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A fragment of Hogwarts Legacy appeared on the network with a demonstration of the call of the Graforn mount, the fans were pleasantly surprised


A fragment of Hogwarts Legacy appeared on the network with a demonstration of the call of the Graforn mount, the fans were pleasantly surprised

At the CCXP event, they showed a small fragment of Hogwarts Legacy with the mechanics of summoning the Graforn mount.

The video isn't the best quality, but it does give a little glimpse into riding this fantastic beast. But the most interesting thing here is the mount call animation. In the clip, you can see that the beast does not just appear behind you after being summoned, as in most video games, and does not appear from some kind of magical haze, but literally crawls out of a magical bag like a genie from a bottle. It can be seen that the developers adopted a lot from Newt Scamander's suitcase from Fantastic Beasts.

Many at the event were delighted with what they saw and impressed with the smooth animation of the call.

Hogwarts Legacy will be released on February 10 on PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One and Xbox Series X. The game will also be released on Switch, but at a later date.
