In this short guide, we will tell you the location of all data-compromised locations.
In Gotham Knight, the developers have located 5 secret locations in which data must be downloaded in order to protect Batman's identity. After finding each location, the player will unlock the "Solid Alibi" achievement. In this guide, we will detail how to find such hidden locations in Gotham Knight.
How to open secret locations with Batman data
All collectible data will only become available after completing Main Case 01: Batman's Last Case. After completing it, the player will be able to find the corresponding terminals at any time. None of the locations are missable, so they can be found after completing the storyline in Free Play.
Each location is marked on the map with special white icons called "Secret Identity Compromised" (Secret Identity Compromised). In order to collect data and complete the mission, the player must activate the wall terminals to place fake data on Bruce Wayne in order to provide the hero with an alibi and protect Batman's identity. The user will have to complete the task unnoticed, so you can not catch the eye of enemies, be under the camera's eye, hit the lasers, and stand on special panels on the floor. As soon as the hero is spotted, the current task will become unavailable until the next night.
As a secret method, if you get in the controlled area of enemies in the eyes, immediately close the game and return to it. This action will throw the player back a little, but in this case, they will not have to wait until the next night. You can also immediately return to The Belfry HQ and skip to the next night and try again. This is faster as the player doesn't have to go back to where the data is loaded on their own. Also note that after completing one event, you must go to the Belfry to move on to the next mission. Below we will indicate the location of each task.
Gotham City Gazette
The first data compromise point is near the southeast bridges in New Gotham in the West End.
We climb onto the roof of a tall building and activate the first terminal to turn off the devices.
We turn right, pass under the camera and go up the stairs to the left.
We cut down the protective devices using the console and upload the data to the server through a special terminal.
Major Crimes Unit of the Gotham City Police Department (GCPD Major Crimes Unit)
The next location for data compromise is also located in New Gotham (New Gotham) in the West End (West End) near the northeast bridge.
We climb onto the building from the side and immediately deactivate the devices through the console located next to the green door.
We go to the right, go up the stairs and use another console.
We jump down over the railing and deactivate the devices again.
We pass it to the console and upload the data to the server.
WayneTech (WayneTech)
The third location for data compromise is located in the very south of the city in the Southside area in the WayneTech company building.
We jump onto the fence to the right of the building, climb over to a small balcony and climb into the vent. We pass through it and make our way inside the building.
We go along the reception desk and climb onto the ledge.
We jump through the panels to the console and turn off the protective devices.
We go further and upload the data to the server through the terminal.
Gotham City Police Department Central (GCPD Central)
The fourth location is located in the central part of Historic Gotham in the Old Gotham area.
We climb onto a small trailer, jump down and turn off the protective devices.
We climb onto the roof of this building, skip the guard and jump to the ground.
We turn off the terminal and immediately we are attracted to the top of the building in front of the hero.
We go down and get rid of another part of the device.
Let's go to the ledge.
As soon as the panels at the terminal turn off, we jump down and load the necessary data.
Iceberg Lounge
The final location is located in the western part of Historic Gotham in the Financial District.
We go around the building on the right side and climb into the vent.
We make our way through another opening inside the building and exit to the lasers. As soon as they turn off, we immediately run through them and turn off the nearest devices on the terminal.
We pass into the room with another laser, wait for the right moment and run to the console to disable the protective mechanisms. We calmly go to the terminal and load the necessary data.
After downloading the latest data, the player will unlock the "Solid Alibi" achievement.
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