Vampire Survivors is a top-down pixel shooter where you have to destroy hordes of zombies, werewolves, and other evil spirits. In this guide, we will talk about the most useful weapons and support items that you need to unlock first.
The game has many types of weapons. In the early stages of the passage, it will not be easy to figure out the effectiveness of weapons and skills, but at the same time, the game will almost immediately throw crowds of opponents at you.
Weapons in Vampire Survivors
King Bible - especially effective when enemies surround you from all sides. The bible has a short range but attacks simultaneously in all directions.
Garlic works in a similar way, which we will discuss below, but it is only useful early on due to the small number of upgrades available. And the King's Bible can be upgraded with many more upgrades, making it an effective weapon until the very end of the game. At least against ordinary enemies.
Fire Wand - Shoots fireballs. They fly slowly and attack random enemies, but deal high damage, especially after leveling up. Such a wand can be used not only against ordinary opponents but also during boss battles. You can increase the damage and speed of projectiles with the help of support items, which we will discuss in the next section.
The Ax is a worthy alternative to the Fire Wand. If you couldn't find the Fire Wand, you can use the Axe. After leveling, it deals good damage, which makes it effective against bosses even at high levels.
Whip. This is Antonio Belpaese's starting weapon and can be offered from the start of the game. It inflicts horizontal strikes that pass through enemies and cause damage to all enemies in its path. As you pump, not only the attack power increase but also the area affected by the whip. Arcana provides an opportunity to increase the chance of critical damage.
Magic wand. Standard armament of Imelda Belpaese. Like the whip, it can be chosen from the start. The weapon fires a blue blast of magic at the nearest enemy. Each of them is able to hit only one enemy and cannot pass through walls. Arcana will allow projectiles to bounce off enemies and give them the ability to freeze them with a certain chance.
Knife. Gennaro Belpaese's base weapon is available from the start of the game. Knives will fly along the trajectory of the main character. If it turns around, then the weapon acts in the same direction for some time and then rebuilds to a new one. When playing with a mouse or gamepad, you can choose where they fly. Knives fly out in groups, but each of them can hit only one enemy. They don't fly through walls. But if you install arcana, then the knives will bounce off opponents, pierce through obstacles, and also deal critical damage.
Cross. Krochi Freetto's starting weapon. It can be obtained if you find the Rosary. They have a certain chance to drop from light sources after your hero has reached level 8 running. The cross attacks the nearest enemy, after which it returns back and flies beyond the boundaries of the visible zone. Along the way, they attack anyone they touch. With the help of arcana, you can make the cross bounce twice from the edge of the screen.
Garlic. Poe Ratcho's base weapon. You will receive it if you eat five chickens (Floor Chicken). They have a small chance of falling out of light sources. Garlic's attack is an aura in the form of three circles that follow the main character and deal damage to anyone who enters their area of effect. The number of circles can be increased with the help of arcana.
Holy water. Starting weapon Suor Clerici can be chosen at the very beginning of the game. Bottles fly at enemies, which fall to the ground and leave puddles. They deal damage to enemies. As the weapon is pumped, the area of effect of Holy Water will increase.
To be continued
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