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Lego Fallout exists and you can play the block game now


Lego Fallout exists and you can play the block game now

Lego Fallout has long been a dream for Bethesda RPG fans, a real video game, in the style of Lego Star Wars, Lego Indiana Jones, and all those Traveller's Tales hits. Now that the apocalypse and survival franchise is turning 25 years old and we're waiting for more news about The Elder Scrolls 6 and the release date of Starfield, Fallout Lego is here. And you can play it right now. Is free.

Created by developer ThrillDaWill, LEGO Fallout lets you explore the nuclear wasteland in the form of reimagined and probably hard-to-your-foot Lego blocks. You can access your Pip-Boy, use VATS, and collect gear. There's even a Fatman nuclear launcher that makes your enemies explode - in traditional Fallout style - into beautiful plumes of red Lego pieces. Since its first launch, ThrillDaWill has released updates to the game to fix issues with inventory, respawn, and multiple missions.

It looks quite nice and its functionality is amazing considering LEGO Fallout is a free fan project. However, with millions of Lego bricks to download, this can make your PC difficult.

Although the game was only updated in October, ThrillDaWill talks about the development and its original goals in a very funny announcement video. You can download LEGO Fallout right now from the Itch website.
