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Crisis Core FFVII Reunion - In Search of Priceless Items, All Quests

 These are all the In Search of Priceless missions in Crisis Core FFVII - Reunion, with the requirements to unlock each one, the objective, and the rewards you will get for completing them.

Crisis Core FFVII Reunion - In Search of Priceless Items, All Quests

M7: The Quest for Priceless Items or In Search of Priceless Items is the 7th mission group of Crisis Core Final Fantasy VII - Reunion. These are all the missions in this block, the requirements you must meet to unlock each one, the guide if necessary, and the rewards you will get for doing so:

M7-1: Recovery Missions

There are 6 missions in the Recovery Missions block:

  • M7-1-1: Merchandise Recovery
  • Difficulty: 2/10.
  • Target: A Shinra freighter has sunk near Mideel. Part of her cargo has made its way to a nearby desert island, and the last thing we want is for an anti-Shinra group to get hold of it. Head to the accident area and recover all the material.
  • Loot: Ribbon x1.

This mission will be available from Chapter 3. To activate it, you need to talk to the 3rd Soldier in the Meeting Room of the Shinra building. He will be marked with a yellow exclamation mark.

In this mission, there are two chests. One will be at your back as soon as you start, while the other is on your way to the objective. The enemy is a couple of helimachine guns, make sure to cast Electro because they can be a problem by doing quite a lot of damage quickly and in double.

M7-1-2: Black Market Raid

  • Difficulty: 2/10.
  • Target: Certain accessories invoiced by Shinra were being sold illegally in the slum market. The responsible employee is already under arrest, but all the stolen accessories could not be recovered. He goes to the slums and finds the rest of the hidden accessories.
  • Drop: Stellar Pendant x1.

This mission is activated by completing the previous one. This time there are three chests: you will see the first one on your left and the second one at the bottom right, going straight ahead. The third is next to the target, an annihilator accompanied by bee cymbals. They are all vulnerable to Electro, spark them, and fry asparagus.

M7-1-3: Cargo Recovery

  • Difficulty: 2/10.
  • Objective: We have located the merchandise stolen by an anti-Shinra group on the platform. The group has been neutralized, but a failure in the AI ​​systems of our weapons prevents us from recovering the merchandise. The last thing we need are runaway machines, so take them out and get your precious cargo back.
  • Loot: Diamond Gloves x1.

This mission is activated by completing the previous one. There are two chests to find, you won't have any problems finding them since this path doesn't have any detours. At the end, you will face a flying machine and several bee saucers. Like other machines, they are vulnerable to Electro, you know what to do.

M7-1-4: Supply Recovery

  • Difficulty: 3/10.
  • Objective: The missing Soldier supplies along with a shipment of Shinra weapons have been found in the desert. Genesis troops have also been seen in the area. Head there and retrieve the supplies.
  • Loot: Pearl necklace x1.

This mission is activated by completing the previous one. Again there are two chests to find: one will be to your left right out of the gate, in the northwest corner of the large area; while the other will be in the northwest corner of the second large area. The objective is a pair of blue saucers and command G (Command G, Command G, always-ready ).

M7-1-5: Substitution Mission I

  • Difficulty: 4/10.
  • Objective: A Private 3rd Class was sent alone to retrieve some merchandise stolen by the Genesis troops. Unfortunately, he has returned wounded and empty-handed; he is now on post-traumatic stress disorder. You will have to resume his mission and recover the merchandise.
  • Loot: Bracer of the Glacier x1.

This mission will become available after completing the previous one. This time there are 4 chests to find. The first three are in your path, while the fourth is going west just before the objective. The enemy to be eliminated is a Boring Machine and a Guardian Fang. The machine is not vulnerable to Electro and puts some punches to take into account. Quickly get the beast out of the way with physical attacks, and keep your distance from the bot, casting Pyro or a Limit to knock it out of circulation.

M7-1-6: Substitution Mission II

  • Difficulty: 4/10.
  • Objective: This is a real emergency. The Genesis troops that infiltrated the platform were made with certain accessories. We sent a 3rd class agent after them, but it wasn't enough. You must find them and recover the accessories.
  • Loot: Hermes Sandals x1.

This last mission of the block is activated by completing the previous one. Once again, we have four chests. You will find two in the small square room in the middle of the corridors that form a square, in the south area. The other two are directly to the west of this room, in the westernmost room on the map. The mission targets are a sawmill and a gun machine. Be sure to defend yourself when you see the Gunship Missile attack, if they all hit you without raising your guard, you will go down. The sawmill is not a danger, as long as you keep your distance a bit.

M7-2: Valuables

There are 6 quests in the Valuable Items block:

  • M7-2-1: Search and Destroy I
  • Difficulty: 3/10.
  • Objective: We have located one of the underground bunkers where Genesis hides his equipment. If we take down this complex, we will deal a heavy blow to the troops reinforcing it. Go there, infiltrate the bunker, kill the enemy and bring the equipment.
  • Loot: Treatise on Synthesis x1 (you can now use items for matter synthesis).

This mission is activated in Chapter 4. There are five chests to find. The first one will be in the southeast corner of the map; the second in the wide zone between the first and the second crossing; the third and fourth chests on the detour to the northwest and the fifth - on the way to the objective. You must defeat a G Eliminator and a Killing Machine. The robot will easily go down against Electro, the Genesis copy is somewhat tougher but still a more or less easy enemy.

M7-2-2: Search and Destroy II

  • Difficulty: 3/10.
  • Objective: After destroying their factory, the Genesis troops have built a new one in another location. You must assault said factory and annihilate the enemy. However, your previous foray has taught them to tread carefully and they have improved their defenses. Be very careful.
  • Loot: Keychain (you can now equip up to three accessories).

This mission is activated by completing the previous one and there are six chests. The first will be in the left room of the two most south; the second will be in the most southwestern room; the third is in the northwesternmost room and the fourth, fifth, and sixth chests are in the northernmost room (not the target's one, the one just to the west of the objective). Your enemy is a golden spider. Watch out for the EM Superfield and the spider web, it can cause you Stoppage. It's not vulnerable to Electro, but it's easy to get behind it and deal critical damage.

M7-2-3: Operation Mako Reactor I

  • Difficulty: 4/10.
  • Objective: Monsters have appeared in a mako reactor construction site, for which several sections have had to be closed. You must make your way through the closed sections, eliminate the swarm of insectoids and collect all the equipment that is left there.
  • Drop: Bracer of Thunder x1.

This mission is activated by completing the previous one. You can open four chests. You have the first three going west from the southern junction, and the fourth one going to the objective, just a swarm of bugs.

M7-2-4: Operation Mako Reactor II

  • Difficulty: 5/10.
  • Objective: There are still problems in the mako reactor works. Now more types of monsters have appeared, so only Soldier can deal with this. He goes to the works, eliminates the monsters, and recovers the equipment that you find.
  • Drop: Dragon Bracer x1.

This mission is unlocked by completing the previous one. You'll find another four chests: the first two are going towards the most south-eastern chamber you can get to; the third is just to the left of where you start, in the northeast area of ​​the room divided by a crack and a small bridge and the fourth on the way to the objective. You have to eliminate two gargoyles and a deadly claw. Be careful with the loner, because he can do deadly double physical attacks. Gargoyles will drop fast but can use powerful spells.

M7-2-5: Operation Mako Reactor III

  • Difficulty: 5/10.
  • Objective: the chaos in the works seems to have calmed down: only one of the sections remains closed. If we can gain control of that last section, the problem will be solved. Don't waste any more time.
  • Loot: Backpack x1 (you can now equip up to four accessories).

This mission is activated by finishing the previous one and there are four chests. All four are in your way. The target is two gargoyles and an ariman.

M7-2-6: Accessory Recovery

  • Difficulty: 5/10.
  • Objective: A troop convoy carrying accessories has been attacked by monsters. Our men have managed to return, but we have not had such luck with the accessories. You must retrieve them while fighting the monsters.
  • Loot: Stunning Shock x1.

This mission is activated by completing the previous one. You will find three chests in the mission: the first one is at the junction; the second on the turnoff to the southeast and the third on the way to the objective. You will face two beetles and a griffin, a new type of enemy in the missions. It is a very dangerous bug, but vulnerable to Piro. Use Piro++ and you will have chicken for dinner even if you are not a winner.

M7-3: Extrasensory Development Project

There are 6 quests in the Extrasensory Development Project block:

  • M7-3-1: Precognition of P - Level 1
  • Difficulty: 5/10.
  • Objective: one of our secret projects seeks to develop extrasensory perception. The study specimen "P" has perceived the presence of a certain accessory in the caves that needs to be recovered. We need you to go there to find out if he's right.
  • Loot: Black hood x1.

This quest is activated by completing M7-2: Valuables. You will find two chests in this section. Both are on your way to the objective, two demogargoyles, and an ariman. Demogargoyles are just wizards that are slightly stronger than normal gargoyles.

M7-3-2: Precognition of P - Level 2

  • Difficulty: 6/10.
  • Objective: P's abilities improve by the moment. In this session, she has felt the presence of an accessory in the caves. Examine them and see if your prediction is correct.
  • Drop: Frozen Bracer x1.
This mission is activated by completing the previous one and there are three chests in it. The first two are on your way, the third is going south at the final junction. The target is a couple of demons and another of red caps. The spins use Fire++, which is already dangerous, but the demons cast Death. Use Sacrifice to nullify the hit cast, and quickly pop them in the process.

M7-3-3: Precognition of P - Level 3

  • Difficulty: 6/10.
  • Objective: We are seeing incredible growth in P's abilities. In this session, you have felt the presence of a very valuable accessory in the coal mines. Go there and check the premonition of him.
  • Loot: Marine Chocobo Bracer.
This mission is activated by completing the previous one. You can find two chests, both on your way to the group of two anopheles and two demons to eliminate. Remember that demons can cast Death, use Tribute to deal damage to all of them at once.

M7-3-4: Precognition of P - Level 4

  • Difficulty: 6/10.
  • Objective: The growth of the specimen P knows no limits. In this session, you have felt the presence of an accessory in the caves. Get on your way and check their position.
  • Loot: Gold hairpin x1.
This mission is activated by completing the previous one. You will find two chests during it. You'll find the first one at the turnoff to the west, while the second one is on your way. The target is a devastating G, an enemy with powerful physical attacks, but very slow. It is easy to remove with Pyro-type magic.

M7-3-5: Precognition of P - Level 5

  • Difficulty: 7/10.
  • Objective: P's abilities are developing in unexpected ways, and he is making important predictions. In this session, she has sensed the presence of an accessory inside Shinra's building. Look it up and see if her extrasensory vision is right.
  • Drop: Frozen Bracer x1.
This quest is activated by completing the previous quest. You will find three chests during the mission. The first is in the northwest corner; the second in the westernmost room and the third in the central room of the corridors that form a square. The target is a Paladin G, the strongest version of the Genesis clones. Ranged attacks, a high-powered Combo attack, and the Energy magic. It dodges like Pyro, but if it hits you, it's probably a one-hit-kill, so be careful.

M7-3-6: Precognition of P - Level 6

  • Difficulty: 7/10.
  • Objective: Specimen P's abilities have been leveled up. That will allow you to make much more accurate and important predictions from now on. In the last session, you have foreseen the location of another accessory in the slums. Head there and check if he is correct.
  • Drop: Adamantine Bracelet x1.
This mission is activated by completing the previous one. You will be able to find two chests. The first one will be in the northwest corner as you turn the first corner, while the second one is on the west wall before the objective, look in the southeast corner of the building that you can see on the far northwest side of the map. The enemy is another Paladin G.

M7-4: P Contacts

There are 6 quests in the P Contacts block:

  • M7-4-1: First Contact
  • Difficulty: 6/10.
  • Target: You probably know me as P, from the precognition tests. I have decided to contact you directly, since if I have achieved these skills, it is thanks to you. What I am going to tell you is my way of thanking you. A very valuable accessory awaits you in the caves.
  • Loot: Scarf x1.
This quest is activated by completing M7-3: Extrasensory Development Project.

[In construction]
