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Gaming Terms - Key abbreviations and phrases used by gamers

 Numerous gaming terms and abbreviations confuse new gamers and parents when entering the world of games. We have compiled a list of the most important gaming terms for you and explain the language of gamers to you.

Gaming Terms - Key abbreviations and phrases used by gamers

Why are we explaining the gaming terms to you?

With this article, we want to help anyone who is trying to understand the gamer language. If you want to understand the world of gamblers as children, and teenagers, but also increasingly as adults and parents, then you will also want to understand the language.

At the very least, you should be familiar with the most important terms and abbreviations that gamers use when playing. This way you will be able to better understand and converse with your gamer friends and children.

And don't forget that the language of gamers, like all other languages, is alive and subject to constant change. We'll adjust our list of key terms accordingly.

But before you jump into our list, we recommend you watch the following video, which explains what terms parents of gamer children should know:

List of abbreviations and expressions from the gamer language

In the following list, we explain the gaming terms to you in a few sentences. For a more detailed explanation, etymology, and usage examples, just click on the individual article link where we go into more depth on the abbreviations and expressions. Since we are currently building up this area, the individual articles will follow one after the other.


  • AAA title: This is a game that has a very large budget in development and marketing. AAA games are pronounced Triple-A, and their developers are often under a lot of pressure as gamers have high expectations, sometimes years before release.
  • Add-on: In gaming, this term describes an extension of the existing game. An add-on is not necessarily a DLC (see below).
  • ADR: It's an abbreviation in a shooter's stats and spelled out "Average Damage per Round," meaning average damage per round.
  • AFK: It's an abbreviation often used in gaming chats and spelled out "away from keyboard". So this means that the gamer has moved away from the keyboard or controller for a short time and is unreachable.
  • Aimbot or Aimassist: This term is made up of two English words and describes a digital assistant that helps with aiming (aim = aim and bot = robot). This program is not allowed and is considered cheating (see below).
  • All in: These words are used to describe a move with which a player puts his entire bet on one card. This only happens when the hope of victory/success is very high.
  • Autoaim: In contrast to the aimbot (see above), the autoaim is an intentionally built-in aiming aid for users of a controller.


  • BM: It's short for bad manners. One of the best-known forms is teabagging (see below).
  • Boon: See noob.
  • Bot: A script in a game designed to mimic human behavior.
  • brb: It's an acronym that's often used in gaming chats and spelled out "be right back". With this, one person informs the others that they have to go away for a short time and will be back soon. See also AFK (above).
  • Buff: This term is used to describe the strengthening or improvement of certain content in the game.
  • Bug: Bugs are programming errors that affect the gaming experience (usually negatively). However, bugs can also be used to play the game in unexpected ways.
  • Bunny hopper: This term describes people who hop like a bunny to get around. This term is used more as an insult.


  • Campers: Campers are people who hide and stay in one place, especially in shooter games. They just wait for other players to come over and then eliminate them from behind. This term is used as an insult.
  • Cheat/Cheater: Cheater means to cheat. Developer cheats are still rare these days. It is often rather illegal programs that gamers can use to gain advantages over other players.
  • Clan: This term has different meanings. Among other things, it describes the merger of players into a permanent team within a game. Outside of the game worlds, clans are also teams that participate in e-sports. The term guild (see below) designates a similar association.
  • Community: Fans gather and network in a virtual community.


  • Deathmatch: This term means "death match" and can be abbreviated to DM or TDM (Team Deathmatch). This is a game mode in a shooter game.
  • DLC: This abbreviation is used to describe additional content (add-ons - see above) for a game that can be downloaded. Pronounced it means "Downloadable Content".
  • Dmg: It is the abbreviation for the English word "damage" and means translated damage.
  • DoT: This abbreviation stands for "damage over time". It describes a mechanic in which characters suffer damage over a fixed period of time.
  • DPS: This is an abbreviation that further categorizes Dmg (see above). Written out, it says "damage per second" and describes the damage a player has inflicted on the target per second.
  • Drop: The word for dropping has many meanings in gaming, including the items that opponents drop in-game


  • Easter Egg: Translated, it means Easter egg, and similar to Easter eggs, Easter Eggs are hidden in games. It is often funny content that is intended to honor other games, films, or events, for example.
  • EP/Exp: This abbreviation is pronounced "experience points" and translates to experience points. By gaining experience points, the character level increases in the game.
  • E-Sports: As in traditional sports, video games also have competitions and tournaments. These fall under the eSports category.


  • Feeder: This English term describes players who are often eliminated by the opposing team. So they feed the opponent since kills are mostly rewarded with rewards like money and experience. Unlike inting (see below), feeding is not an intentional act.
  • ff: It is the abbreviation for "forfeit" and means to give up.
  • FFA: The abbreviation means "free for all". This can mean various content in the game (game mode, battle rewards, etc.).
  • Flawless victory: The meaning here may vary slightly from game to game. Among other things, it describes a flawless victory, for example without deaths on your side.
  • FPS: This abbreviation means "frames per second" and means translated frames per second. The higher the value, the smoother the picture runs.
  • Frag: It is a term that replaces the words kill or death or killing, especially in shooters. Frag is the elimination of a character in the game but respawns after a short time (see below).
  • Free To Play: This designates games that do not require a purchase to start the game.


  • gg: Written out it says "good game" and translates good game. This acronym is often used in a game chat to positively evaluate teams' performance.
  • Guild: A guild is a larger association of players in a game. It is comparable to a clan (see above).
  • Git gud: This term is misspelled on purpose because it comes from English and correctly means "get good". That in turn means get better.
  • gj: This abbreviation means "good job", which translates to good work. Similar to gg (see above), this is used to honor the performance of your own team as well as that of the opposing team.
  • Gommemode: This variation of the word Godmode stands for supremacy. With the youth word of the year 2022, it has gained a lot of popularity.


  • Hitbox: It describes an area in the game that must be hit in order for a shot, throw, etc. to count as a hit.
  • HoT: This is an abbreviation of "heal over time". It denotes an in-game mechanic whereby a character heals the damage received over a period of time.
  • HP: This abbreviation is spelled out “health points”. This describes the amount of life points a character has in play.


  • Inting: Similar to feeding (see above), this term describes feeding an opponent your own deaths, but in this case intentionally.
  • Invade: This term is derived from invasion and describes a game mechanic in which a player invades the game world from others.


  • KD: This abbreviation is used to describe the ratio between killings (kill) and one's own deaths (death) - the kill/death ratio.
  • KEKW: This expression stands for frenetic, contagious laughter.
  • kk: This abbreviation is spelled out Okay.
  • Crit: This term is an abbreviation and means critical hits written out.


  • l2p: It's an acronym that stands for "learn to play" and translates to learn to play. So that we impolitely convey to the person addressed that they are playing badly.
  • Level: This term denotes the strength of game content or a specific section in a game.
  • low: In e-sports, for example, this term is used to describe a player whose character has only a few life points left.
  • Loot: This primarily refers to collectibles and loot in games.
  • Lucker: This term describes a person who was very lucky in the game and may even have won as a result. It is occasionally used as an insult, but should not be understood as such.
  • Lvl: It is short for the word level.
  • Lvl up: The abbreviation stands for "level up" (see leveling).


  • Map: It is an English term and means map in the sense of a map of the surroundings. There are different types of cards in gaming.
  • Matchmaking: The way in which teammates are searched
  • Meta: This term denotes an overall agreement between players on how to play a game in order to have a greater chance of winning.
  • MMO: It's written out as "Massive Multiplayer Online". The term describes a specific and very popular branch within online games in which many people have their own characters but fight solo or together against each other or against NPCs (see below).
  • MMORPG: An MMO (see above) that is also a role-playing game.
  • Mob: Characters that are often hostile to the player
  • MOBA: A genre in which two teams of unique characters fight each other.
  • Mod: The abbreviation stands for the term modification. These are modifications of games that are often designed by gamers themselves.


  • Nerf: This term is used to describe content in a game that has been toned down after release.
  • Newbie: See noob.
  • Noob: There are now several spellings of this term. It describes a person who is new to a game or who plays badly as if they were new.
  • NPC: It is short for "Non-Player Character" and denotes a character in the game that cannot be controlled.


  • OP: See Overpowered.
  • Overpowered: This term is used to describe content in a game that is overpowered and unbalanced.


  • Patch: These are adjustments in the game that only take place after the publication and are often intended to balance the content.
  • Pog: It is short for "play of game" and is used to express admiration for something someone else has done. Sometimes the term is also used sarcastically.
  • Pro Gamer: This term describes players who play very well. The abbreviation Pro comes from professional and can also describe gamers who are active in the field of e-sports.
  • PvP: This is the abbreviation for the game mode "Player vs. Player" and means translated player against player.


  • Ragequit: This term is used to describe the action of a player abandoning a game without notice, usually in anger.
  • Real life: The term means translated real/real life and can be used to express different statements.
  • Respawn: This term is used to describe re-entry into a game, usually after a frag (see above).
  • RL: See real life.
  • RPG: It is the abbreviation for "Role-Playing Games".
  • RTS: It is the abbreviation for "Real-Time Stratagy", so translates to real-time strategy.


  • sniper: The term is derived from the English word "sniper", which means sharpshooter. It denotes eliminating the opponents as a sniper.
  • Spawn: Translated, this term means to bring forth and describes the initial entry into a game or a game round. This term is used slightly differently than respawn (see above).
  • Speedrun: Complete a game as quickly as possible
  • Stats: This abbreviation stands for statistics in a game.
  • Penalty: This term describes a sideways movement, which is mainly used in shooters to keep something on target and not get hit by enemy shots.
  • Stunning: Derived from the English word "to stun," it describes an in-game tactic used to incapacitate someone or something for a short period of time.


  • TD: It's the abbreviation for a subgenre of RTS (see above) and is pronounced "Tower Defense".
  • Teabagging: A practice used by players to make fun of their opponents, also perceived as bad behavior or BM (see above).
  • toxic: gaming behavior that reduces the fun of the game for other players.


  • Vanilla: This term describes the original and unmodified version of a game.


  • XP: See EP/EXP


  • Gamble: This is another word for play.
