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Evil West: How much game time you can put into the shooter - Game Guide

 Evil West is a linear shooter in which you'll have to face a lot of vampires, werewolves, and other monsters in a total of 16 missions. You can find out here how long the ActionFest can keep you busy and what options you have to invest even more playing time afterwards.

Evil West: How much game time you can put into the shooter - Game Guide

Game Time & Mission Overview

In an interview with XboxDynasty, developer studio Flying Wild Hog announced that Evil West should offer between 10 and 15 hours of gameplay. However, you would have to give yourself quite a lot of time for this: If you don't play the shooter on the hardest level of difficulty, collect all the collectibles and enjoy the atmosphere in a relaxed atmosphere, you should see the credits scroll across the screen within 7 to 9 hours. You can plan an average of between 25 and 40 minutes of game time for a mission.

All 16 missions are listed below:

  1. The Questionable Cargo
  2. The raid
  3. The first spark
  4. From Dusk till Dawn
  5. Devil's Pass
  6. Remote RI outpost
  7. illusion
  8. drug
  9. Where oil tastes like blood
  10. The bat fiddled the weasel
  11. A man of the people
  12. A great achievement
  13. Old friends
  14. A son's duty
  15. The raid
  16. The grand finale
However, the playing time can be extended by certain factors: For example, you can revisit every mission you have already completed to look for chests you missed or to collect more money.

Since you will probably not be able to get all the advantages or improvements at the end of the game, it makes sense to start the New Game Plus. Here you keep all the skills you have already acquired, you can increase the level of difficulty before you start and unlock all the other talents in a further run.

Playtime for 100%

Playtime for 100%

In order to achieve all achievements or trophies in Evil West, you basically only need one playthrough. However, we advise you to play through the game one more time in "New Game Plus" mode and only then claim all the achievements.

The reason for this is simple: For the achievement "Superhero of the Wild West" you have to complete the shooter on the hardest of all difficulty levels (evil). Since you only gradually unlock advantages and improvements in the first playthrough, protagonist Jesse Reindeer is still relatively weak on the chest. Trying it right away with the degree of hardness "evil" will in all likelihood end badly - or at least it could cost you all your nerves.

If you want to play through the action game again on the "Evil" difficulty level after the first playthrough (to bag all the achievements), you can count on a playing time of around 15 to 18 hours.
