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Walkthrough Hello Neighbor 2 DLC: Back to School

We tell you how to complete the first story expansion: where to find garbage, spotlights, paint, keys, scrap, and much more

Back to School is the first story add-on for the sequel to Hello Neighbor 2, which was released almost after the release of the original game. This story arc will send you to a huge school facility, which is guarded by a strange mustachioed man with a large travel bag and three dogs.

Left-wing: flagpole, dining room, theater, frozen door

Once loaded, inspect the bus and open the entrance gate to see a cutscene with the main antagonist and a small bulldog. Go to the schoolyard. You will see two buildings and a passage between them to the backyard with a sports field. Both buildings are interconnected by a common passage. Also at the beginning of the schoolyard, on the left hand is a flagpole. There is a key on its top, but you won’t be able to pick it up right now - you need a handle.

Left-wing: flagpole, dining room, theater, frozen door

First, climb the stairs on the left side and enter the building. Look to the right and you will see the same passage to the next building. And if in the left building you are on the first floor, the path to the right leads to the second floor of the right wing. You can also see a large dog ahead. If she notices you, unlike the other two dogs, she will jump and knock you down. You will not lose, but the mustachioed man can use this to catch you.

You are in the dining room. Go forward to the kitchen and examine the large red door with ice blocks. It is impossible to open it right now - it is icy, and first you need to melt the ice. Go back a little and go up to the second floor by the stairs on the left side. You will find yourself in a small assembly hall with chairs, equipment, and a stage. Pay attention to the corner opposite the stage. There is a layout of the same scene with multi-colored lighting. This is a clue to solve the puzzle. You can also see that the layout is illuminated by the crown of the lamps - one from below and two from above. And the colors of these same lamps are shown.

Where to find 5 garbage bags and 3 spotlights, crowbar, valve

You need to repeat the same with the main scene using spotlights. To change their colors, you have to use sprays. We still have to find both spotlights and sprays! Examine the device in front of the stage, and pull the big black lever to move the curtain on the stage. At the back of the stage, there is a red door. It will open after you solve this puzzle. In the meantime, remove the first spotlight hanging above the stage. You can place it on a stand against the nearest wall, next to the traffic cone. There is a wooden structure in the far corner on the same floor.

Where to find 5 garbage bags and 3 spotlights, crowbar, valve

Use it to jump onto the roof. Walk left and look through the hole on the right. There are two more spotlight stands at this location, but they have yet to be found. Turn around and pick up the first trash bag. Looking ahead, I note that garbage bags should be thrown into the boiler in the basement under this wing of the school. In total, you need to throw 5 bags: as a result, the temperature will rise, and the door under the theater, seen earlier, will thaw.

Return to the schoolyard and move between the two buildings deep into the territory, to the sports ground. A harmless white dog walks around here, holding a key in its mouth. There will be a bowl with a red bone nearby. Take the bone, throw it to the dog and pick up the boiler room key that has fallen out. Exit the playground and turn left. Find a hole on the corner of the site and go down the stairs to pick up the second bag of garbage.

Where to find 5 garbage bags and 3 spotlights, crowbar, valve

Go back to the passage between the two buildings and unlock the door on the right side with the found key. Go downstairs to the boiler room.

Where to find 5 garbage bags and 3 spotlights, crowbar, valve

In the far corner, look for a working boiler. He has a thermometer. Throw the two garbage bags you found inside the cauldron. But take your time. After each throw, make sure that the temperature needle moves up. once, having collected all five bags, I quickly threw them into the cauldron, but as a result, one of the bags was not counted, and the game bugged.

Return to the backyard and enter the right wing through the back door. Most likely, in the audience on the left side there will be a mustachioed man:

Where to find 5 garbage bags and 3 spotlights, crowbar, valve

If so, lure him out of there. You can let yourself be discovered, run outside, and jump into the very hole near the sports ground. When the room is free, go inside and search for this place. There is a third garbage bag on the table on the left, and a tire iron on the right. In addition, there is a spray of red paint in the center of the room. You need free space in your inventory right now, so it's best not to touch the spray for now!

Exit the room, turn the corner to the left (twice), take a couple of steps, and open the door to the restroom on the right side, near the stairs. Inside the restroom, break out the boards with a crowbar and pick up the red valve.

Where to find 5 garbage bags and 3 spotlights, crowbar, valve

There will be another door on the left. Slide the crate aside (requires an empty inventory space, but you don't actually need the crate, so you can immediately throw it away) and open the emergency exit. With the valve on your hands, go left, turn left immediately (the path to the right leads to the exit from where you came here), and go further along the corridor, going to the right side. There are two planks in the room on the right side. One of them shows the numbers "5" and "2", while the other has nothing. But under the right plank, there is ventilation, which, like the door to the dining room, is frozen.

Where to find 5 garbage bags and 3 spotlights, crowbar, valve

Bird and telescope puzzle

Ahead will be an open large auditorium with a red chimney. In the left corner, there is a place for a red valve. Install it there and turn the valve.

Bird and telescope puzzle

Return to the restroom where you found the red valve. Climb the stairs to the second floor near the doors to the restroom and enter the room opposite. This is something like an observatory with a large telescope. On the board on the left, there is an image of a bird and several lamps. Look through the telescope and find the bird constellation. Remember the glowing dots. You need to activate the correct lamps on the board (we move from left to right in rows): middle light, nothing is on, middle and bottom lights, top, top.

You should end up with something like this, where the X's are the lights off and the *'s are on:




Bird and telescope puzzle

Look up. A layout with several planets now rotates under the ceiling. Jump to this layout, but for now, take the fourth garbage bag. Take all the bags available to you to the boiler room (written above). Also near the boiler is the fifth bag of garbage. Drop him too. In the room opposite the boiler, there is a second spotlight on the table. You can pick it up and immediately return to the stage. Climb up the wooden structure and hang the spotlight on one of the two top mounts. Get down. If you raised the temperature to the maximum by throwing 5 bags into the cauldron, and turned the red valve in one of the classrooms (not sure if this is necessary for this), on the ground floor of this wing, in the kitchen, you can now open the red door that was previously covered with ice. Inside the cold room, you will find some kind of items for the biology room.

Return to the second floor, to the astrology room, where the model with the planets rotates. Climb up the crates, jump onto the spinning planets and reach the niche above. Pick up the black handle for the flagpole in the schoolyard from the floor. Exit the office and enter the other door next to the stairs, on the same second floor. This is the biology room.

Bird and telescope puzzle

Pay attention to the lamp with a lamp and a large plant in the center of the room. Insert the item found in the cold room into the device on the table. The lamp will start to glow. Light falls on the plant, but this is not enough. There is a hint on the board: if you combine red and blue, you get purple, and the lamp "allegedly will shine with ultraviolet light" necessary for plant growth.

Where to find the grill code and red paint

Exit through the other door and enter the room opposite. There is a grate with a combination lock, but so far you do not know the password. To find out the code, return to the biology room and take the empty vial. Go down to the first floor. To the side of the staircase that leads to the second floor and is located next to the auditorium where you installed the valve on the red pipe, there is another utility room. It runs hot water.

Where to find the grill code and red paint

Place the bottle under the water and take the bottle of hot water. Go to the next office with a board, under which there is a piece of ice. Pour out hot water to defrost the board. Move the board to the side to see the second part of the code. You can safely throw away the bottle.

Where to find the grill code and red paint

Exit to the courtyard and use the black handle on the flagpole to get the key to the attic door. Climb to the second floor and find a room with a grate in the center. Enter the code 5223 to open the grate. Take the spray with blue paint from the table. Climb up the overturned cabinet and jump to the other side, to the hole in the wall with the planks. Break the boards, climb onto the ledge on the left and lower the generator lever. He does not work.

How to open the door in the attic: where to find 4 red buttons

Jump to the right, climb onto the beam and jump over the bars, into the closed room with the first red button. Click on it, remove the box to the side and open the gate. Climb down and go left. Pay attention to the device on the left. Here you need to put any wooden box. One of them is right here. After that, go up the stairs to the right and press the second button. Go back down. On the left, there is a hole with boards. You can break them out - this is a shortcut to the biology room. But you don't need to go there. A little further than this hole, you can jump onto a ledge. So do it, jump to another ledge on the left. After climbing over it, take the third spotlight. Here, click on the third red button. Go back a little, and climb onto the ledge without jumping down to the hole that leads to the biology room. Jump diagonally to the right and onto the high ledge on the left. Click on the fourth red button.

Return to the generator. All the lights above the grate are on, so the gate will be open. Take a large gear from the table and install it in the device on the left. Return to the lower passages of this attic. Get on the fork. In one of the directions is a door that you can open with the key from the flagpole. Go into this room and climb up, using various devices and bypassing working mechanisms. At the top is the control panel. Activate it. The mustachioed man will go to the next building. Along with three dogs.

Where to find green paint, how to solve the plant puzzle

Get out into the biology room. You have blue spray. If you didn't get the red paint spray, go downstairs to the exit to the backyard with the sports field, and look into the auditorium on the right on the first floor. Return to the biology room. Color the burning lamp in the lamp red. The lamp began to glow thanks to the item from the refrigerator room in the dining room (the door was covered with ice), which we inserted earlier into the device on the table. Add blue little by little until you get the desired shade of purple paint. The plant will come to life, open up, and you can pick up the key. Now follow the sports ground and open the barn on the right. Inside it you will find a can of green paint.

Run back to the dining room of the left wing. Climb up to the theater. Climb to the roof and install the third spotlight. Jump down and study the multi-colored layout in the corner to figure out what color to paint the spotlights. Stand with your back to the stage. Color the top left spotlight green, the top right spotlight blue, and the bottom spotlight red. Pull the black lever on the device in the center again. The mechanism should start, and another door will open at the back of the stage. Make sure the colors are saturated. In which case, just add a little paint from the appropriate cans.

Go through the door at the back of the stage and go up the stairs. Lower the lever on the transformer. Return to the boiler room. The room opposite the boiler must be closed. The board to the right of the door to this room now has the Director's Room Key.

Where to find green paint, how to solve the plant puzzle

Find this room on the first floor. There is an old door with a golden lock. Open it with the found key. Go to the office and press the button on the table. A secret passage behind the wall with a clock will open. Jump down.

Clock tower

You need to start a huge clock to move the pendulum blocking the path. Go into the passage opposite him, jump on the gears, and soon you will find a large mechanism and a white dog. The dog won't do anything to you. There are four covered doors around the circle. You need to look into each of them and solve simple puzzles. We will move from right to left.

Enter the last door on the right. Go down, and press the red button on the wooden support on the left, next to the spotlight. One of the policeman mockups will have red gear. Take it, go back upstairs, and install the gear in the central device, next to which the dog is walking around.

Clock tower

Go through the second door from right to left. Jump on the desks on the right, climb up and press the red button. Go to the junk at the end of the room. Jump on the desks along the right wall, jump onto the wooden shelf opposite, climb even higher and take the picture from the bag. Go down, and throw the picture to the white dog near the central mechanism. She will spit out a yellow gear.

Clock tower

Go through the third door from right to left. Jump up the desks and shelves. Click on the red button. Get down. A secret passage will open to the left of the grandfather clock. Go there, go down below and find the electrical panel. Raise the lever on this shield. Walk back a little and climb up the black pipes. Climb even higher through the pipes, and find a place where you can jump lower (to the right of the pit, at the bottom of which a shield is visible). There will be a red pointer. This will lead you to a small corridor that will lead to a room with green gear (you need to jump to it using a curved pipe). The gear itself lies on a black pipe stretched along the wall. Return to the common room and install the part.

Clock tower

Follow to the last room. Climb up and jump onto the wall cabinets. On one of them lies a blue gear. Set it in place.

Go back, and jump on the moving gears. Go past the wobbly pendulum and up the stairs on the right. Jump on the gears further, get out and leave the bus to view the final cut scene. Add-on completed!
