

Choice 1:

  • Warn Kagome: Significant deterioration in relations (-2) with Eli
  • Do Nothing: This choice does not affect anything
Choice 2:

  • Seek protection from Kobayashi Jun: this choice does not affect anything
  • If you complete Irina's order, you will see the bad ending "High Society"
Choice 3:

  • Agree: Improve relationship with Eli
  • Refuse: Deteriorating relationship with Eli
Choice 4:

  • Agree: Significant deterioration in relations (-2) with Eli
  • Reject: This choice does not affect anything
Choice 5:

  • Agree: Significant deterioration in relations (-2) with Eli
  • Reject: This choice does not affect anything
If you get to the very end:

  • If you scored 7 points or less, you will get the bad ending "Moth"
  • If you scored 8 points or higher, you will see a good ending Rock in Budokan

Ruth Eli

First week


  • Hide: Improve relationship with Eli
  • Search for answers: Improved relationship with Kagome
Outcome: Eli 1 point

Fifth, sixth, and seventh days


  • Agree: Improve relationship with Eli
  • Support Eli: Improve relationship with Eli, Deteriorate relationship with Kagome
After these days, you will have 3 Eli points.

Second week


  • About you! Improved relationship with Eli
  • Telling the Truth: Improved relationship with Eli and Deteriorated relationship with Kagome
  • Saying I'm going to protect Kagome: Improved relationship with Eli
  • Agree with her: Improved relationship with Eli
  • Don't, I'll Call You: Improving Your Relationship with Eli
  • Hint serious plans for Eli: Significant improvement in relations (+2) with Eli
After these days, you will have 10 Eli points.

Last weeks

  • Do Nothing: This choice does not affect anything
  • Seek protection from Kobayashi Jun: this choice does not affect anything OR you can see the bad ending "High Society" if you complete Irina's errand
  • Agree: Improve relationship with Eli
  • Reject: This choice does not affect anything
  • Reject: This choice does not affect anything

Result: 11 Eli points, good Rock in Budokan ending

However, if you score only 7 points or lower, you will see another bad Moth ending.

Ruth Himitsu

First days

  • Go to lunch with Himitsu: Improved relationship with Himitsu
  • Lie: Deteriorating relationship with Katherine
  • Go to Himitsu: Improving relations with Himitsu
  • Go to Himitsu: Improving relations with Himitsu
After these days, you will have 3 Himitsu points.

Fifth, sixth, and seventh days

  • Go Home with Himitsu: Improving relationship with Himitsu
  • Go for a walk: Significantly improved relations (+2) with Himitsu
After these days, you will have 6 Himitsu points.

Second week

  • Stay at Home: Improved relationship with Himitsu
  • It's none of your business: Improving relationship with Himitsu, Deteriorating relationship with Katherine
  • Go for a walk: Improved relationship with Himitsu
After these days, you will have 9 Himitsu points.

Last weeks

  • At the bar: this choice does not affect anything
  • Reject: This choice does not affect anything. If you agree, you will see the first bad ending of "Behind the Seven Castles"
Bottom line: 9 points for Himitsu and a good ending "2 tea for that gentleman!"

In the event that you score 7 points or less, you will get the bad ending "Exit the friend zone."

Ruth Katherine

First days

  • Run for Katherine: Improved relationship with Katherine
  • Say we've met before: Improved relationship with Katherine
  • Say you were with Katherine: Deterioration of relations with Himitsu, Improvement of relations with Katherine
  • Go to Himitsu: Improving relations with Himitsu
After these days, you will have 3 Katherine points.

Fifth, sixth, and seventh days

  • Check out Katherine's old apartment: Improved relationship with Katherine, Deteriorated relationship with Himitsu
  • Try to find her mother: Improved relationship with Katherine, Deteriorated relationship with Himitsu
  • Stay at home: Greatly improved relationship (+2) with Katherine
After these days, you will have 6 Katherine points.

Second week

  • Go to Katherine: Improved relationship with Katherine
  • I'm going through a difficult period in my life right now: Improved relationship with Katherine, Deteriorated relationship with Himitsu
  • I can't say anything right now: Improved relationship with Katherine
After these days, you will have 9 Katherine points.

Last weeks

Two alternative endings can be seen:

  • On the 22nd day, if you scored less than 6 points, you will see the bad ending "Procrastination".
  • On the 24th day, if you score less than 7 points, you will see the bad ending of "Showdown in Little Tokyo".

However, if the instructions above were followed, Katherine should have 9 points by now.

  • Silence: this choice does not affect anything
If you get to the very end:

  • If you have no more than 7 points, you will see a bad ending "Full chest"
  • If you have 8 Katherine points or more, you will get a good ending "Behind America!"

Ruth Kagome

First days

  • Intervene: Improved relationship with Kagome
  • Take a Walk: Improved relationship with Kagome
  • Go to the Rooftop: Improved relationship with Kagome
  • Search for answers: Improved relationship with Kagome
After these days, you will have 4 Kagome points.

Fifth, sixth, and seventh days

  • Tell the Truth: Significantly improved relations (+2) with Kagome
  • Support Kagome: A better relationship with Kagome, worse relationship with Eli

After these days, you will have 7 Kagome points.

Second week

  • Stand Your Ground: This choice does not affect anything
  • Telling the Truth: A better relationship with Eli and a Worse relationship with Kagome (seemingly unavoidable)
  • Try not to interfere with Kagome: Improving relations with Kagome
  • Saying I'm Ready to Support Her: Improved relationship with Kagome
  • Reply that I'm sure: Improved relationship with Kagome
After these days, you will have 9 Kagome points.

Last weeks

  • Listen to Kagome: this choice does not affect anything
  • If you decide to free Eli, you will see the first bad ending "Exit to the Astral"
  • Sorry: this choice does not affect anything
If you get to the very end of the route:

  • If you score 7 points or lower, you will get a bad ending "Union of Labor and Capital"
  • If you score 8 points or higher, you will get a good "Serious Business" ending

All game endings

Himitsu - good ending (2 teas to that gentleman!)

If there are no highlighted choices, choose any.


Choice 1:

  • Intervene.
  • Keep out.
Choice 2:

  • Take a walk.
  • Go to lunch with Himitsu
Choice 3:

  • Run after Katherine.
  • To do nothing.
Choice 4:

  • Say you've met before.
  • Say you don't know her.
Choice 5:

  • Hide.
  • Don't hide.
Choice 6:

  • Say you were with Katherine.
  • Lie.
Choice 7:

  • Go to Himitz.
  • Go to the roof.
Choice 8:

  • Go to Himitz.
  • Look for answers.
Choice 9:

  • Check out Katherine's old apartment.
  • Try to find her mother.
  • Go home with Himitsu.
Choice 10:

  • Go for a walk.
  • To stay home.


Choice 11:

  • Stay at home.
  • Go to Katherine.
Choice 12:

  • It's none of your business.
  • I'm going through a difficult time in my life right now.
Choice 13:

  • Go for a walk.
  • Go to the cinema.
Choice 14:

  • It's not my business.
  • I can't say anything right now.


Choice 15:

  • In the park.
  • At the bar.

Choice 16:

  • Refuse.
  • Agree.

Bad Ending "From a Clean Slate" (Himitsu)

If there are no highlighted choices, choose any.


Choice 1:

  • Intervene.
  • Keep out.
Choice 2:

  • Take a walk.
  • Go to lunch with Himitsu.
Choice 3:

  • Run after Katherine.
  • To do nothing.
Choice 4:

  • Say you've met before.
  • Say you don't know her.
Choice 5:

  • Hide.
  • Don't hide.
Choice 6:

  • Say you were with Katherine.
  • Lie.
Choice 7:

  • Go to Himitz.
  • Go to the roof.
Choice 8:

  • Go to Himitz.
  • Look for answers.
Choice 9:

  • Check out Katherine's old apartment.
  • Try to find her mother.
  • Go home with Himitsu.
Choice 10:

  • Go for a walk.
  • To stay home.


Choice 11:

  • Stay at home.
  • Go to Katherine.
Choice 12:

  • That is none of your business.
  • I am going through a difficult period in my life right now.
Choice 13:

  • Go for a walk.
  • Go to the cinema.
Choice 14:

  • It's not my business.
  • I can't say anything right now.


Choice 15:

  • In the park.
  • In the bar.
Choice 16:

  • Refuse.
  • Agree.

Bad Ending "Out of the Friend Zone" (Himitsu)

If there are no highlighted choices, choose any.


Choice 1:

  • Intervene.
  • Keep out.

Choice 2:

  • Take a walk.
  • Go to lunch with Himitsu.
Choice 3:

  • Run after Katherine.
  • To do nothing.
Choice 4:

  • Say you've met before.
  • Say you don't know her.
Choice 5:

  • Hide.
  • Don't hide.
Choice 6:

  • Say you were with Katherine.
  • Lie.
Choice 7:

  • Go to Himitz.
  • Go to the roof.
Choice 8:

  • Go to Himitz.
  • Look for answers.
Choice 9:

  • Check out Katherine's old apartment.
  • Try to find her mother.
  • Go home with Himitsu.
Choice 10:

  • Go for a walk.
  • To stay home.


Choice 11:

  • Stay at home.
  • Go to Katherine.
Choice 12:

  • That is none of your business.
  • I'm going through a difficult period in my life right now.
Choice 13:

  • Go for a walk.
  • Go to the cinema.
Choice 14:

  • It's not my business.
  • I can't say anything right now.


Choice 15:

  • In the park.
  • In the bar.

Choice 16:

  • Refuse.
  • Agree.

Bad ending for Seven Locks (Himitsu)

If there are no highlighted choices, choose any.


Choice 1:
  • Intervene.
  • Keep out.
Choice 2:

  • Take a walk.
  • Go to lunch with Himitsu.
Choice 3:

  • Run after Katherine.
  • To do nothing.
Choice 4:

  • Say you've met before.
  • Say you don't know her.
Choice 5:

  • Hide.
  • Don't hide.
Choice 6:

  • Say you were with Katherine.
  • Lie.
Choice 7:

  • Go to Himitz.
  • Go to the roof.

Choice 8:

  • Go to Himitz.
  • Look for answers.
Choice 9:

  • Check out Katherine's old apartment.
  • Try to find her mother.
  • Go home with Himitsu.
Choice 10:

  • Go for a walk.
  • To stay home.


Choice 11:

  • Stay at home.
  • Go to Katherine.
Choice 12:

  • It's none of your business.
  • I'm going through a difficult time in my life right now.
Choice 13:

  • Go for a walk.
  • Go to the cinema.
Choice 14:

  • It's not my business.
  • I can't say anything right now.


Choice 15:

  • In the park.
  • In the bar.
Choice 16:

  • Refuse.
  • Agree.

Katherine - good ending (Behind America!)

If there are no highlighted choices, choose any.


Choice 1:

  • Intervene.
  • Keep out.

Choice 2:

  • Take a walk.
  • Go to lunch with Himitsu.
Choice 3:

  • Run after Katherine.
  • To do nothing.
Choice 4:

  • Say you've met before.
  • Say you don't know her.
Choice 5:

  • Hide.
  • Don't hide.
Choice 6:

  • Say that he was with Katherine.
  • Lie.
Choice 7:

  • Go to Himitz.
  • Go to the roof.
Choice 8:

  • Go to Himitz.
  • Look for answers.
Choice 9:

  • Check out Katherine's old apartment.
  • Try to find her mother.
  • Go home with Himitsu.
Choice 10:

  • Go for a walk.
  • Stay at home.


Choice 11:

  • To stay home.
  • Go to Katherine.
Choice 12:

  • That is none of your business.
  • I'm going through a difficult period in my life right now.
Choice 13:

  • Go for a walk.
  • Go to the cinema.
Choice 14:

  • It's not my business.
  • I can't say anything right now.


Choice 15:

  • Intercede for Himitsu.
  • Keep silent.

Bad ending "Procrastination" (Katherine)

If there are no highlighted choices, choose any.


Choice 1:
  • Intervene.
  • Keep out.
Choice 2:

  • Take a walk.
  • Go to lunch with Himitsu.
Choice 3:

  • Run after Katherine.
  • To do nothing.
Choice 4:

  • Say you've met before.
  • Say you don't know her.
Choice 5:

  • Hide.
  • Don't hide.
Choice 6:

  • Say that he was with Katherine.
  • Lie.
Choice 7:

  • Go to Himitz.
  • Go to the roof.
Choice 8:

  • Go to Himitz.
  • Look for answers.
Choice 9:

  • Check out Katherine's old apartment.
  • Try to find her mother.
  • Go home with Himitsu.
Choice 10:

  • Go for a walk.
  • Stay at home.


Choice 11:

  • Stay at home.
  • Go to Katherine.
Choice 12:

  • It's none of your business.
  • I'm going through a difficult time in my life right now.
Choice 13:

  • Go for a walk.
  • Go to the cinema.
Choice 14:

  • This does not concern me.
  • I can't say anything right now.


Choice 15:

  • Intercede for Himitsu.
  • Keep silent.

Bad ending "Showdown in Little Tokyo" (Katherine)

If there are no highlighted choices, choose any.


Choice 1:
  • Intervene.
  • Keep out.
Choice 2:

  • Take a walk.
  • Go to lunch with Himitsu.
Choice 3:

  • Run after Katherine.
  • To do nothing.
Choice 4:

  • Say you've met before.
  • Say you don't know her.
Choice 5:

  • Hide.
  • Don't hide.
Choice 6:

  • Say that he was with Katherine.
  • Lie.
Choice 7:

  • Go to Himitz.
  • Go to the roof.
Choice 8:

  • Go to Himitz.
  • Look for answers.
Choice 9:

  • Check out Katherine's old apartment.
  • Try to find her mother.
  • Go home with Himitsu.
Choice 10:

  • Go for a walk.
  • Stay at home.


Choice 11:

  • Stay at home.
  • Go to Katherine.
Choice 12:

  • It's none of your business.
  • I'm going through a difficult time in my life right now.
Choice 13:

  • Go for a walk.
  • Go to the cinema.
Choice 14:

  • It's not my business.
  • I can't say anything right now.


Choice 15:

  • Intercede for Himitsu.
  • Keep silent.

Bad Ending "Full Breasts" (Katherine)

If there are no highlighted choices, choose any.


Choice 1:

  • Intervene.
  • Keep out.

Choice 2:

  • Take a walk.
  • Go to lunch with Himitsu.
Choice 3:

  • Run after Katherine.
  • To do nothing.
Choice 4:

  • Say you've met before.
  • Say you don't know her.
Choice 5:

  • Hide.
  • Don't hide.
Choice 6:

  • Say that he was with Katherine.
  • Lie.
Choice 7:

  • Go to Himitz.
  • Go to the roof.
Choice 8:

  • Go to Himitz.
  • Look for answers.
Choice 9:

  • Check out Katherine's old apartment.
  • Try to find her mother.
  • Go home with Himitsu.
Choice 10:

  • Go for a walk.
  • Stay at home.


Choice 11:

  • To stay home.
  • Go to Katherine.
Choice 12:

  • It's none of your business.
  • I'm going through a difficult time in my life right now.
Choice 13:

  • Go for a walk.
  • Go to the cinema.
Choice 14:

  • It's not my business.
  • I can't say anything right now.


Choice 15:

  • Intercede for Himitsu.
  • Keep silent.

Eli - good ending (Rock in Budokan)

If there are no highlighted choices, choose any.


Choice 1:
  • Intervene.
  • Keep out.
Choice 2:

  • Take a walk.
  • Go to lunch with Himitsu.
Choice 3:

  • Run after Katherine.
  • To do nothing.
Choice 4:

  • Say you've met before.
  • Say you don't know her.
Choice 5:

  • Hide.
  • Don't hide.
Choice 6:

  • Say you were with Katherine.
  • Lie.
Choice 7:

  • Go to Himitz.
  • Go to the roof.
Choice 8:

  • Go to Himitz.
  • Look for answers.
Choice 9:

  • Call.
  • Don't call.
Choice 10:

  • Tell the truth.
  • Lie.
Choice 11:

  • Agree.
  • Refuse.
Choice 12:

  • Support Kagome.
  • Support Eli.


Choice 13:

  • About you!
  • Yes, nothing.
Choice 14:

  • Run away.
  • Stand one's ground.
Choice 15:

  • Tell the truth.
Choice 16:

  • Try not to interfere with Kagome.
  • Tell the truth.
Choice 17:

  • Say that you are ready to support her.
  • Say the risk is too great.
Choice 18:

  • Say that he intends to protect Kagome.
  • Say you haven't thought about it yet.
Choice 19:

  • Agree with her.
  • Keep protecting Kagome.
Choice 20:

  • Reply that you are sure.
  • Exercise caution.
Choice 21:

  • No, I'll call you myself.
  • Good.

Choice 22:

  • Hint at serious plans for Eli.
  • Deny everything.


Choice 23:

  • Warn Kagome.
  • Do nothing.
Choice 24:

  • Seek protection from Kobayashi Jun.
  • Complete Irina's task.
Choice 25:

  • Agree.
  • Refuse.
Choice 26:

  • Agree.
  • Refuse.
Choice 27:

  • Agree.
  • Refuse.

Bad Ending "High Society" (Eli)

If there are no highlighted choices, choose any.


Choice 1:
  • Intervene.
  • Keep out.
Choice 2:

  • Take a walk.
  • Go to lunch with Himitsu.
Choice 3:

  • Run after Katherine.
  • To do nothing.
Choice 4:

  • Say you've met before.
  • Say you don't know her.
Choice 5:

  • Hide.
  • Don't hide.
Choice 6:

  • Say you were with Katherine.
  • Lie.
Choice 7:

  • Go to Himitz.
  • Go to the roof.
Choice 8:

  • Go to Himitz.
  • Look for answers.
Choice 9:

  • Call.
  • Don't call.
Choice 10:

  • Tell the truth.
  • Lie.
Choice 11:

  • Agree.
  • Refuse.

Choice 12:

  • Support Kagome.
  • Support Eli.


Choice 13:

  • About you!
  • Yes, nothing.
Choice 14:

  • Run away.
  • Stand one's ground.
Choice 15:

  • Tell the truth.
Choice 16:

  • Try not to interfere with Kagome.
  • Tell the truth.
Choice 17:

  • Say that you are ready to support her.
  • Say the risk is too great.
Choice 18:

  • Say that he intends to protect Kagome.
  • Say you haven't thought about it yet.
Choice 19:

  • Agree with her.
  • Keep protecting Kagome.
Choice 20:

  • Reply that you are sure.
  • Exercise caution.
Choice 21:

  • No, I'll call you myself.
  • Good.
Choice 22:

  • Hint at serious plans for Eli.
  • Deny everything.


Choice 23:

  • Warn Kagome.
  • Do nothing.
Choice 24:

  • Seek protection from Kobayashi Jun.
  • Complete Irina's task.

Bad ending "Moth" (Eli)

If there are no highlighted choices, choose any.


Choice 1:

  • Intervene.
  • Keep out.
Choice 2:

  • Take a walk.
  • Go to lunch with Himitsu.
Choice 3:

  • Run after Katherine.
  • To do nothing.
Choice 4:

  • Say you've met before.
  • Say you don't know her.
Choice 5:

  • Hide.
  • Don't hide.

Choice 6:

  • Say you were with Katherine.
  • Lie.
Choice 7:

  • Go to Himitz.
  • Go to the roof.
Choice 8:

  • Go to Himitz.
  • Look for answers.
Choice 9:

  • Call.
  • Don't call.
Choice 10:

  • Tell the truth.
  • Lie.
Choice 11:

  • Agree.
  • Refuse.
Choice 12:

  • Support Kagome.
  • Support Eli.


Choice 13:

  • About you!
  • Yes, nothing.
Choice 14:

  • Run away.
  • Stand one's ground.
Choice 15:

  • Tell the truth.
Choice 16:

  • Try not to interfere with Kagome.
  • Tell the truth.
Choice 17:

  • Say that you are ready to support her.
  • Say the risk is too great.
Choice 18:

  • Say that he intends to protect Kagome.
  • Say you haven't thought about it yet.
Choice 19:

  • Agree with her.
  • Keep protecting Kagome.
Choice 20:

  • Reply that you are sure.
  • Exercise caution.
Choice 21:

  • No, I'll call you myself.
  • Good.
Choice 22:

  • Hint at serious plans for Eli.
  • Deny everything.


Choice 23:

  • Warn Kagome.
  • To do nothing.
Choice 24:

  • Seek protection from Kobayashi Jun.
  • Complete Irina's task.
Choice 25:

  • Agree.
  • Refuse.
Choice 26:

  • Agree.
  • Refuse.
Choice 27:

  • Agree.
  • Refuse.

Kagome - Good Ending (Serious Business)

If there are no highlighted choices, choose any.


Choice 1:
  • Intervene.
  • Keep out.
Choice 2:

  • Take a walk.
  • Go to lunch with Himitsu.
Choice 3:

  • Run after Katherine.
  • To do nothing.
Choice 4:

  • Say you've met before.
  • Say you don't know her.
Choice 5:

  • Hide.
  • Don't hide.
Choice 6:

  • Say you were with Katherine.
  • Lie.
Choice 7:

  • Go to Himitz.
  • Go to the roof.
Choice 8:

  • Go to Himitz.
  • Look for answers.
Choice 9:

  • Call.
  • Don't call.
Choice 10:

  • Tell the truth.
  • Lie.
Choice 11:

  • Agree.
  • Refuse.
Choice 12:

  • Support Kagome.
  • Support Eli.


Choice 13:

  • About you!
  • Yes, nothing.
Choice 14:

  • Run away.
  • Stand your ground.
Choice 15:

  • Tell the truth.
Choice 16:

  • Try not to interfere with Kagome.
  • Tell the truth.
Choice 17:

  • Say that you are ready to support her.
  • Say the risk is too great.
Choice 18:

  • Say that he intends to protect Kagome.
  • Say you haven't thought about it yet.
Choice 19:

  • Agree with her.
  • Keep protecting Kagome.
Choice 20:

  • Reply that you are sure.
  • Exercise caution.
Choice 21:

  • No, I'll call you myself.
  • Good.
Choice 22:

  • Hint at serious plans for Eli.
  • Deny everything.


Choice 23:

  • Listen to Kagome.
  • Free Eli.
Choice 24:

  • Stand one's ground.
  • Sorry.

Bad ending "Exit to the Astral" (Kagome)

If there are no highlighted choices, choose any.


Choice 1:

  • Intervene.
  • Keep out.
Choice 2:

  • Take a walk.
  • Go to lunch with Himitsu.
Choice 3:

  • Run after Katherine.
  • To do nothing.
Choice 4:

  • Say you've met before.
  • Say you don't know her.
Choice 5:

  • Hide.
  • Don't hide.
Choice 6:

  • Say you were with Katherine.
  • Lie.
Choice 7:

  • Go to Himitz.
  • Go to the roof.
Choice 8:

  • Go to Himitz.
  • Look for answers .
Choice 9:

  • Call.
  • Don't call.
Choice 10:

  • Tell the truth.
  • Lie.
Choice 11:

  • Agree.
  • Refuse.
Choice 12:

  • Support Kagome.
  • Support Eli.


Choice 13:

  • About you!
  • Yes, nothing.
Choice 14:

  • Run away.
  • Stand your ground.
Choice 15:

  • Tell the truth.
Choice 16:

  • Try not to interfere with Kagome.
  • Tell the truth.
Choice 17:

  • Say that you are ready to support her.
  • Say the risk is too great.
Choice 18:

  • Say that he intends to protect Kagome.
  • Say you haven't thought about it yet.
Choice 19:

  • Agree with her.
  • Keep protecting Kagome.
Choice 20:

  • Reply that you are sure.
  • Exercise caution.
Choice 21:

  • No, I'll call you myself.
  • Good.
Choice 22:

  • Hint at serious plans for Eli.
  • Deny everything.


Choice 23:

  • Listen to Kagome.
  • Free Eli.

Bad Ending "Union of Labor and Capital" (Kagome)

If there are no highlighted choices, choose any.


Choice 1:

  • Intervene.
  • Keep out.
Choice 2:

  • Take a walk.
  • Go to lunch with Himitsu.
Choice 3:

  • Run after Katherine.
  • To do nothing.
Choice 4:

  • Say you've met before.
  • Say you don't know her.
Choice 5:

  • Hide.
  • Don't hide.
Choice 6:

  • Say you were with Katherine.
  • Lie.
Choice 7:

  • Go to Himitz.
  • Go to the roof.

Choice 8:

  • Go to Himitz.
  • Look for answers .
Choice 9:

  • Call.
  • Don't call.
Choice 10:

  • Tell the truth.
  • Lie.
Choice 11:

  • Agree.
  • Refuse.
Choice 12:

  • Support Kagome.
  • Support Eli.


Choice 13:

  • About you!
  • Yes, nothing.
Choice 14:

  • Run away.
  • Stand your ground.
Choice 15:

  • Tell the truth.
Choice 16:

  • Try not to interfere with Kagome.
  • Tell the truth.
Choice 17:

  • Say that you are ready to support her.
  • Say the risk is too great.
Choice 18:

  • Say that he intends to protect Kagome.
  • Say you haven't thought about it yet.
Choice 19:

  • Agree with her.
  • Keep protecting Kagome.
Choice 20:

  • Reply that you are sure.
  • Exercise caution.
Choice 21:

  • No, I'll call you myself.
  • Good.
Choice 22:

  • Hint at serious plans for Eli.
  • Deny everything.


Choice 23:

  • Listen to Kagome.
  • Free Eli.
Choice 24:

  • Stand one's ground.
  • Sorry.

Bonus: all songs from the game

The names of the artists who created the soundtrack:

  • Arseny
  • St. Bobstor
  • red mountain
  • Tokyo Rider
  • Paul Kreminski
  • direct sunlight
All songs from the LMR soundtrack:

  • Sakura Blossom, song length - 4:11
  • Love, Money, Rock'n'Roll, song length - 3:12
  • Hurt Me, song length - 4:50
  • Echo Avenue, song length - 4:32
  • Fractal Alley, song length - 4:21
  • Running Wild, song length - 3:17
  • Heart-eater Strikes Again - 3:08
  • Don't Care About It, song length - 3:04
  • Summertime, song length - 4:40
  • Sweet Pancakes With Strawberry Jam - 3:05
  • Let's Go Further, song length - 4:14
  • One Day In The Limelight, song length 4:26
  • The Spirit of Revival, song length - 4:07
  • I'm So Glad We've Met - 4:11
  • Sunset Horizons, song length - 4:45
  • Nowhere Station, song length - 3:23
  • Strange Apparition, song length - 4:02
  • Let's Go!, song length - 3:33
  • Arcade Night, song length - 4:17
  • Fast Lane To Love, song length - 4:22
  • Insomnia Drive, song length - 3:07
  • You Need a Bit of Fresh Air, song length 4:40
  • The Heist, song length - 4:55
  • Last Man Standing, song length - 4:06
  • Thoughts And Time, song length - 3:44
  • While City Sleeps, song length - 4:23
  • Hear The Wind, song length - 3:58
  • Last Night, song length - 4:50
  • Rockin' Around Here, song length - 4:52
  • Golden Autumn, song length - 2:35
  • Vanilla Sky With Bitter Tears - 4:03
  • Two Hearts in Turbulent Times, song length 5:19
  • New, song length - 4:32
  • Red Miata, song length - 3:53
  • Free Me, song length - 3:12
  • Burita, song length - 4:13
  • Mystery Of Loneliness, song length - 3:21
  • Sudden Trip, song length - 2:14
  • Ellie's Popurri, song length - 1:36
  • Embers, song length - 3:39
  • Peaceful Dream, song length - 4:21
  • I Will Believe In You - 4:26
  • DDD Take Two, song length 3:52
  • Arctic Lakes In Your Pure Eyes - 4:55
  • Awkwardness, song length - 2:46
  • I Know You Know, song length - 2:57
  • Everlasting Reference, song length - 2:15
  • Clarity of Purpose, song length - 4:39
  • The Finest Hour, song length - 3:13
  • We Own The Night, song length - 5:04
  • You Know, This Is The End, song length - 3:16
  • What Happens After, song length - 4:48
  • In This Very Moment, song length - 3:30
  • Ono-Sendai, song length - 3:41
  • Solution, song length - 3:54
  • Enter Omegashima, song length 3:25
  • Lonely Train To Odaiba, song length 4:34
  • Love, Money, Rock'n'Roll, song length - 2:26
  • To Die Or Not To Die, song length 2:11
  • Unchained, song length - 4:22
  • Regeneration, song length - 4:45
  • Ultraviolet Stream, song length - 3:50
  • Mirai Minato, song length - 3:14
  • Skyscrapers, song length - 2:51
  • Not Too Late, song length - 3:38
  • Aluminum, song length - 4:04
  • DDD Take Three, song length - 5:01
  • Reflections, song length - 4:48
  • Neon Skyscrapers, song length - 4:07
  • The Door to Nowhere, song length - 4:29
  • Take a Deep Breath, song length - 4:26
  • Machi no Iruminashon, song length 4:02
  • Glitches on the Other Side of the Rainbow, song length 4:00
  • Not Over Yet, song length - 3:43
  • Empty Streets, song length - 3:29
  • The Wind Is Electric Tonight, song length - 3:07
  • Chiba Overdrive, song length - 3:30
  • A Painful Story, song length - 2:07
  • Perfect Blue, song length - 4:23
  • Green and Orange, song length - 4:45
  • Yokohama, song length - 4:01
  • Driving Through The Night, song length 4:31
  • Quaalude Interlude, song length - 1:27
  • Hollow, song length - 4:00
  • Satellite Dishes, song length - 3:35
  • Speeding, song length - 4:07
  • Misty Dream, song length - 3:48
  • Lipstick Hurricane, song length - 3:10
