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Card abilities in Marvel Snap: Effects, synergies, strengths and counters

 We show you how the 6 types of abilities that cards can have in Marvel Snap work and what their synergies, strengths, and more details are so that you can take advantage of them.

Card abilities in Marvel Snap: Effects, synergies, strengths and counters

In Marvel Snap there are 6 different types of abilities that the cards with which we play the games can have. These abilities grant unique effects to each card, which makes each battle different and allows us to create all kinds of strategies.

If you are a new player to the title, you will surely be interested in taking an in-depth look at this entry in our guide, since next, we are going to show you how the abilities of the cards work, what are their synergies and strengths or what counters They are the ideals to counteract their powers. All this essential data to learn to be a better player in the Marvel Snap multiverse.

Revealed Skill

Cards with the Revealed ability have the ability to apply a unique effect to the game when they are flipped over on the battle board. There are a ton of different effects in this skill group, making them very flexible cards capable of supporting others.

Due to the nature of this ability, these cards are quite frequent in games and are usually used as a "defense", responding to our opponent's movements or reinforcing our locations for future turns.

When are the cards revealed?

When Revealed cards are always revealed when the turn is played. Keep in mind that they will be revealed in the same order that you placed them from your hand onto the board. If for example you place the Killmonger card first, and then the Storm card, they will be revealed in that order.

In addition, it should be noted that one of the two players will always have preference over another when it comes to revealing the cards. To know which of the two players has preference in a turn, look at the colors of both names, under the image of the avatars. The player who has his name illuminated by an orange flash on the edges is the one who will reveal his cards first (in the example image that we have put on these lines, the "Rhys" player will reveal his cards first ).

Unveiled Synergies

Here are the top Marvel Snap cards that have great synergy with the Revealed ability:

  • Odin: Allows you to once again activate the Reveal abilities of all cards in the location.
  • Doctor Doom – When revealed adds a 5-power DoomBot in another location.
  • Wong: When you use it on a location, the other cards with the On Reveal ability will follow each other twice.

Strengths of Unveiled

To summarize, here are the strengths and strengths of the cards with the When Revealed ability:

  • Great flexibility.
  • Large number of cards in this ability group, so there are plenty of options to tailor them to any deck.
  • They are one of the easiest cards to use and take advantage of synergies very early.
  • Some of them are quite unpredictable, so they can surprise your opponents and make you win even when it seems that all is lost.

Best counters against Revealed

In case you want to know how to counter the Revealed ability of your opponent's cards, here are some of the best counter cards to use against this ability:

  • Cosmo: Prevents the effects of cards with the On Reveal ability from being able to activate at the location in which it is played.
  • Yondu – When played, removes the top card from your opponent's deck (playing it at the right time can disrupt your opponent's plans with their cards).
Since the Revealed ability has many synergies and is highly unpredictable, it is often difficult to counter. So you will have to be skillful and improvise on the fly according to the acts of your opponent.

Continuous skill

Cards with the Ongoing ability aren't meant to have an immediate effect on the game when played; their particularity lies in the fact that they apply effects throughout the turns once they are placed on the board. Therefore these cards cement a long-term strategy.

Continuum Synergies

Here are the top Marvel Snap Continuum ability cards that have great synergy to play with other cards:

  • Mojo: If both players have four cards in the location, +6 power.
  • Brain: Your highest power cards get +2 power.
  • Invisible Woman - The cards you play here are not revealed until the game is over.
  • Iron Man: Your total power is doubled at this location.
  • Onslaught: Doubles your other Continuous effects at this location.

Using these cards in the company of other cards that are boosted by them can greatly increase your chances of winning a game.

Keep in mind that there are other cards that also work very well with the Continuum ability, such as Mystique (which is able to copy the Continuum ability of your last played card) or Spectrum (which gives +2 power to your cards with said ability). skill).

Strengths of Continuum

To recap, here are the strengths and strengths of the cards with the Continuous ability:

  • These cards can change the course of the game as the turns progress.
  • They can be played around to enhance their effects in the long run or used as a bluff to make your opponent believe that you are going to invest in them later.
  • They offer great versatility to create strategies of all kinds.
  • They have a huge impact on the final power your locations can achieve.
  • They are ideal cards if you are looking to snap early on and play with stratagems.
  • These cards can push a location and easily win it if the opponent has no way to stop you.

Best counters against Continuum

In case you want to know how to counter the Continuum ability of your opponent's cards, here below we share some of the best counter cards to use against this ability:

  • Rogue: is able to steal the Continuous ability of one of your opponent's cards at that location.
  • Enchanting – Playing at a location will remove the effects of all Continuum cards at that location.

Discard Skill

The cards that have the Discard ability have the ability to discard specific cards from our hand, in such a way that we can "manipulate" the synergies that interest us the most in the game or activate specific effects of other cards.

Broadly speaking, it is worth mentioning that there are two styles of Discard-type cards; those that serve to rule out in a general way and those that rule out in a concrete way. In addition, the discard effects of these cards activate when they are tapped on the board (similar to the On Revealed ability).

Discard Synergies

Here are the top Marvel Snap cards that have great synergy with the Discard ability:

  • Ghost Rider: Place one of your discarded cards on the location it is played on.
  • Hela – Allows you to play all discarded cards from your hand to random locations.
  • Morbius: receive +2 power for each card you discard in the game.
  • Wolverine: When discarded (or destroyed), it is played in a random location.
  • Apocalypse: When this card is discarded, it returns with +4 power.

Discard's Strengths

To summarize, here are the strengths and strengths of cards with the Discard ability:

  • Allows you to build bridges with other powerful cards to create multi-pattern decks.
  • This ability is very malleable and can create combos with many cards.
  • Thanks to these cards you can ignore requirements from other cards.

Best Counters Against Discard

In case you want to know how to counter the Discard ability of your opponent's cards, here are some of the best counter cards to use against this ability:

  • Leech: Playing this card won't make it worth your while for your opponent to discard cards like Swarm or Apocalypse.
  • Wave: Sets the cost of each Swarm in your opponent's hand to 4, limiting their play to only one being able to play (regardless of how many times they've discarded it before).
  • Sandman: Set an effect similar to Wave to limit the synergy your opponent can develop on the turn.

Skill Move

Cards that have the Move ability have the ability to move in any of the 3 locations on the board during the game. In this skill group, it could be said that there are up to three styles of cards, those that seek to move to become more powerful, those that allow us to move other cards, and those that benefit from the movement of other cards.

Move Synergies

Here are the standout Marvel Snap cards that have great synergy with the Move ability:

  • Doctor Strange: When revealed, move your highest power cards to this location.
  • Heimdall: Playing it moves your other cards one location to the left.
  • Kraven: When a card is moved to its location, it gains +2 power.
  • Multiple Man: When this card is moved, add a copy to the previous location.

Strengths of Mover

To summarize, here are the strengths and strengths of cards with the Move ability:

  • A lot of flexibility when developing strategies during the game.
  • It allows to redistribute the power of the locations and surprise the rival.
  • Good ability to boost some cards if played smart.
  • It's one of the more unique abilities and novice players often don't know how to get ahead of it.

Best counters against Move

In case you want to know how to counter the Move ability of your opponent's cards, here below we share some of the best counter cards to use against this ability:

  • Green Goblin: When played you gain control.
  • Professor X: When played, you lock the location (meaning the cards cannot be played, removed, etc.).
  • In addition, there are a couple of locations that can make things difficult to play a deck focused on the Move ability since they leave us less room to create moves such as Central Park (which adds a squirrel to each location, ) or Shadowland (which add a Ninja to each side at -2 power).

Destroy Skill

The cards that have the Destroy ability have the ability to destroy other cards from the board, which allows you to activate advantages such as an increase in power in your cards or the activation of synergies with other cards already played that can also benefit from it.

Note that cards that have not yet been revealed cannot be destroyed, so it is important to play cards with the Destroy ability in the correct order if you want their effects to count. Also, as a side note, if you play a card with Destroy on a location that is still empty, nothing will happen.

Destroy Synergies

Here are the standout Marvel Snap cards that have great synergy with the Destroy ability:

  • Nova: When destroyed, gives your cards +1 power.
  • Angel: When one of your cards is destroyed, it flies out of your deck to replace it.
  • Deadpool: When destroyed, returns to your hand with double its power.
  • Death: costs -1 energy for each card destroyed in the game.
  • Bucky Barnes - When destroyed, creates the Winter Soldier in its place.
  • Wolverine: When destroyed (or discarded) it is played in a random location.
  • Sabretooth: When destroyed, it is returned to your hand and now costs 0 energy.

Strengths of Destroy

To summarize, here are the strengths and strengths of cards with the Destroy ability:

  • Destroying your own cards can be an unpredictable move for your opponent (even surprising for newbies).
  • The ability to destroy your cards creates two threats: enabling an effect on the board and creating synergies in your hand.
  • You can exploit the potential of certain cards thanks to the Destroy ability to maximize your ultimate power.
  • A destroy-based deck is capable of developing unpredictable strategies on many levels.

Best counters against Destroy

In case you want to know how to counter the Destroy ability of your opponent's cards, here below we share some of the best counter cards to use against this ability:

  • Armor: by playing it you prevent cards from being destroyed in that location.
  • Cosmo: Prevents When Revealed abilities take effect, so if any Destroy cards have synergies with them, they are disabled.

skill without effect

In Marvel Snap there are certain cards that do not have any specific ability, that is, they do not have effects beyond their own raw power statistics. These cards are often called "vanilla" and you will recognize them because they are accompanied by a text or phrase from the character, without anything else.

Some examples of these cards are those of the Hulk, Cyclops, or Wasp.

Synergies of No effect

Here are the standout Marvel Snap cards that have great synergy with the No Effect ability:

  • Patriot: Gives +2 power to your non-effect cards.
  • Zero: Playing this card removes the ability of the next card you play (so playing a non-effect card after using this is a good idea to avoid taking a hit).
